

单词 丛林
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔beat〕beat a path through the jungle. 在丛林中踩出一条路美国传统〔booby-trap〕to booby-trap a jungle path为丛林路设置陷阱21世纪英汉〔border〕the isolated jungle area near the Panamanian border. 靠近巴拿马边境的偏僻丛林地区柯林斯高阶〔bush〕hills that have become a wasteland after the removal of native bush 天然丛林清除后成为不毛之地的山岭牛津搭配〔cleave〕cleave a path through the jungle 在丛林中开出一条路英汉大词典〔density〕the jungle's density 丛林茂密韦氏高阶〔eerie〕a coyote's eerie howl 丛林狼令人恐惧的嗥叫韦氏高阶〔foliage〕the thick green foliage of the jungle 丛林里茂密的绿叶韦氏高阶〔footage〕jungle footage 一组丛林镜头英汉大词典〔go walkabout〕an Aborigine who has gone walkabout 进行丛林流浪的土著人韦氏高阶〔green〕the green woods. 翠绿的丛林美国传统〔impenetrable〕an impenetrable jungle 无法通过的丛林英汉大词典〔impenetrable〕an impenetrable wall/barrier/jungle 无法穿越的墙/障碍/丛林韦氏高阶〔introduce〕exotic plants that had been introduced from the jungle. 从丛林中引进的异国植物美国传统〔jungle〕a dense jungle 茂密的丛林韦氏高阶〔jungle〕a jungle of vegetation.丛林。牛津同义词〔jungle〕a remote jungle area. 偏远的丛林地带柯林斯高阶〔jungle〕a temple deep in the jungle 丛林深处的一座寺庙牛津搭配〔jungle〕the Amazon jungle 亚马孙丛林麦克米伦高阶〔jungle〕the mountains and jungles of Papua New Guinea. 巴布亚新几内亚的山脉和丛林柯林斯高阶〔king〕the king of the jungle 丛林之王(指狮、虎)英汉大词典〔pierce〕a road that pierces the jungle 穿过丛林的道路。英汉大词典〔prowl〕a tiger prowling in the jungle 在丛林中潜行的老虎韦氏高阶〔rank〕rank vegetation in the jungle. 丛林中茂密丛生的植物美国传统〔reach〕the further reaches of the jungle 丛林的边缘地区朗文当代〔rough〕a rough life in the jungle 丛林中原始简陋的生活 英汉大词典〔savage〕savage beasts of the jungle. 丛林里的野生动物美国传统〔scrubland〕a large area of scrubland 一大片灌木丛林韦氏高阶〔scrubland〕the scrublands of the American West 美国西部的灌木丛林地带韦氏高阶〔scrub〕areas of scrub and grassland矮丛林和草原地区外研社新世纪〔slog〕a student's weary slog through Cicero; a slog through miles of jungle. 学生勉强地学习西塞罗学说;长时间疲惫地穿过数里远的丛林美国传统〔steaming〕steaming jungles 闷热潮湿的丛林英汉大词典〔terror〕the terrors of life in the jungle 丛林生活的种种可怕韦氏高阶〔thick〕a thick forest. 密密的丛林美国传统〔trackless〕a trackless jungle 无人迹的丛林文馨英汉〔track〕track the jungle 穿过丛林 英汉大词典〔trek〕trekking through the jungles. 徒步穿过丛林柯林斯高阶〔unexplored〕an unexplored jungle 未经勘察的丛林英汉大词典〔vegetation〕jungle vegetation 丛林植物英汉大词典〔vegetation〕the dense/lush vegetation of the jungle 茂密的丛林植被韦氏高阶




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