

单词 一端
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕He moved to the empty chair at the top of the table.他挪到桌子另一端的空椅子上坐下。柯林斯高阶〔BITE〕He took out a cigar and bit the end off. 他取出一支雪茄并把一端咬去。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕There was a raised platform and a blackboard at the far end of the room. 教室的另一端有一个升起的讲台和一块黑板。朗文写作活用〔acrocentric〕Having the centromere located near one end of the chromosome so that one chromosomal arm is long and the other is short.近端着丝的:着丝粒位于接近染色体一端的,因此染色体一臂长而另一臂短美国传统〔anaphase〕The stage of mitosis and meiosis in which the chromosomes move to opposite ends of the nuclear spindle.细胞分裂后期:染色体向细胞核轴心相反一端移动的有丝分裂和减数分裂阶段美国传统〔arrow〕A straight, thin shaft with a pointed head at one end and often flight-stabilizing vanes at the other, meant to be shot from a bow.箭:一端带有尖头的,细的直杆,另一端常带有用于稳定飞行的涡轮叶,以弓弩的形式发射美国传统〔ascot〕A broad neck scarf knotted so that its ends are laid flat with one end upon the other.领巾式领带:一种打结的阔领带,一端压在另一端上以使两端平展美国传统〔bascule〕A device or structure, such as a drawbridge, counterbalanced so that when one end is lowered the other is raised.平衡装置:一种装置或结构,比如吊桥,当一端末端降下时,另一边就升起,使保持平衡美国传统〔bat〕Baseball A rounded, often wooden club, wider and heavier at the hitting end and tapering at the handle, used to strike the ball.【棒球】 球棒:一种圆的,常常是木质的棍棒,一端较重较宽,用于击打,至手柄处则越来越细,常用于击棒球美国传统〔blind alley〕An alley or passage that is closed at one end.死胡同:一端封闭的小巷或过道美国传统〔bludgeon〕A short, heavy club, usually of wood, that is thicker or loaded at one end.短棒:短而重的棒,通常为木质,一端较粗或较重美国传统〔bodyboard〕A very short surfboard with one straight end, ridden usually by lying on one's chest.身体冲浪板:一端笔直且很短的冲浪板,通常以胸部俯卧的姿势冲浪美国传统〔brace〕A cranklike handle with an adjustable aperture at one end for securing and turning a bit.手摇曲柄:一种在一端带有可调节的孔以抓住和转动钻头的曲柄状把手美国传统〔bumper〕A usually metal or rubber bar attached to either end of a motor vehicle, such as a truck or car, to absorb impact in a collision.保险杆:与机动车如卡车或轿车的任一端相连的,用来减少碰撞中的冲击的金属杆或橡能上能下杆美国传统〔butt〕An unburned end, as of a cigarette.烟蒂:香烟燃烧的一端美国传统〔butt〕The one end of the house butts on the lake.房子的一端与湖毗连。21世纪英汉〔butt〕Your left hand should be wrapped fairly firmly around the butt end of the club.你的左手应该紧紧握住棒子较粗的一端。柯林斯高阶〔cant hook〕A wooden lever with a movable metal hook near one end, used for handling logs. It is similar to a peavey but has a blunt tip, often with teeth.活动铁钩:一端附近有可移动金属钩的木制杠杆,用来搬运木头。类似尖头搬钩,但有一常带齿的钝顶美国传统〔carrot〕The usually tapering, elongate, fleshy orange root of this plant, eaten as a vegetable.胡萝卜根:胡萝卜通常一端尖细延长的橙色肉质的根,可作为蔬菜食用美国传统〔chalaza〕Biology One of two spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell.【生物学】 卵黄系带:鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一美国传统〔clamp〕Clamp one end of the plank to the edge of the table.把厚木板的一端用夹具固定在桌子的边上。牛津高阶〔claw hatchet〕A hatchet having one end of the head forked.