

单词 下巴
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bristly〕a bristly chin 胡子拉碴的下巴朗文当代〔bristly〕a bristly chin/moustache 长满胡茬子的下巴;短而硬的小胡子牛津高阶〔chiseled〕a handsome actor's chiseled face/jaw/nose 帅气男演员棱角分明的面孔/下巴/鼻子韦氏高阶〔cleft〕the soft dark eyes, the cleft in the chin, the look of caution温和的黑眼睛、有沟痕的下巴、谨慎的神情外研社新世纪〔cup〕put one's chin in the cups of one's hands 用双手的手掌心托住下巴英汉大词典〔dimpled〕a dimpled chin 有梨涡的下巴韦氏高阶〔dimpled〕a man with a dimpled chin. 下巴上有个浅窝的男子柯林斯高阶〔flush〕hit sb. flush on the chin 不偏不倚打中某人的下巴英汉大词典〔full〕his strong chin, his full lips, his appealing mustache. 他坚挺的下巴、饱满的双唇和迷人的八字胡柯林斯高阶〔fuzzy〕a fuzzy animal/chin/apricot 毛茸茸的动物/毛茸茸的下巴/有绒毛的杏麦克米伦高阶〔jawline〕high cheekbones and strong jawline. 高颧骨和轮廓分明的下巴柯林斯高阶〔jaw〕a firm/square jaw 结实的下巴/方下巴麦克米伦高阶〔jaw〕a punch in the jaw 打在下巴上的一拳剑桥高阶〔jaw〕a punch on the jaw 打在下巴上的一拳剑桥高阶〔jaw〕a strong square jaw 结实的方下巴英汉大词典〔jut〕a jutting chin 突出的下巴牛津高阶〔lather〕lather one's chin before shaving 剃须前在下巴上涂皂沫英汉大词典〔lay〕lay a blow on sb.'s jaw 拳打某人的下巴英汉大词典〔lift〕the lift of his chin. 他翘起的下巴美国传统〔massive〕a massive jaw 宽大的下巴英汉大词典〔nutcracker〕a nutcracker nose and jaw (因牙齿脱落等而)挤在一块的鼻和下巴英汉大词典〔pointed〕a pointed nose/chin 尖尖的鼻子/下巴麦克米伦高阶〔pointed〕a pointed-chinned face 一张有尖下巴的脸英汉大词典〔pointy〕a pointy chin 尖下巴麦克米伦高阶〔reach〕reach sb. a blow on the chin 一拳打中某人下巴英汉大词典〔retreat〕a retreating forehead (chin) 塌陷的前额(下巴)英汉大词典〔roll〕press one's chin down into three rolls of fat 将下巴向下压出三层肥肉英汉大词典〔scratch〕to scratch one’s chin with the index finger用食指勾了一下某人的下巴21世纪英汉〔set〕the firm set of his jaw 他下巴紧绷的坚定表情韦氏高阶〔shaven〕a shaven chin 刮得光光的下巴英汉大词典〔slug〕slug sb. on the chin 一拳打在某人下巴上英汉大词典〔smack〕a smack on the jaw 在下巴上打了一拳牛津高阶〔smooth〕a smooth chin 光洁无须的下巴英汉大词典〔square〕hit sb. square on the jaw 对准某人的下巴打英汉大词典〔stubbled〕his stubbled chin 他满是胡子楂的下巴韦氏高阶〔unshaven〕an unshaven chin/man 未刮过的下巴/未修面的男人剑桥高阶〔uppercut〕deliver a short uppercut to the jaw 朝(对手的)下巴猛击一上钩拳英汉大词典〔whiskered〕a whiskered animal/chin 有须动物;留着络腮胡的下巴韦氏高阶〔whisker〕whiskers The hair on a man's cheeks and chin. whiskers 髯,胡须:男人脸颊及下巴上的毛发美国传统〔work〕work one's jaws 抽动下巴文馨英汉




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