

单词 三联
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔centriole〕One of two cylindrical cellular structures that are composed of nine triplet microtubules and form the asters during mitosis.中心体:由九个三联体微管组成的两个圆柱体细胞组织之一,在有丝分裂中形成星状体美国传统〔metope〕Any of the spaces between two triglyphs on a Doric frieze.三槽板间平面:陶立克柱式雕带上两个三联浅槽间的空间美国传统〔reading frame〕One of the three possible ways in which an mRNA sequence of nucleotides can be read as a series of base triplets to specify the amino acids in a protein chain.阅读码框,读框:核苷酸的信使核糖核酸序列能被读作指定蛋白质链中胺基酸的一串碱基三联体的三种可能方式之一美国传统〔triplet〕Genetics A unit of three successive nucleotides in a molecule of DNA or RNA that codes for a specific amino acid; a codon or anticodon.【遗传学】 密码子,三联密码:一个把一种专门的氨基酸,密码子或反密码子译成密码的DNA或RNA的分子中三个相接连的核苷酸的一个联合体美国传统〔triptych〕A hinged writing tablet consisting of three leaves, used in ancient Rome.三联书写板:古罗马人日常写字用的以铰链联结、由三张书面组成的书写板美国传统〔triptych〕A medieval triptych hung above the altar.一幅中世纪的三联画挂在祭坛上方。剑桥高阶Invoices must be made out in triplicate.发票必须一式三联。牛津商务




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