拔钉斧:头部一端开叉的斧美国传统〔clinch〕To fix or secure (a nail or bolt, for example) by bending down or flattening the pointed end that protrudes.敲弯,敲平:通过弄弯或弄扁突出的一端来固定(如钉子或螺丝钉)美国传统〔commanding〕The voice at the other end of the line was serious and commanding.电话另一端传来庄重而威严的声音。柯林斯高阶〔conscript〕The conscripts were sent to fight on the other side of the world.那批应征者被派遣到地球的另一端作战。外研社新世纪〔cracker〕A small cardboard cylinder covered with decorative paper that holds candy or a party favor and pops when a paper strip is pulled at one or both ends and torn.彩包爆竹:外面包有装饰性硬纸板的小圆筒,里面装有糖果或聚会纪念品,从一端或两端同时拉出纸绳时,会发出爆裂声美国传统〔cue〕Games A long stick with a concave attachment at one end for shoving disks in shuffleboard.【游戏】 推铲:一端带有凹头的长棒,用于在打圆盘游戏中推动圆盘美国传统〔cul-de-sac〕Anatomy A saclike cavity or tube open only at one end.【解剖学】 肓管:只在一端有开口的囊状腔或管美国传统〔distaff〕A staff that holds on its cleft end the unspun flax, wool, or tow from which thread is drawn in spinning by hand.(手工)纺纱杆:在杆的开裂的一端夹有未纺的亚麻、羊毛或丝束,手转动木杆,线从中纺出美国传统〔dropper〕One that drops, especially a small tube with a suction bulb at one end for drawing in a liquid and releasing it in drops.滴管:落下的人或物,尤指一种短管,一端有吸球,可汲入液体然后滴出美国传统〔end〕Mum lived one end of town and I lived the other end of town.妈妈住在镇子的一端, 而我住在另一端。外研社新世纪〔end〕She drove the end of the stake into the ground.她把标桩的一端插入土中。韦氏高阶〔end〕Smoke curled off the end of the cigarette.青烟从香烟的一端盘旋升起。韦氏高阶〔end〕The rope was unfastened at one end.这个绳子有一端没有系上。牛津搭配〔end〕We biked from one end of the island to the other.我们骑车从岛的一端走到另一端。韦氏高阶〔end〕We've travelled from one end of Mexico to the other.我们从墨西哥的一端旅行到了另一端。牛津高阶〔end〕When he answered the phone, Ferguson was at the other end.他接电话时,电话那一端是弗格森。柯林斯高阶〔four-in-hand〕A necktie tied in a slipknot with long ends left hanging one in front of the other.活结领带:打活结的领带,长的一端垂在另一端之前美国传统〔free〕Pull gently on the free end of the rope.轻拉绳索松开的一端。牛津高阶〔goal post〕One of a pair of posts often joined with a crossbar and set at each end of a playing field to form a goal.球门柱:两根立柱中的一根,常有一横木相连,在球场的每一端都设置一个用来构成球门美国传统〔grasp〕I grasped the rope by its end.我抓住了绳子的一端。韦氏高阶〔heel〕The lower end of a mast.桅脚,桅跟:船桅下面一端美国传统〔hobbyhorse〕A child's riding toy that consists of a long stick with an imitation horse's head on one end.竹马,木马:一种儿童用来骑玩的有一根一端仿造马头形状木棍的玩具美国传统〔horn〕Either of the ends of a new moon.新月两端之任何一端美国传统〔jack〕A socket that accepts a plug at one end and attaches to electric circuitry at the other.插座:一端连接插头,另一端连接电路线的插座美国传统〔jump〕The needle jumped across the dial.指针突然从刻度盘的一端跳到另一端。牛津高阶〔kitchen〕There was a double bed at one end of the room; at the other, a tiny kitchen and dinner table.在房间的一端有张双人床, 另一端有个小厨房和一张餐桌。外研社新世纪〔length〕A proposed tourist trail will run the length of the river.从某物的一端到另一端麦克米伦高阶〔line〕He kept shouting down the line at me.他一直在电话的另一端冲我大喊大叫。牛津搭配〔line〕Hold the end of this line.你抓住绳子的一端。牛津同义词〔line〕There was silence on the other end of the line.