

单词 不走
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔I must love you and leave you〕I don't want to miss the last train, so I'm afraid I must love you and leave you.我不想错过最后一班火车,恐怕不得不走了。韦氏高阶〔LIKE〕My son's addicted to computer games - he hardly ever comes out of his room. 我儿子沉迷于电脑游戏—他几乎不走出自己的房间。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕The lads played really well -- we were unlucky not to win the game. 伙伴们的表现非常出色—我们没赢得比赛很不走运。朗文写作活用〔NO MATTER WHAT/HOW MUCH ETC〕Some people are getting out of the country fast, but my cousin's family has decided to stay, come what may. 有些人急着逃离这个国家,但我表姐一家却决定留下不走,不管发生任何事情。朗文写作活用〔SING〕Anyone who could play an instrument or sing in tune was enlisted to take part in the concert. 凡是会演奏一种乐器,或唱歌不走调的,都可以参加这个音乐会。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕He seems to be very unlucky with cars - every time he buys one it always has something wrong with it. 他买车好像很不走运—每次买的车总会有什么毛病。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕It looks like we're out of luck - all the hotels are full. 看来我们不走运一所有的旅馆都客满了。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕We were unlucky with the weather. It rained almost every day we were on the island. 我们真不走运,我们在岛上的那些天几乎天天下雨。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕If you think that Alan isn't pulling his weight, you must tell him either to improve or leave. 要是你觉得艾伦未尽本分,必须告诉他,要不改进,要不走人。朗文写作活用〔attention span〕The length of time during which a person can concentrate or focus attention on a particular object or idea without diversion.注意广度:某人能够将注意力集中于某一特定物体或思想而毫不走神的时间长度美国传统〔bad hair day〕I'm having a bad hair day.我今天不走运。剑桥高阶〔be down on your luck〕He's been down on his luck recently.近来他有些不走运。剑桥高阶〔break〕A bad break, a very bad break for you.不走运,你真不走运呵!英汉大词典〔chance〕You're taking a chance if you don't cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.如果过马路不走人行横道线, 就是在拿自己的生命冒险。外研社新世纪〔cheese〕It's hard cheese for him if he can't go to the cinema with us.他要是不能同我们一起去看电影,那真是不走运。英汉大词典〔chuffed〕I'm chuffed that the boss is staying.老板不走了,我非常高兴。柯林斯高阶〔circumstance〕We were obliged to go by force of circumstance.形势所迫,我们不得不走。剑桥高阶〔circumstance〕You might say that we've been victims of circumstance.你可以说我们一直不走运吧。柯林斯高阶〔clip〕The bird's wings have been clipped so that it can't fly away.小鸟的翅膀被剪短了,这样它就飞不走了。韦氏高阶〔conk〕A persistent idea has been buzzing around in my conk.一个驱赶不走的想法一直在我的头脑里萦回着。英汉大词典〔dead end〕They can't escape. That road's a dead end.他们逃不走, 这是条死胡同。外研社新世纪〔deny〕If he is unlucky, he may find that his ex-partner denies him access to his children.如果不走运的话,他可能会发现前妻拒绝让他接近自己的孩子。柯林斯高阶〔deviability〕He deviated her from the right path.他使她不走正道。21世纪英汉〔dog〕His career has been dogged by bad luck.他在事业上一直不走运。柯林斯高阶〔down〕Afflicted by misfortune.不走运地,穷困潦倒地:由于不幸而遭受厄运的折磨美国传统〔either〕You can either go or stay.你可以走也可以不走。韦氏高阶〔equable〕Free from extremes.不走极端的美国传统〔every trick in the book〕I've tried every trick in the book to get him to notice me, and still no luck! 我想尽了一切办法想让他注意到我,可还是不走运!剑桥高阶〔fall〕He's been very unlucky that no chances have fallen to him.他很不走运,机会一次也没有落到他头上。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕When their car broke down, they had to foot it the rest of the way.当他们的车抛锚后,他们不得不走完剩余的路美国传统〔from one place to another〕You were just unlucky; you happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.