

单词 三点
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔along〕I'll be along about three.三点钟左右我来。英汉大词典〔before〕My husband rarely comes to bed before 2 or 3am.我丈夫很少在凌晨两三点之前睡觉。柯林斯高阶〔bit〕It's a bit much calling me at three in the morning.凌晨三点钟打电话给我,太过分了。牛津高阶〔break〕We'll take another break at 3.30.我们三点半再休息一次。剑桥高阶〔bunk off〕I'll bunk off at three o'clock this afternoon.我今天下午三点就撤。外研社新世纪〔chime〕The clock chimed three o'clock.三点的钟声敲响了。外研社新世纪〔confession〕At 3 a.m. Higgins broke down and made a full confession .凌晨三点希金斯崩溃了,他交代了一切。朗文当代〔convenient〕Is three o'clock convenient for you? 三点钟你方便吗?朗文当代〔crow's-foot〕A three-pointed embroidery stitch, especially one in the form of a filled triangle used as finishing, as at the end of a seam.鸦爪形针迹:三点式的刺绣针迹,尤指在缝线结束时作为收针用的填满的三角形状的针迹美国传统〔dot〕The Morse code for the letter v is three dots and a dash.莫尔斯电码用三点加一划表示字母V。韦氏高阶〔do〕I can do without getting up at 3 a.m. every morning.我不愿意每天早上三点起床。外研社新世纪〔do〕I could have done without being(= I wish I had not been)woken up at three in the morning.其实用不着在凌晨三点钟就把我叫醒。牛津高阶〔do〕The hairdresser said she could do me(= cut my hair)at three.理发师说她三点钟可以给我理发。牛津高阶〔dull〕Everyone feels dull and sleepy between 1 and 3pm.下午一点到三点的时候, 大家都感觉精神萎靡、昏昏欲睡。外研社新世纪〔ear〕I probably failed because I made a complete pig's ear of my three-point turn.我或许没法通过了, 因为我在考三点掉头时彻底考砸了。外研社新世纪〔fix for〕The football game is fixed for 3 o'clock.足球比赛在三点开始。21世纪英汉〔give〕Three points of a circle are given.已知一圆的三点。英汉大词典〔go〕It has just gone three.刚敲过三点。文馨英汉〔go〕She came at three and went at five.她三点来,五点走。文馨英汉〔kickoff〕Kickoff is at 3.00.足球比赛三点开始。朗文当代〔make〕I make it ten past three.我的表是三点十分。朗文当代〔morning〕I often stayed up until two or three in the morning.我常常熬夜到凌晨两三点。外研社新世纪〔morning〕I often stayed up until two or three in the morning.我经常凌晨两三点才睡。柯林斯高阶〔morning〕The phone rang at three in the morning.电话在凌晨三点响了起来。朗文当代〔move〕Can we move (= change the time of) the meeting from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. ? 我们能将会议时间由下午两点改到三点半吗?剑桥高阶〔nut〕I didn't get home till three – my mum did her nut! 我三点钟才到家,妈妈都担心坏了!朗文当代〔osculate〕Mathematics To have three or more points coincident with.【数学】 密切:在三点或更多点与…重合的美国传统〔ping〕The hall clock pinged three.大厅里的钟铛铛地敲出三点。英汉大词典〔pissed〕They rolled in pissed at three in the morning.他们早上三点大摇大摆地进来,喝得醉醺醺的。朗文当代〔plan〕They plan to arrive some time after three.他们预计在三点钟以后到达。牛津高阶〔pour〕It was pouring down with rain at three o'clock.三点钟的时候下着倾盆大雨。朗文当代〔quarter〕It's quarter of four now—I'll meet you at quarter after.现在是三点四十五分,我将在四点十五分和你碰面。牛津高阶〔quiet〕It was a Sunday, about three o'clock, and the streets were quiet.那是一个星期天,三点钟左右,街道一片寂静。朗文当代〔recapitulate〕To recapitulate briefly, the three main points are these… 简要概括起来,主要有这样三点…牛津高阶〔reckon〕Toni reckoned that it must be about three o'clock.托妮估计应该是三点钟左右了。外研社新世纪〔roast〕Waking at 3pm, I find Jo roasting herself on the shoreline.下午三点钟醒来时, 我发现乔正在海岸边接受太阳的炙烤。外研社新世纪〔say〕The clock said three o'clock.时钟显示三点整。牛津高阶〔stance〕He lines up in a three-point stance and rushes quarterbacks.他站好三点站姿,然后迅速跑到四分卫位置。牛津搭配〔stop〕Joe stopped up till 3 o'clock to watch the boxing.乔为看那场拳击赛一直熬到三点钟才睡觉。朗文当代〔strike〕The clock has just struck three.时钟刚刚敲过三点。牛津高阶〔sum〕Now, I sum them up in 3 main points.下面,我将其归纳为三点。