电话线另一端的人不作声。英汉大词典〔match〕A narrow piece, usually of wood or cardboard, coated on one end with a compound that ignites when scratched against a rough or chemically treated surface.火柴:一端涂有化合物、在化学涂料表层划擦时可点燃的窄木棒美国传统〔middle〕Being at neither one extreme nor the other; intermediate.中部的,居中的:既不在一端,又不在另一端的;中间的美国传统〔monotrichous〕Having one flagellum at only one pole or end, as certain bacteria.单鞭毛的:只在一极或一端有一个鞭毛的,如某种细菌美国传统〔mushroom〕The end of the chisel receiving the impact of a hammer will quickly mushroom.这凿子受到锤击的一端会很快变成扁平形。英汉大词典〔notch〕Cut a notch near one end of the stick.在手杖的一端刻一个 V 形记号。朗文当代〔on〕They live on the opposite side of the town.他们住在镇子的另一端。朗文当代〔pack〕Live animals are transported across the continent, packed tightly into trucks.活畜被满满当当地塞上卡车,运往大陆的另一端。牛津搭配〔padlock〕A detachable lock with a U-shaped bar hinged at one end, designed to be passed through the staple of a hasp or a link in a chain and then snapped shut.挂锁:有U形铁条的被用铰链合在一端的一种可拆开的锁,可以通过门搭扣的锁环或一链条上的链环紧紧扣住美国传统〔pad〕A number of sheets of paper of the same size stacked one on top of the other and glued together at one end; a tablet.拍纸簿:一些依次叠放起来并在一端粘住的大小相等的纸;便笺簿美国传统〔paroxysm〕In a sudden paroxysm of rage, Craig hurled it across the room.克雷格突然勃然大怒, 把它猛力扔到房间另一端。外研社新世纪〔pass〕The paper passes through the fax machine and comes out the other end.纸张穿过传真机从另一端出来。韦氏高阶〔pole〕Either end of the spindle formed in a cell during mitosis.纺锤极:细胞在有丝分裂中形成的纺锤体两端的任一端美国传统〔pruning hook〕A long pole with a curved saw blade and usually a clipping mechanism on one end, used especially for pruning small trees.整刺沟刀:一根装有一个弯曲锯刀的长竿,通常一端有一个裁剪装置,一般用于修剪小树枝美国传统〔road〕They live down the road from us.他们住在我们这条路的那一端。牛津搭配〔roar〕We could hear the lions roaring at the other end of the zoo.我们可以听到狮子在动物园的另一端咆哮。剑桥高阶〔rode〕A rope, especially one attached to the anchor of a small boat.系锚绳,系锚链:尤指系在小船的锚一端的绳美国传统〔secant〕The straight line drawn from the center through one end of a circular arc and intersecting the tangent to the other end of the arc.正割线:从圆心引出的经过圆弧一个端点并与另一端点正切交割的直线美国传统〔sector〕A measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged together at one end.尺规:一种将两个标有刻度的尺臂接合一端而形成的测量工具美国传统〔sense〕With her excellent sense of smell, she could tell if you were a smoker from the other side of the room.她嗅觉灵敏,在房间的另一端就能知道你是否抽烟。剑桥高阶〔shallow〕The shallow end of the pool is only three feet deep.游泳池浅的一端只有三英尺深。韦氏高阶〔shoulder〕The end surface of a board from which a tenon projects.木板一端榫头突出的表面美国传统〔spit〕A narrow point of land extending into a body of water.海峡,海角:延伸到海水中的陆地的狭长一端美国传统〔springboard〕A flexible board mounted on a fulcrum with one end secured, used by gymnasts to gain momentum, as in vaulting.跳板:一端固定安放于一个杠杆支撑点的弹性木板,用于体操运动员获得动力,如撑杆跳美国传统〔step〕It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world.你放弃工作搬到地球的另一端,可真不简单。牛津高阶〔stroke〕Any of a series of movements of a piston from one end of the limit of its motion to another.