

单词 业绩
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔achievement〕two years of consistently high achievement 连续两年的辉煌业绩牛津搭配〔add〕an exploit that will add to her reputation. 将增加她声誉的业绩美国传统〔assessment〕the assessment of our senior managers对我们高级经理人员进行的业绩评定。外研社新世纪〔benchmark〕figures that are a useful benchmark for measuring the company's performance 为衡量公司业绩提供实用标准的一些数据朗文当代〔bluster〕aside from all the bluster about the agency's obviously inadequate performance暂且不提对该机构业绩明显不佳的那些狂轰滥炸外研社新世纪〔boast〕to boast of one's deeds夸耀自己的业绩21世纪英汉〔calibration〕the precise calibration of the achievement level of those observed对受观察者业绩水平的精确测量外研社新世纪〔commensurate〕a pay increase commensurate with job performance 与工作业绩相称的提薪麦克米伦高阶〔dependent〕promotion subject to merit. independent 决定于业绩的升迁 independent美国传统〔evaluate〕criteria used to evaluate employees' performance 员工业绩评定标准牛津搭配〔export〕a strong export performance 强劲的出口业绩牛津搭配〔extol〕extol sb. for his heroic exploits 赞美某人的英雄业绩英汉大词典〔feat〕a heroic feat 英雄业绩英汉大词典〔feat〕people doing unbelievable feats 取得令人难以置信的业绩的人牛津搭配〔gallantry〕an account of the rearguard gallantries in the retreat to the coast 有关后卫部队在撤往海岸时英勇业绩的报道英汉大词典〔heroism〕feats of heroism 英勇业绩英汉大词典〔historied〕the historied glories of a remote past 载入史册的远古光荣业绩英汉大词典〔hotshot〕a hotshot lawyer 业绩非凡的律师牛津高阶〔inquest〕an inquest into the department's poor performance 对该部门业绩不佳的调查剑桥高阶〔low〕if there are strikes by unrewarded low performers. 如果业绩落后、得不到报偿的工人罢工的话柯林斯高阶〔prodigious〕a prodigious feat 惊人的业绩英汉大词典〔publication〕the publication of the company's annual results 公司年度业绩的公布朗文当代〔remembrance〕a pillar in remembrance of the exploit 表彰辉煌业绩的纪念柱 英汉大词典〔track〕tracking the company's performance daily. 追踪公司每天的业绩美国传统〔undo〕to undo someone’s good work.把某人的业绩毁掉。牛津同义词〔unimpressive〕an unimpressive performance 平平的业绩韦氏高阶〔valiant〕valiant feats 英勇业绩英汉大词典an assessment of your performance 对你的业绩评估牛津商务divisional results/revenue/profits 部门业绩/收入/利润牛津商务full-year results/profits/forecasts 全年业绩/利润/预测牛津商务helping teams to achieve their desired business outcomes 帮助团队达到理想的业绩牛津商务mediocre managers 业绩平平的经理牛津商务second-half results 财政年度后半年的经营业绩牛津商务subpar profit reports/performance 低于平均水平的利润报告/业绩牛津商务the first bank to report in the big banks' reporting season 在大银行业绩报告季中首家报告的银行牛津商务the publication of the company's annual results 公司年度业绩的公布牛津商务to evaluate performance on a scale from 1 to 10 从 1 级到 10 级的标准衡量业绩牛津商务underperforming companies/stores 业绩欠佳的公司/商店牛津商务underperforming executives/managers 工作业绩欠佳的管理者/经理牛津商务weaker-than-expected results 低于预期的业绩牛津商务




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