

单词 不可及
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAGGERATE〕Critics claim that many soccer players are overpaid, overrated and out of touch. 评论人士称许多足球运动员薪酬过高、评价过高,而且遥不可及。朗文写作活用〔distant〕Peace was just a distant hope(= not very likely).和平只是遥不可及的希望而已。牛津高阶〔distant〕The medieval mind can seem impossibly distant.中世纪的思想似乎遥不可及。牛津搭配〔grand〕The Duke of Clarence will be there, and many of your grander friends.克拉伦斯公爵将会到场,还有你许多牛不可及的朋友亦将出席。柯林斯高阶〔height〕It would be the height of folly for us to accede to their unreasonable demands.如果我们同意他们的不合理要求,那将是愚不可及的。英汉大词典〔hope〕Peace is a distant hope in this war-torn region.在这个饱受战争蹂躏的地区,和平是遥不可及的梦想。牛津搭配〔ignorant〕He’s just plain ignorant!他真是愚不可及!牛津同义词〔imagination〕For the refugees, home exists only in their imagination.对于这些难民来说,家是遥不可及的事。朗文当代〔imbecile〕Imbecile clichés are uttered in my presence.那些愚不可及的陈词滥调是当着我的面讲的。英汉大词典〔jam〕The team's supporters are tired of being promised jam tomorrow.该队的支持者已经对这种可望而不可及的胜利感到厌烦。麦克米伦高阶〔plain〕His article was just plain silly.他的文章真是愚不可及。外研社新世纪〔reach〕Victory is now out of her reach.胜利现在对于她来说遥不可及。牛津高阶〔remote〕Adulthood and responsibility seemed impossibly remote.长大成人和肩负责任似乎遥不可及。牛津搭配〔sum〕Even the relatively modest sum of £50,000 now seems beyond his reach.现在即使是相对来说并不算多的 5 万英镑对他来说也是遥不可及的。柯林斯高阶〔tantalizing〕She was tantalizingly out of reach.她可望而不可及,撩人心怀。朗文当代〔tantalizing〕We were tantalizingly close to winning.我们离胜利仅有可望而不可及的一步之遥。麦克米伦高阶〔the law is an ass〕If that is against the law, then the law is an ass.如果那都是违法的话,真是项愚不可及的法律。剑桥高阶He was an imbecile to sign a contract with them. 他跟他们签合同,真是愚不可及。译典通In my weakened state, even the telephone on the table seemed miles away.在我虚弱的状况下,即便是桌上的电话好像也遥不可及。剑桥国际It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes. 驾驶没有煞车的汽车确是愚不可及。译典通It is sheer madness to do it. 做这种事实在愚不可及。译典通When I was ten, being 50 seemed light years away.我10岁的时候,50岁对我来讲遥不可及。剑桥国际




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