冲程:活塞从一端到另一端的一系列运动之一美国传统〔tail〕Architecture To be inserted at one end into a wall, as a floor timber or beam.【建筑学】 嵌上,搭上:一端被嵌入墙内,如铺地板的木料或横梁美国传统〔tail〕The timber will be tailed in the wall.木料的一端将被嵌进墙壁。21世纪英汉〔tail〕The wood can be tailed in.木料一端可以嵌入。英汉大词典〔taper〕To become gradually narrower or thinner toward one end.变尖(细):向一端逐渐变狭窄或变薄美国传统〔taper〕To make thinner or narrower at one end.使…变尖(细):使…在一端更薄或更窄美国传统〔tassel〕A bunch of loose threads or cords bound at one end and hanging free at the other, used as an ornament on curtains or clothing, for example.流苏,穗:一端束紧另一端自由下垂的一扎松散的线或细绳,用作窗帘或服装上的装饰物美国传统〔tear〕One end had torn loose.一端松了。朗文当代〔test tube〕A clear, cylindrical glass tube usually open at one end and rounded at the other, used in laboratory experimentation.试管:透明的,圆柱形玻璃管,通常一端开口另一端为圆形,用于实验室实验美国传统〔thread〕To pass one end of a thread through the eye of (a needle, for example).穿过:使线的一端穿过(例如,针)眼美国传统〔tire iron〕A metal bar having one end shaped like a chisel and often the other in the form of a socket wrench, used for changing tires on metal rims.拆装车胎橇杠:一端像凿子而另一端像套筒板手的金属棒,用于更换车子轮圈上的轮胎美国传统〔traverse〕A gallery, deck, or loft crossing from one side of a building to the other.通道:从建筑物的一端通到另一端的走廊、平台或阁楼美国传统〔trim〕Trim off the leafy ends of the vegetable before cooking.烹饪之前去掉菜多叶的一端。剑桥高阶〔tuberosity〕A projection or protuberance, especially one at the end of a bone for the attachment of a muscle or tendon.粗隆:尤指生长在骨头一端以附着肌肉或腱的突出或隆起物美国传统〔tuque〕A knitted woolen cap in the form of a cylindrical bag often with tapered ends that is worn with one end tucked into the other.绒线帽:一种编织的羊毛帽,呈圆筒状的袋形,通常两头带尖,戴时须将一端叠入另一端美国传统〔wedged〕Having the shape of a wedge; thick at one end and tapered at the other.楔形的:形状犹如楔子的;一端粗厚而另一端逐渐变细薄的美国传统From a computer, anyone can now do business with companies on the other side of the globe.通过计算机,任何人现在都可以与地球另一端的公司做生意。牛津商务He made a loop from one end of the rope, threw it over a hook and grabbed the free end to pull himself up.他在绳子的一端打了个环,扔到钩子上,抓住另一端把自己拉了上来。剑桥国际He squinted at the departure board at the other end of the station to see which platform his train was leaving from.他眯着眼看车站另一端的出发时刻表,想看一下他的火车从哪个站台出发。剑桥国际He took hold of one end of the carpet and tugged.他紧握住地毯的一端用力拖。剑桥国际I saw Anna at the other end of the room, resplendent in a red sequined cocktail dress.我看到安娜在房间的另一端,穿着一件华丽的红色闪光常礼服。剑桥国际Small businesses make up 59% of industry in the region, while at the other end of the scale, 2% employ over 500 people.小企业占该地区企业总数的 59%,而在另一端,2% 的大企业雇员人数却超过 500 人。牛津商务This cable should have a plug at one end and a socket at the other.这根电缆的一端该有插头,另一端则该有插座。剑桥国际Tie this end to the pole but leave the other end free. 将这一端系在柱子上,让另一端松开著。译典通Water is sucked in at one end and expelled at the other. 水从一端吸进去从另一端排出来。译典通




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