

单词 一程
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAULT〕The program has serious weaknesses, and I would avoid using it. 这一程序有严重缺陷,我不会使用它的。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Can I offer you a ride? 我载你一程,好吗?朗文写作活用〔PART〕The new software makes it possible to cut and paste sound or video clips from one application to another. 这种新的软件可以把一个应用程序中的声音或录像剪贴到另一程序中去。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The last sacrament represents the final step in Christ's spiritual journey. 最后一项圣事象征着基督精神之旅的最后一程。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕We walked on through the pouring rain until a kind driver took pity on us and offered us a ride. 我们冒着倾盆大雨继续赶路,后来有个好心的司机同情我们,送了我们一程。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕After a harrowing bus ride through the mountains, we arrived at the port of Heraklion. 在山区坐了一程折磨人的公共汽车以后,我们到了伊拉克利翁港。朗文写作活用〔appetizer〕A brisk walk is a good appetizer.快步走一程会起到很好的开胃作用。英汉大词典〔blag〕There are often people heading my way so it's easy to blag a lift.因为经常有人和我同路,所以很容易说几句好话就让他们载我一程。剑桥高阶〔cadge〕He could cadge a ride from somebody.他可以请求别人搭他一程。柯林斯高阶〔cadge〕I cadged a lift from Joanna.我请乔安娜载了我一程。朗文当代〔calculate〕The program helps you to calculate how much tax you have to pay.这一程序能帮你算出应交纳的税款。麦克米伦高阶〔conformity〕The procedure is in strict conformity with standard international practices.这一程序同标准的国际惯例完全一致。牛津搭配〔customize〕The program can be customized to serve different purposes.这一程序可为服务于不同目的而进行改造。韦氏高阶〔direction〕I'd give you a lift, but I'm going in the opposite direction.我想载你一程,但我走的是相反的方向。麦克米伦高阶〔downlink〕Any organization can downlink the program without charge.任何机构都可以免费下载这一程序。牛津高阶〔drop〕I'm driving into town - can I drop you somewhere? 我要开车进城,要我顺道送你一程吗?麦克米伦高阶〔eliminate〕This procedure does not completely eliminate the possibility of an accident.这一程序不能彻底排除事故出现的可能。牛津搭配〔else〕It's likely someone gave her a lift, or else that she took a taxi.可能有人开车捎了她一程,要不就是她打了辆出租车。柯林斯高阶〔fetch〕Computer Science A program routine that brings a module of a program from storage into main memory for immediate use.【计算机科学】 取数,取指令,抽取:为立即使用而将一程序模块由存储器转入主存储器的例行程序美国传统〔flag〕The program flags any words that are problematical.这一程序可以把任何有问题的词标记出来。外研社新世纪〔him〕They offered him a ride.他们提出送他一程美国传统〔inference〕The program uses records of past purchases to make/draw inferences about what customers will buy in the future.这一程序根据顾客以往的购物记录推断出他们将来会买些什么。韦氏高阶〔interactive〕The program is fully interactive.这一程序完全是交互式的。牛津搭配〔interrupt〕A signal to a computer that stops the execution of a running program so that another action can be performed.暂停:对计算机发出的中断当前运行程序而执行另一程序的信号美国传统〔know〕Do you know this program? 你熟悉这一程序吗?麦克米伦高阶〔legitimacy〕We want to legitimate this process by passing a law.我们希望通过立法来使这一程序合法化。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Students at this level may have problems with basic grammar.这一程度的学生可能会有基本语法的问题。朗文当代〔little〕He walked a little down the road.他沿公路走了一程。英汉大词典〔load〕Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program.几个中央处理器能够分担某一单一程序中的数据处理需求。外研社新世纪〔module〕Computer Science A portion of a program that carries out a specific function and may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program.【计算机科学】 程序块,模块:执行特殊功能的程序部分,该部分可以单独使用也可与同一程序的其它部件结合使用美国传统〔observe〕This procedure must be correctly observed.