

单词 下属
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OFFEND〕I didn't take his rebuff too personally, since I was used to his habit of being rude to his juniors. 他的拒绝我不大在意,因为我已经习惯了他对下属总是很无礼。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The sales and advertising departments are both part of the marketing division. 销售科和广告科都是市场部的下属部门。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Costello will have five direct subordinates. 科斯特洛将会有五个直接领导的下属。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The idea of being evaluated by subordinates makes some managers uneasy. 想到要由下属来评估自己,一些经理感到不安。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕Irene often has to take time off work. Fortunately she has a very understanding boss. 艾琳上班总是请假,幸好她的老板很能体谅下属。朗文写作活用〔Stockbridge〕A subtribe of the Mahican confederacy formerly inhabiting southwest Massachusetts, with a present-day population in central Wisconsin.斯托克布里奇人:马希坎族联盟下属的一个民族,早期居住于美国马萨诸塞州西南部,现在人口集中于威斯康星州中部美国传统〔affiliated〕The Association provides information on affiliated clubs.协会提供下属俱乐部的资料。朗文当代〔apparatchik〕An unquestioningly loyal subordinate, especially of a political leader or organization.政府机构的成员:尤指一政治领导人的或组织的绝对忠诚的下属美国传统〔back seat〕A subordinate position, as in a group or hierarchy.次要地位:下属职位,如在一个团体或统治集团中美国传统〔battalion〕An army unit typically consisting of a headquarters and two or more companies, batteries, or similar subunits.营:军队单位,包含有一个指挥部,两个以上的班、连或类似的下属单位美国传统〔below〕He treated those below him as equals.他以平等的态度对待下属。英汉大词典〔below〕She has three people working below her (= people to whom she gives orders).她有三名下属。剑桥高阶〔bitch〕I am your bitch, use me as you will.我是你的下属, 有事请随便吩咐。外研社新世纪〔boot〕He looks for courtesy from his subordinates, but he doesn't expect them to lick his boots.他期待下属对他谦恭有礼,而并不希望他们拍马奉承。英汉大词典〔bureau〕A government department or a subdivision of a department.局司处等行政单位:政府部门或其下属机构美国传统〔clash〕The leaders and members clashed on the issue.领袖和下属的成员在这个问题上产生了分歧。牛津高阶〔colleague〕She was liked both by colleagues and subordinates.她受到同级同事和下属的喜爱。麦克米伦高阶〔communicate〕She communicated her ideas to her subordinates.她把她的意见传达给下属。英汉大词典〔complimentary〕He is complimentary of his subordinates.他称赞他的下属。英汉大词典〔crack〕To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control.盛气凌人地:以盛气凌人的方式表现;要求其下属努力并有效地干活美国传统〔damage control〕The governor keeps making outrageous statements, forcing his staff to spend most of their time doing damage control.州长不断发表言辞激烈的讲话,勒令下属竭尽全力将损失减到最低。韦氏高阶〔delegate〕Because Henry hated to delegate, he was always overworked.由于亨利不喜欢授权下属办事,所以他自己总是劳累过度。麦克米伦高阶〔delist〕The group asked the Stock Exchange to delist the shares of four of its companies.该集团要求证券交易所将其下属四家公司的股票摘牌。柯林斯高阶〔depute〕Sometimes he deputed the interrogation to a subordinate.有时, 他把审讯的工作交给下属。外研社新世纪〔devolve on〕The deparment manager devolved the work on a subordinate.部门经理把工作移交给下属。21世纪英汉〔divide〕He was as keen to divide and rule his subordinates as ever.他一向热衷于把自己的下属分而治之。外研社新世纪〔downsize〕American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories.美国制造业机构一直在通过裁员缩小下属工厂规模。外研社新世纪〔exacting〕She was an exacting woman to work for.她是一位对下属要求严格的女性。朗文当代〔fourth〕The subdominant in a scale.下属音美国传统〔inferior〕He complained of the slackness of his inferiors.他对下属的懈怠表示不满。外研社新世纪〔inferior〕He is kind to his inferiors.他对待下属很客气。英汉大词典〔inferior〕The boss is too aloof from her inferiors.这个上司对下属太冷淡了。牛津同义词〔irregular〕It is a bit irregular to promote a man so soon.如此匆匆擢升下属有些不正常。英汉大词典〔junior〕A person lesser in rank or time of participation or service; subordinate.晚辈:级别较低者,服务期较短者;下属美国传统〔line manager〕Line managers are responsible for their own and their staff's development.部门经理对他们个人以及下属的发展负责。外研社新世纪〔man〕A male servant or subordinate.男仆,男下属美国传统〔obedience〕He demands absolute obedience from his men.他要求下属绝对服从。牛津搭配〔official〕One who holds an office or a position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.公务员,职员:一个供职的人,尤指在如公司或政府机构的下属机构工作的人美国传统〔override〕A sales commission collected by an executive in addition to the commission received by a subordinate salesperson.