

单词 一种颜色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕We've painted the door a different colour. 我们已把门漆成了另一种颜色。朗文写作活用〔assign〕Assign a different colour to each different type of information.给每类信息分别确定一种颜色。牛津高阶〔barbet〕Any of various brightly colored tropical birds of the family Capitonidae that have a broad bill with bristles at the base and are related to the toucans.拟啄木鸟:须鴷科一种颜色鲜艳的热带鸟,有宽喙,在喙的基部有刺毛,与巨嘴鸟相关美国传统〔blend into〕One color blends into another.一种颜色融入另一种颜色之中。韦氏高阶〔blend〕You could paint the walls and ceilings the same colour so they blend together.你可以把墙和天花板粉刷成同一种颜色,这样看上去浑然一体。柯林斯高阶〔brightness〕Color The dimension of a color that represents its similarity to one of a series of achromatic colors ranging from very dim (dark) to very bright (dazzling).【色彩】 亮度:一种颜色的范围,表示它与一系列从很昏暗(黑)到很明亮(耀眼)的无色彩的颜色之间的相似处美国传统〔chrominance〕The difference between one color and a reference color of the same brightness and chromaticity.色差:一种颜色与另一个同亮度和色度的参考颜色之间的不同美国传统〔combination〕The colour purple is a combination of red and blue.紫色是红蓝两色混合而产生的一种颜色。英汉大词典〔fade into〕One colour faded into another.一个颜色变成了另一种颜色。21世纪英汉〔ginger〕Any of several related plants having variously colored, often fragrant flowers.似姜植物:一种颜色各异及花朵带有芳香味的植物美国传统〔homochromatic〕Of or characterized by one color; monochromatic.单色的:只有一种颜色的或以此为特点的;单色的美国传统〔impure〕Color Being a composite of more than one color or mixed with black or white.【色彩】 混合的:一种颜色以上的混合物的或夹杂黑色或白色的美国传统〔jasper〕An opaque cryptocrystalline variety of quartz that may be red, yellow, or brown.碧玉,水苍玉:一种颜色可为红色、黄色或褐色的不透明的隐晶体石英美国传统〔khaki〕Color A light olive brown to moderate or light yellowish brown.【色彩】 卡其黄:一种介于浅黄褐色和中浅黄褐色之间的一种颜色美国传统〔light〕I wanted a lighter yellow paint for the walls.我想要一种颜色更浅的黄色墙面涂料。朗文当代〔madras〕A large handkerchief of brightly colored silk or cotton, often worn as a turban.马德拉斯头巾:一种颜色鲜艳的丝质或棉布大手巾,常当作头巾戴美国传统〔melt〕The distance melts the varied colours into one.远处几种不同的颜色会融合成一种颜色。英汉大词典〔monochromatic〕Having or appearing to have only one color.单色的:具有或看上去只有一种颜色的美国传统〔monochrome〕A picture, especially a painting, done in different shades of a single color.单色画:由一种颜色的不同色度制作出的图片,尤指图画美国传统〔one〕I think we should paint the bedroom all one (= in a single) colour.我觉得我们应该把卧室刷成一种颜色。剑桥高阶〔overprint〕To imprint over with something more, especially to print over with another color.在…上套加印:在…上加印更多的事物,尤指以另一种颜色印于其上美国传统〔pretty much/well〕It is pretty much the same color.这差不多是同一种颜色。韦氏高阶〔primary color〕Psychological primaries red, yellow, green, and blue, plus the achromatic pair black and white. All colors may be subjectively conceived as mixtures of these.原色:红、黄、绿、蓝,再加上非彩色的一对黑与白。每一种颜色可被主观地认为是这些颜色的混合色美国传统〔purity〕Color The degree to which a color is free from being mixed with other colors.【色彩】 色饱和度:一种颜色不被其他颜色所混杂的程度美国传统〔raw sienna〕Color A brownish orange to light brown.【色彩】 棕黄色:介于褐桔黄色与淡褐之间的一种颜色美国传统〔represent〕Each colour on the chart represents a different department.图表中的每一种颜色都代表一个不同的部门。牛津高阶〔ruby〕Color A dark or deep red to deep purplish red.【色彩】 红宝石色:暗红或深红与深紫色之间的一种颜色美国传统〔self-colored〕Of only one color.单色的,一色的:只有一种颜色的美国传统〔smoke〕Color A pale to grayish blue to bluish or dark gray.【色彩】 烟雾色:一种灰白蓝至浅蓝或烟黑灰色之间的一种颜色美国传统〔tertiary color〕A color resulting from the mixture of two secondary colors.第三色:由两种第二色混合而成的一种颜色美国传统〔tint〕A gradation of a color made by adding white to it to lessen its saturation.淡色:通过加白色使浓度变化而形成的一种颜色分级美国传统〔tint〕Printing A panel of light color on which matter in another color is to be printed, as in an illustration.【印刷术】 底色:一种要在上面印刷另一种颜色的淡色平面,如在图表中美国传统I think we should paint the bedroom all one (= in a single) colour.我认为我们应该把卧室涂成一种颜色。剑桥国际One color melted into another. 一种颜色渐渐变成另一种颜色。译典通




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