

单词 丛林中
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Bushman〕bushman Australian One who lives or travels in the wilderness, especially in the outback. bushman 【澳大利亚】 澳洲丛林中的居民:在野外生活或旅游的人,尤指在人烟稀少的内陆美国传统〔beat〕beat a path through the jungle. 在丛林中踩出一条路美国传统〔brachiate〕to brachiate from handhold to handhold like monkeys in a jungle似丛林中的猴子般在树枝之间吊荡前进21世纪英汉〔cleave〕cleave a path through the jungle 在丛林中开出一条路英汉大词典〔covert〕draw a covert for foxes 在丛林中搜索狐狸英汉大词典〔free〕free a path through the jungle. 在丛林中清出一条小路美国传统〔indeterminate〕an indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle. 丛林中植物种类的数目不明美国传统〔introduce〕exotic plants that had been introduced from the jungle. 从丛林中引进的异国植物美国传统〔poisonous〕pestilential jungle mists; 有毒丛林中的雾气;美国传统〔prowl〕a tiger prowling in the jungle 在丛林中潜行的老虎韦氏高阶〔rank〕rank vegetation in the jungle. 丛林中茂密丛生的植物美国传统〔rough〕a rough life in the jungle 丛林中原始简陋的生活 英汉大词典




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