佣金:除下属推销员收取的佣金之外管理人员收取的佣金美国传统〔overrule〕He had to overrule his petty officials to accept him.他不得不压制他的下属接受他的观点。21世纪英汉〔owe〕You owe it to your staff to be honest with them.与下属坦诚相待,这是你对他们应有的态度。牛津高阶〔people〕A manager's job is to make his or her people feel part of the system.经理的职责就是让其下属有归属感。朗文当代〔police court〕An inferior court having the power to prosecute minor criminal offenses and to hold for trial persons charged with more serious offenses.治安法庭;违警罪法庭:一种下属的法庭,有权制裁较轻的违法行为和拘留被控有较严重的违法行为、以待审判的人美国传统〔position〕As soon as his officers were in position/had moved into position, the police commander walked up the path towards the house.他的下属们一就位,警官就沿着小路向房子走去。剑桥高阶〔preceptory〕A community of medieval Knights Templars located on a provincial estate and subordinate to the main temples at Paris and London.圣殿骑士的地方分团:位于地方领地的中世纪圣殿骑士团的组织,下属于巴黎和伦敦的主要圣殿骑士团圣殿美国传统〔pull〕She liked to pull her rank on her inferior.她喜欢对其下属摆威风、耍架子。21世纪英汉〔relinquish〕Stultz relinquished control to his subordinate.斯塔尔茨把控制权交给了他的下属。朗文当代〔report〕Only Gordon's direct reports are attending the course.只有戈登的直接下属参加这个课程。朗文当代〔restitution〕He is considering making restitution for the gifts he received from subordinates.他正在考虑对收自下属的礼品作出报偿。英汉大词典〔revamp〕They are planning a major revamp of their factories.他们正计划对他们下属的各家工厂作一次重大的改组。英汉大词典〔reversal of roles〕We had a role reversal. I became the leader and he became the follower.我们进行了角色转换。我变成了领导,他变成了下属。韦氏高阶〔righteous〕He is righteous in the treatment of his subordinates.他公正地对待下属。英汉大词典〔rope〕Managers have to decide how much rope to give their subordinates.当经理的得决定可以给自己的下属多少自由。朗文当代〔seniority〕On the death of the captain, the officer next in order of seniority assumed command.上尉死后,级别最高的下属军官接管了指挥权。牛津搭配〔subdominant〕The fourth tone of a diatonic scale, next below the dominant.下属音:音附的第四音极,在属音(音阶的第五音之下)美国传统〔subfamily〕Biology A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking between a family and a genus.【生物学】 亚科:科以下属以上的生物学分类级别美国传统〔subgroup〕The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups.行动小组通过将其任务分配给多个下属小组来完成工作。柯林斯高阶〔subordinate〕Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.黑格不愿向下属请教。柯林斯高阶〔subordinate〕He left the routine checks to one of his subordinates.他把例行检查交给了一个下属负责。剑桥高阶〔subordinate〕Nearly all her subordinates adored her.几乎所有的下属都崇拜她。柯林斯高阶〔subordinate〕She leaves the day-to-day running of the firm to her subordinates.她把公司的日常管理工作交给下属。韦氏高阶〔suspense〕Keppler kept all his men in suspense until that morning before announcing which two would be going.开普勒让所有的下属都焦急地等待着,直到那天上午才宣布哪两个人去。柯林斯高阶〔tetrarch〕A subordinate ruler.下属统治者美国传统〔unaffiliated〕Not associated with another or others as a subordinate, subsidiary, or member; independent.非附属的:不作为下属、分支或成员与另一或其它实体发生联系的;独立的美国传统〔underling〕One of lesser rank or authority than another; a subordinate.下属,属下:等级或权力小于他者的人;下属美国传统〔underling〕She surrounded herself with underlings who were too afraid of her to answer back.她身边围满了噤若寒蝉的下属。剑桥高阶〔weakness〕His main weakness as a manager is his inability to delegate.作为经理,他的主要弱点在于不知道如何把工作分配给下属。剑桥高阶〔woman〕A female servant or subordinate.女拥人或女下属美国传统〔yeoman〕An assistant or other subordinate, as of a sheriff.助理:助手或其它下属,如行政司法长官的助手美国传统Good managers know how to use the skills of the people who work under them.优秀的经理知道如何运用下属的技能。牛津商务Good managers lead from the front.优秀经理人带领下属走在最前。牛津商务He often rates his subordinates. 他常常训斥下属。译典通How many reports do you have? 你有多少下属?牛津商务I try to have regular meetings with my direct reports.我努力与直接下属定期开会。牛津商务It had been a great and splendid city, with several towns in subjection to it (= being controlled by it).它曾是一个伟大而辉煌的城市,下属好几个镇。剑桥国际She surrounded herself with underlings who were too afraid of her to ever answer back.她找了一些对她害怕得从不敢回嘴的下属围在自己身边。剑桥国际Some managers find it hard to delegate.一些经理觉得难以授权下属办事。牛津商务To be a good manager, you must know how to devolve responsibility downwards.要做个好经理,你必须知道怎样把职责分配给下属。剑桥国际We have a satellite office in Hong Kong.我们在香港拥有一家下属办事处。牛津商务




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