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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔earliest〕I can get it done by Monday at the earliest.我最早能在周一前完成。麦克米伦高阶〔efficiency〕The Internet's promise to bring more efficiency to the distribution chain is still materializing.通过因特网来提高经销链效率的这一前景还在继续显现出来。牛津搭配〔have〕I should have the car ready by Monday.我应该在星期一前将车准备好。朗文当代〔murder〕We were the only team to come and murder them.我们是唯一前来击败他们的球队。外研社新世纪〔on〕She travels to Korea on Monday.她周一前往韩国。柯林斯高阶〔otherwise〕Patients are advised to turn up for appointments on Monday unless they are told otherwise.已告知病人按预约时间周一前来就诊, 除非另有通知。外研社新世纪〔place〕They were placed next to each other in line.他们一前一后地排在队里。韦氏高阶〔premise〕They had started with the premise that all men are created equal.他们是从人人生来平等这一前提出发的。剑桥高阶〔spike〕To render (a muzzleloading gun) useless by driving a spike into the vent.在枪膛中装入一长钉使(一前装式的枪)不能射击美国传统〔submit〕All applications must be submitted by Monday.所有申请必须在星期一前递交。朗文当代〔tandem trailer〕A trucking rig consisting of a tractor pulling two trailers, one behind the other.双挂卡车:一种由一个牵引车拖拉一前一后两个拖车组成的货运车辆美国传统〔unison〕For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison, today's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable.对于通常无法统一行动的各个教会来说,今天这一前所未有的举动无疑更加非同寻常。柯林斯高阶A recurrence of the illness was a prospect which terrified him.疾病可能会复发这一前景吓坏了他。剑桥国际Dr Elwood said the belief that milk could be harmful was based on the hypothesis that fat causes heart disease.埃尔伍德医生说牛奶对身体有害的看法是基于脂肪会引起心脏病这一前提的。剑桥国际Have the report on my desk (= finish it and give it to me) by Monday.周一前将报告交给我。牛津商务




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