21世纪英汉〔three-point landing〕An airplane landing in which the two main wheels and the nose wheel, tail wheel, or tailskid all touch the ground simultaneously.三点着陆:飞机着陆时由两个主轮和一个鼻轮、一个尾轮或尾橇同时着地的着陆美国传统〔threeish〕He came at threeish.他三点左右来了。外研社新世纪〔three〕I leave each day at three.我每天三点离开。韦氏高阶〔three〕School finishes at three (o'clock).学校在三点钟放学。剑桥高阶〔three〕We'd better go. It's almost three (=three o'clock) .我们最好现在就走。快三点了。朗文当代〔through〕We are through school at three.我们三点钟上完课。文馨英汉〔time〕The meeting has been timed for three o'clock.会议安排在三点钟开始。朗文当代〔to〕It's twenty to three.还差二十分钟到三点。外研社新世纪〔trey〕A card, die, or domino with three pips.三点的牌、骰子或骨牌美国传统〔triangle〕The plane figure formed by connecting three points not in a straight line by straight line segments; a three-sided polygon.三角形:一种由直线线段连接不在一条直线上的三点形成的平面图形;三边图形美国传统〔turn〕It's just turned three.现在刚到三点。朗文当代〔unusual〕It was not unusual for me to come home at two or three in the morning.凌晨两三点钟回家对我来说是很平常的事。英汉大词典〔very〕Bring the carriage round at three, please, Jenkins.—Very good, my lord.詹金斯, 三点左右请备好马车。——好的, 老爷。外研社新世纪〔wake〕I often wake at three in the morning.我常在早晨三点醒来。文馨英汉〔workday〕His workday starts at 3.30 a.m. and lasts 12 hours.他的工作时间从凌晨三点半开始, 一直持续12小时。外研社新世纪〔wrong〕You were wrong about the time - the bank closed at 3.30.你把时间搞错了——银行三点半关门。剑桥高阶An elder educator is due to lecture at 3 tomorrow afternoon. 一位资深教育家定于明天下午三点演讲。译典通At about three o'clock, the tide started to turn (= the sea started to come closer to or move away from the beach).大约在三点钟, 潮汐开始出现了。剑桥国际By mid-afternoon Sunday I'm usually overcome by sloth and spend the rest of the day in bed.到了星期日下午三点钟光景,我通常浑身发懒,这一天余下的时间都在床上度过。剑桥国际Can you squeeze in a short meeting about three? 你可以在三点钟左右挤出点时间参加一个短会吗?牛津商务He arrived soon after three. 三点才过他便到了。译典通He's in a real fix -- he's got two meetings booked for three o'clock.他可真陷入窘境了----三点钟他预定要参加两个会。剑桥国际I kept at it and finally finished at 3 o'clock in the morning.我不停地干,终于在凌晨三点干完了。剑桥国际I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished! 我一直干到三点钟, 努力完成它!剑桥国际It was a lulu of a party -- we danced 'till three o'clock in the morning.晚会棒极了----我们一直跳舞至凌晨三点。剑桥国际It was so hot that I didn't get off (to sleep) till three o'clock.天气太热,我直到三点钟才睡着。剑桥国际It's a quarter to three.现在是三点差一刻。剑桥国际Knocking-off time is 3. 00 p. m..下班时间是下午三点。剑桥国际Make sure you line up the sights before you fire the gun.射击前你要做到使三点成一线。剑桥国际My watch says 3 o'clock.我的表是三点钟。剑桥国际Tea and biscuits was brought in to the meeting at 3###∶30 p.m.茶水和饼干下午三点半会送到会场。剑桥国际The Chancellor of the Exchequer will take the floor (=start speaking) for his Budget speech at 3. 00 p. m.财政大臣将在下午三点就预算作发言。剑桥国际The House began sitting at 3 p.m./rose at 2 a.m.议员们于下午三点开始会议/于凌晨二点结束会议。剑桥国际The factory workers all knock off (work) at 3. 00 p. m. .该工厂工人都在下午三点下班。剑桥国际The girl left the school at 3 p.m. and has not been seen since.这女孩下午三点钟离开学校,以后就再也没有见到过。剑桥国际The hands of the clock now pointed to half past three. 这时钟的指针指向三点半。译典通The workers knock off for the afternoon at 3. 00 p. m. .工人们下午三点下班。剑桥国际They have a coffee break around 3 in the afternoon. 他们下午三点有休息时间。译典通They've scheduled Ian to speak at three o'clock.他们将伊恩的发言安排在三点钟。剑桥国际When Mary came home at three in the morning, her father hit the ceiling. 玛丽在凌晨三点钟回家时,她父亲勃然大怒。译典通




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