

单词 三级
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NVQ〕NVQ level 3国家三级职业资格认证外研社新世纪〔Olympic Games〕The jump of 52 feet by Chionis of Sparta in the Olympic Games of 664 BC must have been a triple jump.斯巴达的奇奥尼斯在公元前664年举办的奥林匹克竞技会上跳出了52英尺的成绩, 这一定是在三级跳远项目里产生的。外研社新世纪〔creditable〕Gazza finished a creditable third.加扎以优异的成绩获得了三级荣誉学位。柯林斯高阶〔hop〕He crossed the hall with a hop, skip and a jump.他来了一个三级跳远穿过了大厅。牛津高阶〔hop〕I hopped down three steps.我单脚跳下了三级台阶。外研社新世纪〔junk mail〕Third-class mail, such as advertisements, mailed indiscriminately in large quantities.三级邮件:如不加区别地大量发出的邮寄广告宣传品美国传统〔leap〕I leapt up the stairs three at a time.我一步三级地冲上楼。朗文当代〔master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above sergeant first class and below the position of sergeant major.二级军士长:美国陆军中高于三级军士长、低于士官长的未经委任的军衔美国传统〔master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above gunnery sergeant and below the position of sergeant major.二级军士长:美国海军陆战队中高于三级军士长、低于士官长的未委任军衔美国传统〔nvq〕NVQ Level 3 in Catering 国家职业资格认证饮食业三级牛津高阶〔petty officer〕Chief Petty Officer (美国海军)三级军士长;(英国海军)上士剑桥高阶〔pound〕With a madly pounding heart he took the steps three at a time.他的心在狂跳,一步三级奔上台阶。英汉大词典〔rediscover〕The athlete rediscovered her best form with a morale-boosting win in the triple jump.她在三级跳远中获胜,从而信心大增,重回最佳状态。剑桥高阶〔specialist〕Abbr. SPAny of several noncommissioned ranks in the U.S. Army that correspond to that of corporal through sergeant first class.缩写 SP特种官兵:任一个美军未受过军衔的军人,相当于从下士到三级军士的军衔美国传统〔step〕Record your result, and go on to step 3.把你的成绩记录下来,再接着进入第三级。朗文当代〔tertiary structure〕The three-dimensional structure of a protein or nucleic acid.三级结构:蛋白质或核酸的三维结构美国传统〔tertiary〕Roman Catholic Church A member of a religious Third Order.【罗马天主教】 第三级教士美国传统〔third estate〕The third of the traditional social classes; the common people.第三等级:传统社会阶级中的第三级;平民美国传统〔tier〕Islanders campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.岛上居民发起了一场运动, 要求废除该岛三级市政管理层级中的一级。外研社新世纪〔tier〕Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.岛上居民发起一场运动,要求废除岛上三级市政管理层中的一级。柯林斯高阶〔trio〕He climbed a trio of steps to the glass-fronted door.他走上三级台阶,到了那扇玻璃门前。英汉大词典〔triple jump〕A distance jump in track and field consisting of a hop landing on the take-off foot, a stride landing on the other foot, and a jump landing on both feet.三级跳:田径远距离跳远,动作分解为一脚起跳、另一脚跨步、然后双脚同时跃起美国传统〔triple jump〕In 2013 he won the triple jump and long jump at the national championships.他在2013年获得全国锦标赛三级跳远和跳远冠军。剑桥高阶〔triple jump〕Triple jumper Edwards set a new world record.三级跳远选手爱德华兹创造了新的世界纪录。朗文当代He is Britain's leading triple jumper and is expected to win a medal in the European championships.他是英国头号三级跳远选手,人们期望他在欧洲冠军赛中赢一枚奖牌。剑桥国际He's convinced that however much people carp about junk mail, most couldn't live without it.他承认尽管有那么多的人对三级邮件吹毛求疵,大多数人的生活仍离不开它。剑桥国际Most spacecraft are launched into space on top of a three-stage rocket.大多数的航天飞机都是用三级火箭推入太空的。剑桥国际She's the European triple jump champion.她是欧洲三级跳远冠军。剑桥国际The exam can be taken at three levels.该考试有三级。剑桥国际Three levels of waste are produced :low, intermediate and high.产生了三级不同废料: 低级的、中级和高级。剑桥国际




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