

单词 不涂
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breakfast〕Martha generally breakfasted on a cup of coffee and one slice of unbuttered toast.通常情况下, 玛莎早餐时喝一杯咖啡, 再吃一片不涂黄油的烤面包。外研社新世纪〔conditioner〕Use a lot of conditioner, applying more to the ends and none to the roots or scalp.护发素用量要多, 多涂发梢, 不涂发根和头皮。外研社新世纪〔consist〕His breakfast consists of dry bread and a cup of tea.他的早餐由不涂黄油的面包和一杯茶组成。麦克米伦高阶〔dry wall〕A wall constructed from rocks that are not cemented together.清水墙:用岩石彻成,不涂水泥的墙美国传统〔dry〕Breakfast consisted of dry bread and a cup of tea.早餐有不涂黄油的面包和一杯茶。牛津高阶〔sprang或sprung〕The log would be sprung easily without paint.圆材不涂漆使用很容易开裂。21世纪英汉He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast. 他设法吞下一点汤和不涂奶油的土司。译典通




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