

单词 两周后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕After initial delays, construction on the new library is due to start in two weeks. 经过最初的耽搁,新图书馆的建造工程预定于两周后展开。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕Kelly gets a new job, and two weeks later he's bored with it. 凯利得到了一份新工作,两周后他就厌倦了。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕After a two-week rest I was ready to start running again. 休息两周后,我可以重新开始跑步了。朗文写作活用〔Tuesday〕Tuesday fortnight两周后的星期二外研社新世纪〔VOTE〕America is preparing for the presidential elections, which will take place in two weeks’ time. 美国正准备两周后举行的总统选举。朗文写作活用〔announce〕He registered as a Democrat about two weeks before announcing for the presidency.他登记为民主党候选人两周后宣布参加总统竞选。外研社新世纪〔balloting〕The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.无记名投票的结果将于两周后公布。柯林斯高阶〔ballot〕The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.投票表决结果要在两周后才能知道。外研社新世纪〔form〕Two weeks later the moth will emerge in its adult form.两周后飞蛾就会变成成虫形态。牛津搭配〔hack〕After two weeks at the new job, he decided that he just couldn't hack it.上岗两周后,他认定自己干不好这份新工作。韦氏高阶〔home〕The team opens its home season in just two weeks.这支球队两周后即将开始主场赛季。韦氏高阶〔in〕The results will be announced in two weeks' time.结果将于两周后宣布。朗文当代〔notice〕They gave her two weeks'notice.他们通知她两周后搬走。牛津高阶〔opening〕He injured himself two weeks after the opening of the season.本赛季开赛两周后他就受伤了。韦氏高阶〔purge〕The system automatically purges unread emails after two weeks.这个系统会于两周后把未读的电子邮件自动删除。朗文当代〔ready〕The contract will be ready to sign in two weeks.这份合同两周后即可签字。牛津高阶〔rebuild〕Two weeks later, surgeons carried out the operation to rebuild his face.两周后,外科医生实施了手术以复原他的面部。柯林斯高阶〔recapture〕He was recaptured after nearly two weeks on the run.他逃亡将近两周后再次被抓获。朗文当代〔relax〕Two weeks after the police relaxed security at the airports, there was a bomb attack.警方放松了对机场采取的安全措施两周后就发生了一起炸弹袭击事件。剑桥高阶〔screen〕We'll be screening his latest film in two weeks.我们将在两周后放映他的最新影片。韦氏高阶〔shoot〕Two weeks after we'd planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear.我们撒下种子两周后,绿色的小苗开始钻出来。剑桥高阶She felt rejuvenated by her fortnight in the Bahamas.在巴哈马呆了两周后她觉得充满活力。剑桥国际They gave him two weeks' notice.他们通知他两周后离职。牛津商务




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