

单词 下工
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔assistance〕working with the assistance of volunteers在志愿者的协助下工作外研社新世纪〔brown〕workers whose backs are brown from long hours in the sun 由于长时间在太阳下工作背部被晒得黝黑的工人们韦氏高阶〔condition〕people working under stressful conditions 在压力环境下工作的人们牛津搭配〔deadline〕working under pressure to meet a deadline 在要于截止期前如期完成的压力下工作朗文当代〔deadly〕worked under deadly strain. 在极度的紧张状态下工作美国传统〔direction〕work under sb.'s direction 在某人指导下工作英汉大词典〔handicap〕work under a handicap 在不利的条件下工作英汉大词典〔harsh〕the harsh outline of the factories against the sky 在天空映衬下工厂丑陋的轮廓线朗文当代〔long-distance〕a long-distance runner; operating under long-distance supervision. 长距离赛跑者;在远距离监督之下工作美国传统〔mole〕a mole working for the government.替政府在地下工作的人。牛津同义词〔respite〕a respite from your labours.停下工作来休息。牛津同义词〔rest〕a rest from work.停下工作来休息。牛津同义词〔rest〕to rest from your labours.停下工作来休息。牛津同义词〔set ... aside〕to set aside one's work放下工作不做21世纪英汉〔stressful〕keep on doing one's job under stressful conditions 一直在紧张状态下工作英汉大词典〔suboptimal〕working under suboptimal conditions 在非最适宜的环境下工作韦氏高阶〔tension〕working under great tension to make a deadline. 为赶在最后期限以前完成工作而在巨大压力下工作美国传统〔under〕work under great difficulties 在巨大的困难下工作 英汉大词典〔unreasonable〕work under unreasonable pressure 在过大的压力下工作 英汉大词典〔unsafe〕working under unsafe conditions 在不安全的环境下工作韦氏高阶〔unsanitary〕working under unsanitary conditions 在不卫生的环境下工作韦氏高阶a hardship allowance for doctors working in unpleasant conditions 发给在困难条件下工作的医生的辛劳津贴牛津商务




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