必须正确遵守这一程序。牛津搭配〔odyssey〕The march to Travnik was the final stretch of a 16-hour odyssey.去往特拉夫尼克的这段路是长达16小时艰辛旅行的最后一程。外研社新世纪〔odyssey〕The march to Travnik was the final stretch of a 16-hour odyssey.去特拉夫尼克的这段路是长达16小时艰险旅行的最后一程。柯林斯高阶〔part〕The procedure can be divided into two parts.这一程序可以分为两部份。牛津高阶〔point〕Read the manual to learn the program's finer points(= small details).读一下指南,以了解这一程序的细节。牛津高阶〔program〕This program allows you to edit and catalogue digital photographs.运用这一程序能编辑数码照片并为其编目分类。牛津搭配〔program〕This program requires at least 24Mb of RAM.这一程序需要至少 24 兆的内存。牛津搭配〔redound〕This procedure will redound to our advantage.这一程序有利于我们。英汉大词典〔relay〕He chartered a relay of cars which got him to Beirut.他租了几辆车,轮换着开,一程又一程开到了贝鲁特。英汉大词典〔resolve〕Have you resolved where to go next? 你决定下一程去哪里了吗? 英汉大词典〔return〕I gave her a ride when her car broke down and now she is returning the favour (= doing something to help me in exchange).那天她的车坏了,我顺便搭载了她一程,现在她在投桃报李。剑桥高阶〔ride〕He took me for a ride on his motorcycle. = He gave me a ride on his motorcycle.他用他的摩托车载了我一程。韦氏高阶〔ride〕Steve gave me a ride on his motorbike.史蒂夫用摩托车捎了我一程。牛津高阶〔run〕Computer Science An execution of a specific program or instruction.【计算机科学】 运行:对某一程序或指令的执行美国传统〔save〕Save some energy for the end of the race.为比赛的最后一程保存些体力。麦克米伦高阶〔squeeze〕I can give you a lift, but it'll be a tight squeeze as I'm taking four other people as well.我可以开车捎你一程,不过我还要载4个人,所以会很挤。剑桥高阶〔stage〕The last stage of the journey was the train north.这次旅行的最后一程是乘火车北行。麦克米伦高阶〔standard〕This program is an industry standard for computers.这一程序是计算机的一个行业标准。剑桥高阶〔subprogram〕A program contained within another program that operates semi-independently of the encasing program.子程序,辅程序:包含于另一程序中的一个程序,能够在其包含程序中半独立运行的美国传统〔suture〕The material, such as thread, gut, or wire, that is used in this procedure.缝合物:用于这一程序的材料,如线,羊肠线或金属线美国传统〔unnatural〕Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom.奇怪的:与某一程式或习俗不一致的美国传统〔vulnerable〕This procedure has improved, but it is still vulnerable to criticism.这一程序已有改善,但仍然经不起批评。麦克米伦高阶〔warrant〕The law warrants this procedure.这一程序是由法律批准的。21世纪英汉〔warrant〕The law warrants this procedure.这一程序是由法律批准的。英汉大词典〔way〕She would say she was going my way and offer me a lift.她会说和我同路,可以载我一程。柯林斯高阶A despondent young man stood by the side of the road in the rain, hoping that someone would give him a lift.雨中,一个垂头丧气的年轻人站在路边,希望有人愿意搭他一程。剑桥国际Have you got enough memory available to run the program? 你有足够的内存运行这一程序吗?牛津商务If you want me to give you a lift you'll have to look sharp -- I'm going in ten minutes.如果你想让我捎你一程的话,你就要快点----我十分钟后开车。剑桥国际Press this key to run the program.按此键运行这一程序。牛津商务The program comes with standard tools such as dictionary, spellchecker and thesaurus.这一程序配有词典、拼写检查和词库之类的常规工具。牛津商务The program contains two assembly code routines.这一程序包含两个汇编代码例程。牛津商务The program extracts email addresses from websites.这一程序从网站上查找电子邮件地址。牛津商务The program saves your workspace when you shut down your computer.当关闭计算机时,这一程序会把工作区贮存起来。牛津商务The truck's last haul was less than 75 miles.这辆卡车的最后一程不足 75 英里。牛津商务This program allows you to run tests on your PC to see how it performs.这一程序可以对个人电脑进行测试以了解其性能。牛津商务Unemployment rose to 10% and then levelled off.失业率上升到10%,然后保持在这一程度。剑桥国际




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