

单词 下唇
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOTTOM〕The baby's lower lip quivered and then she began crying. 婴儿的下唇微微颤抖,然后就开始哭了。朗文写作活用〔across〕His top teeth worked across the lower lip.他的上齿使劲咬着下唇。英汉大词典〔agitation〕His lower lip trembled in agitation.因为激动,他的下唇微微抽搐。英汉大词典〔clench〕Her teeth clenched on her lower lip.她的牙齿咬着下唇。英汉大词典〔fullness〕Use a red gloss on your bottom lip to give it fullness.下唇使用红色唇彩让它显得丰盈饱满。朗文当代〔gnaw〕He waited impatiently, gnawing at (或 on) his under lip.他咬着下唇不耐烦地等着。英汉大词典〔imperial〕A pointed beard grown from the lower lip and chin.帝髯:蓄于下唇和下巴的一小绺胡须美国传统〔labiodental〕Articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth, as the sounds (f) and (v).唇齿音的:用下唇和上齿发音的,如(f)音和(v)音美国传统〔labium〕A liplike structure, such as that forming the floor of the mouth of certain invertebrates, especially insects.下唇:一种唇状结构,如组成某些无脊柱动物的下唇基节,尤指昆虫美国传统〔labium〕Botany One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla.【植物学】 下唇:唇形花冠的唇状分裂物中的一个美国传统〔lip〕His bottom lip was swollen.他的下唇肿起来了。朗文当代〔lower〕He has a full lower lip.他有一片厚厚的下唇。英汉大词典〔lower〕His lower lip trembled.他的下唇在颤抖。牛津高阶〔lower〕Nina chewed her lower lip anxiously.尼娜焦虑不安地咬着下唇。朗文当代〔lower〕She sucked at her lower lip.她吮吸她的下唇。文馨英汉〔nether〕She eyed him in trepidation, with a trembling nether lip.她惊恐地看着他, 下唇颤抖着。外研社新世纪〔nip〕He nipped his lip and didn't talk.他紧咬下唇,一句话也不说。21世纪英汉〔palate〕Botany The projecting part on the lower lip of a bilabiate corolla that closes the throat, as in a snapdragon.【植物学】 似颚的突出部位:从下唇瓣基部伸入一假面状花冠窄口的突出体美国传统〔quiver〕Her bottom lip quivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks.她的下唇颤抖着,豆大的泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来。柯林斯高阶〔quiver〕Lennie's bottom lip quivered and tears started in his eyes.伦尼的下唇颤抖着,眼里涌出了泪花。剑桥高阶〔underlip〕The lower lip.下唇美国传统〔upper lip〕His upper lip was flat, but the lower one sagged.他上唇扁平,下唇耷拉。柯林斯高阶〔upper lip〕His upper lip was flat, but the lower one sagged.他上唇扁平, 下唇下垂。外研社新世纪〔vibrate〕His lower lip vibrated.他的下唇在抽搐。英汉大词典He chewed on (=bit at) his lower lip, trying to remember where he had left his car keys.他咬着下唇,想记起把汽车钥匙忘在哪里了。剑桥国际Her lower lip trembled as if she was about to cry.她的下唇颤抖着,像要哭了。剑桥国际Her lower lip vibrated. 她的下唇在抽搐。译典通Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。译典通




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