

单词 一笔交易
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔close〕They just closed a deal to take ownership of a new restaurant.他们刚刚达成一笔交易,获得了新餐馆的所有权。韦氏高阶〔close〕We closed a deal with a major supermarket.我们与一家大超市做成了一笔交易。剑桥高阶〔closing transaction〕The last transaction for a security during a trading day.收盘交易:在交易中的某种债券的最后一笔交易美国传统〔commit〕The company wants to do a deal but is unwilling to commit until after the elections.这家公司倒是想做一笔交易, 但不愿在选举之前便作出承诺。外研社新世纪〔conclude〕Last week the government concluded a deal with farmers.上周政府与农民达成了一笔交易。外研社新世纪〔consummate〕No one has been able to consummate a deal.没人能够完成一笔交易。外研社新世纪〔consummate〕There have been several close calls, but no one has been able to consummate a deal.有好几次死里逃生,却没有人做成一笔交易。柯林斯高阶〔gavel〕A small mallet used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer to signal for attention or order or to mark the conclusion of a transaction.木槌:一种小的木槌,被一指挥官员或拍卖人使用,以吸引注意、下达命令或确认一笔交易美国传统〔opening transaction〕The first transaction for a security during a trading day.首笔交易:在贸易当天达成的第一笔交易美国传统〔pending〕There were whispers that a deal was pending.有传言说即将达成一笔交易。剑桥高阶〔sweetheart〕Members of the council had arranged a sweetheart deal with CTS.地方议会议员和 CTS 公司私下达成了一笔交易。朗文当代〔tie up〕Kingfisher confirmed that it hopes to tie up a deal within the next two weeks.翠丰集团证实,它希望在接下来的两周内谈妥一笔交易。柯林斯高阶〔tough〕After some tough bargaining, we finally agreed on a deal.经过艰苦的讨价还价,我们最终达成了一笔交易。剑桥高阶〔wrap〕Negotiators are confident they can wrap up a deal soon.谈判者确信他们将很快做成一笔交易。麦克米伦高阶A deal was first suggested in January but endless wrangles followed.一笔交易最初于1月份提出,但接下来便是无穷无尽的争论。剑桥国际After some tough bargaining, we finally agreed on a deal.经过艰苦的谈判,我们最终达成了一笔交易。剑桥国际Buyer and seller strike a bargain with each individual purchase.买卖双方就每一笔交易都达成了协议。牛津商务Each transaction at the foreign exchange counter seems to take forever.在外币兑换柜台进行的每一笔交易似乎都要花很长时间。剑桥国际Prices will rise if either of the deals goes forward.如果任何一笔交易继续进行,价格将上升。牛津商务She felt a great sense of achievement every time she negotiated a deal.她每次谈妥一笔交易都有一种巨大的成就感。牛津商务There is no guarantee (that) the discussions will lead to a deal. [C + (that) clause] 无法保证商谈将会达成一笔交易。剑桥国际There were whispers that a deal was pending.有传言说即将做成一笔交易。剑桥国际We are hoping to tie up the deal by tomorrow.我们希望明天前完成这一笔交易。牛津商务




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