

单词 一加仑
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JUST〕There was barely a gallon of gas in the tank. 油箱内才有一加仑汽油。朗文写作活用〔congius〕Abbr. cong.Pharmacology A gallon.缩写 cong.【药理学】 一加仑美国传统〔constitute〕Four quarts constitute a gallon.四夸脱构成一加仑。21世纪英汉〔creep〕The price of gasoline has crept back up to three dollars a gallon.汽油价格缓慢回升到三美元一加仑。韦氏高阶〔do〕My car does 40 miles to the gallon(= uses one gallon of petrol/gas to travel 40 miles).我的汽车每耗一加仑汽油可行驶 40 英里。牛津高阶〔fifth〕One fifth of a gallon or four fifths of a quart of liquor.五分之一加仑或一夸脱酒的五分之四美国传统〔fractional〕A quart is a fractional part of a gallon.一夸脱是一加仑的一部分。英汉大词典〔gallon〕A container with a capacity of one gallon.一加仑容量的容器美国传统〔gallon〕How much does a gallon of petrol cost? 一加仑汽油要花多少钱?剑桥高阶〔guzzle〕The car guzzles a gallon of gas every 15 miles.这辆车每15分钟就要用掉一加仑汽油。剑桥高阶〔mileage〕What sort of mileage do you get?你的车一加仑汽油能跑多少英里?外研社新世纪〔mile〕My car does 35 miles to the gallon.我的车一加仑油能跑 35 英里。牛津高阶〔mile〕My car gets 35 miles to the gallon.我的车一加仑油能跑 35 英里。牛津高阶〔quart〕A quart is so called because it is a quarter of a gallon.夸脱(quart)因其等于四分之一加仑(a quarter of a gallon)而得名。剑桥高阶〔the〕My car does 40 miles to the gallon.我的车每一加仑(的汽油)可走40英里。文馨英汉〔to〕The car will do over 40 miles to the gallon.这车一加仑汽油能行驶 40 多英里。朗文当代〔to〕There are just over four and a half litres to a gallon.一加仑大约有 4.5 升多一点。朗文当代A gallon contains four quarts. 一加仑相当于四夸脱。译典通My new car does 50 miles to the gallon/30 km to the litre (= uses one GALLON of fuel to travel 50 miles, or one litre to travel 30 km).我的新车每行驶50英里,耗油一加仑/每30公里,耗油1升。剑桥国际




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