

单词 board member
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔END〕Several hours later, the meeting drew to a close and the board members filed out of the room. 数小时后会议结束,董事会成员从会议室里鱼贯而出。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Senior board members have offered to forgo their annual bonuses this year. 高层的董事会成员已经主动提出放弃今年的年度奖金。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Most board members were kept in the dark about this important financial information. 大多数董事会成员对这项重要的金融信息毫不知情。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕Many board members said they had no opinion on Goldman's proposal. 许多董事会成员说他们对戈德曼的提议没有意见。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕The board members met behind closed doors to discuss the deal. 董事会闭门讨论这笔生意。朗文写作活用〔admiralty〕The board members are meeting in the Admiralty.海军部全体成员正在海军部大楼开会。英汉大词典〔arbiter〕The mayor will act as the final arbiter in any disputes between board members.市长在委员会成员之间产生的任何争议中担当最终仲裁人。韦氏高阶〔bargaining〕Governing board members should stay out of the bargaining process.理事会成员应该置身于谈判过程之外。外研社新世纪〔board〕She sits on the bank's board of directors. = She's a board member at the bank.她是银行董事会成员。韦氏高阶〔board〕She started in the firm after college and now she's on the board/a board member.她大学毕业以后开始在这家公司工作,现在已经是董事会成员了。剑桥高阶〔direction〕The new chairman instituted a change of direction that many board members were unhappy with.新任董事长对方针进行了修改, 让很多董事会成员很不高兴。外研社新世纪〔dispute〕The school board members spend their time disputing and getting nothing done.学校董事们争论不休,但一事无成。21世纪英汉〔dissent〕Of the ten board members, only one dissented.10个委员中只有一位表示不同意见。英汉大词典〔divide〕Board members were deeply divided on the issue.董事会成员在这个问题上分歧很大。牛津搭配〔forgo〕The board members have decided to forgo any salary increase.董事会成员决定放弃加薪。麦克米伦高阶〔member〕The other board members all glare at him.其他董事会成员都怒视着他。外研社新世纪〔ruffle any feathers〕His critical remarks ruffled the feathers of the board members.他的批评言论激怒了董事会成员。韦氏高阶〔scalp〕The board members were after the chairman's scalp.董事会成员要罢免董事长。朗文当代〔session〕Board members met in closed session (=with nobody else present) .委员会成员举行了闭门会议。朗文当代〔unimpressed〕Board members were unimpressed with the plan.董事会成员对这个计划没有兴趣。朗文当代Board members are the guardians of shareholders' interests.董事会成员是股东权益的保卫者。牛津商务Board members receive a stipend of $1 000 for every meeting they attend.董事会成员每次参加会议均可以得到 1000 元的津贴。牛津商务Most of our board members thought the portfolio you proposed most satisfactory. 我们公司的大多数董事认为你提出的投资组合非常令人满意。译典通Other Board members appear to have lined up behind the CEO.其他董事会成员似乎都支持这位首席执行官。牛津商务The firm tabled a motion to shareholders to reduce the number of board members.这家企业将一项旨在减少董事会成员数目的动议提交给股东讨论。牛津商务There are guidelines for the selection of board members.选择董事会成员时是需要依循守则。牛津商务




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