

单词 一筹莫展
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕In 1945 Japan was helpless, with its military power annihilated. 1945年,由于军事力量已被摧毁,日本一筹莫展。朗文写作活用〔BOTH〕There we were, stranded in the middle of nowhere with no money between the pair of us. 当时,我们两个身无分文,一筹莫展。朗文写作活用〔at (your) wit's end〕She's at her wit's end trying to keep her brother out of trouble.她试图让弟弟摆脱困境,但一筹莫展。韦氏高阶〔barrel〕During the negotiations the opposing faction had us over a barrel.在谈判中,那个对抗的派别使我们一筹莫展美国传统〔beset〕The family was beset by money troubles.这家人为钱的问题一筹莫展。麦克米伦高阶〔boggle at〕The mind boggles at the infinite universe.有才智的人面对广阔无边的宇宙也是一筹莫展。21世纪英汉〔carpet〕I walked the carpet over it for hours.我一连好几个钟头对这件事一筹莫展。英汉大词典〔dead loss〕I was a dead loss at languages at school.我上学时对各种语言课程总是一筹莫展。剑桥高阶〔helpless〕I felt helpless in the face of all these rules and regulations.在所有这些规章制度面前我感到一筹莫展。牛津搭配〔loss〕The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence.对于如何应对暴力问题,政府现在一筹莫展。柯林斯高阶〔lost without〕I don't know how I ever managed without my computer: I'd be totally lost without it! 我不知道没有电脑我该怎么办——肯定会一筹莫展!韦氏高阶〔lost〕His wife handles all the finances – he'd be lost without her.所有财务上的事全由他妻子一手操办,要是没有她的帮助,他将一筹莫展。麦克米伦高阶〔lost〕We would be lost without your help.我们没有你的帮助就会一筹莫展。牛津高阶〔strand〕He was stranded in the middle of nowhere.他身在茫茫荒野中,一筹莫展。21世纪英汉〔strand〕He was stranded penniless in a strange city.他身无分文地流落在一个陌生城市里一筹莫展。英汉大词典〔strand〕They were stranded in a foreign country.他们在外国一筹莫展。文馨英汉〔worst〕If the worst comes to the worst I guess I can always ring Jean.到了一筹莫展的时候,我想我总还是能给琼打电话。柯林斯高阶I was left stranded penniless in a strange city. 我流落在一个陌生的城市里,身无分文,一筹莫展。译典通She stood there helplessly crying. 她站在那儿一筹莫展地哭泣著。译典通




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