

单词 三色
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔motley〕a Netherlandish Portrait of a Fool from the first quarter of the 16th century, clad in red, yellow, and green motley创作于16世纪前25年的一幅《荷兰愚人肖像》——画中人身穿红黄绿三色彩衣外研社新世纪〔process〕the three-color process 三色印刷法文馨英汉〔ribbon〕a package tied with a red, white and blue ribbon 用一条红、白、蓝三色丝带捆扎的包裹 英汉大词典〔strain〕a particularly beautiful strain of Swiss pansies. 一种格外美丽的瑞士三色堇柯林斯高阶〔tertiary colour〕the complementary tertiary colours, russet and olive green互补的第三色——赤褐色和橄榄绿外研社新世纪〔tortoiseshell〕a tortoiseshell cat 毛色似玳瑁的猫,三色猫文馨英汉〔trichromatic〕trichromatic photography 三色照相(术)文馨英汉〔trichromatic〕trichromatic vision; a trichromatic individual. 三色视觉;具有正常色觉的人美国传统〔tricolo(u)red〕a tricolo(u)red flag 三色旗英汉大词典〔tricolo(u)r〕the Irish tricolo(u)r 爱尔兰三色国旗英汉大词典〔tricolor〕a tricolor flag 三色旗韦氏高阶〔tricolor〕a tricolored cat 三色猫韦氏高阶〔tricolour〕the French tricolour 法国三色旗剑桥高阶〔triplet〕a triplet of colors 一个三色组韦氏高阶




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