

单词 一动
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔death〕lie still in death 死后一动不动地躺着英汉大词典〔doggo〕to lie doggo一动不动地隐伏着外研社新世纪〔fineness〕the ease, poise and fineness of every motion 每一动作的从容、沉着和优雅英汉大词典〔flash〕a flash of wit 灵机一动韦氏高阶〔flip〕a flip of the wrist. 手腕的一动美国传统〔hidden〕a motionless, shadowy form draped in black, its face hidden一个一动不动的模糊人影, 身上一袭黑衣, 脸遮了起来外研社新世纪〔immovable〕stand immovable 一动不动地站着英汉大词典〔inch〕won't budge an inch. 一动不能动美国传统〔inert〕an inert and lifeless body 一动不动、毫无生气的身体韦氏高阶〔log〕lie like a log 一动不动地躺着英汉大词典〔mimic〕always mimicking the boss.See Synonyms at imitate 总是模仿老板的一举一动来嘲弄他 参见 imitate美国传统〔motionless〕stand motionless against the wall 背靠墙一动不动地站着英汉大词典〔nuclearly〕occur nuclearly in a verbal phrase 在一动词短语中作为核心成分出现英汉大词典〔oversee〕oversee every act of the suspect 监视犯罪嫌疑人的一举一动英汉大词典〔remain〕to remain silent/standing/seated/motionless 依然沉默╱站着╱坐着╱一动不动牛津高阶〔see〕an electronic surveillance camera that saw the activity in the embassy yard. 电子监测器监视大使馆院内的一举一动美国传统〔sit〕sit still 一动不动地坐着英汉大词典〔steady〕a steady gaze 一动不动的凝视韦氏高阶〔stock-still〕sit stock-still 一动不动地坐着英汉大词典〔sudden〕a sudden movement 突然的一动朗文当代〔twist〕a simple twist of the wrist 手腕稍微一动韦氏高阶〔vindictiveness〕a dishonest person who is operating completely out of vindictiveness. 一举一动完全是出于报复的骗子柯林斯高阶〔zooful〕a zooful of animals 一动物园的动物英汉大词典




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