真不走运,你在错误的地点赶上了错误的时间。韦氏高阶〔giggle〕She had a fit of the giggles and had to leave the room.她突然咯咯笑了起来,不得不走出房间。牛津高阶〔glad〕She wasn't leaving after all. He was glad about that.她到底还是不走了,他很开心。朗文当代〔going〕The storm has not abated. No going today.暴风雨没减弱。今天不走了。英汉大词典〔gooseberry〕It won't help your image to stick around and play gooseberry.赖着不走当电灯泡, 这不能为你的个人形象加分。外研社新世纪〔go〕Have you any idea why this watch won't go? 你知道为什么这块手表不走了吗?剑桥高阶〔go〕My watch kept going slow; now it won't go at all.我的表一直慢,现在干脆不走了。英汉大词典〔go〕This clock doesn't go.这钟不走了。牛津高阶〔hang ... on〕He has been hanging on in my room.他一直赖在我的房间不走。21世纪英汉〔hard luck〕It was hard luck on him.他不走运。外研社新世纪〔idea〕I've had an idea . Why don't we walk into town? 我有个主意,我们为什么不走进城去?朗文当代〔indirect〕We had to take a circuitous route because of an accident on the turnpike.由于收费公路上发生了事故,我们不得不走一条弯路。美国传统〔keep abreast of〕I have to walk more quickly to keep abreast of him.我不得不走得更快一些来与他并肩行进。21世纪英汉〔keep〕He came home for keeps.他回家来,再也不走了。 英汉大词典〔linger〕Many students lingered after class.很多学生下课后磨蹭着不走。麦克米伦高阶〔luckless〕The luckless defender, Mark Emery, sustained his third injury of the season.后卫马克‧埃默里很不走运,他在本赛季已经是第3次受伤了。剑桥高阶〔lucky〕You may strike lucky and find a sympathetic and helpful clerk, but, there again, you might not.走运的话, 你可能会碰上一位非常好心、乐于助人的办事员。但话又说回来, 你也可能不走运。外研社新世纪〔luck〕Damned if I didn't luck out.要是我不走运,那才真见鬼了!英汉大词典〔luck〕Hard luck, chaps, but don't despair too much.真不走运, 弟兄们, 不过不要太灰心。外研社新世纪〔luck〕He cursed his luck.他抱怨自己不走运。韦氏高阶〔luck〕His name was Martin, a student down on his luck.他名叫马丁,是个不走运的学生。英汉大词典〔luck〕I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season.这个赛季的上半段我一直不走运。外研社新世纪〔luck〕So far I have had no luck with finding a job.我找工作一直不走运。牛津高阶〔luck〕The team were out of luck again at Scarborough on Saturday.周六球队在斯卡伯勒一战再次不走运。朗文当代〔luck〕Well, hard luck, mate.唉,真不走运,哥儿们。柯林斯高阶〔mileage〕He was trying to lop some mileage off by going the direct route, rather than the scenic one.他走直路而不走风景好的路线, 以求减少些里程数。外研社新世纪〔misfortune〕That was the worst film I've ever had the misfortune to see.那是我不走运看过的最糟糕的电影。剑桥高阶〔miss〕If I don't leave now I'll miss my plane.现在不走我就赶不上飞机了。牛津高阶〔miss〕If you don't go now you'll miss the post.如果你现在不走,你会赶不上邮寄。麦克米伦高阶〔nice〕We all had the flu last week—it wasn't very nice.真不走运,上周我们都得了流感。牛津高阶〔old boy〕Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.两个老头儿在外面街角迟迟不走,聊着牛的事情。柯林斯高阶〔one of those days〕It's just been one of those days.今天真不走运。剑桥高阶〔ornament〕The clock is simply for ornament; it doesn't work any more.这架时钟纯属摆设,它再也不走了。牛津高阶〔ostensibly〕She stayed behind at the office, ostensibly to work.她留在办公室里不走,假装要工作。朗文当代〔out〕You're out of luck—she left ten minutes ago.你真不走运,她十分钟前才离开。牛津高阶〔passage〕Her aides had to go on ahead of her to clear a passage.她的助理不得不走在前面为她开出一条路。外研社新世纪〔point〕It got to the point where he had to leave.到了他不得不走的地步。柯林斯高阶〔quandary〕Kate was in a quandary over whether to go or not.走还是不走,凯特左右为难。朗文当代〔rather〕In the end he had to walk—or rather run—to the office.最后他不得不走着,应该说是跑着,去办公室。牛津高阶〔real world〕I was Olympic champion but I had to go out into the real world and work for a living.我是奥运冠军,但是我不得不走进现实生活工作谋生。柯林斯高阶〔rightly〕She rightly decided not to go.她明智地决定不走。外研社新世纪〔route〕The snow forced us to take an alternative route.由于有雪我们不得不走另一条路线。牛津搭配〔shame〕What a shame that he didn't win.他输了,多不走运。英汉大词典〔stay〕After all, he can't stay put in New York forever.他毕竟不能永远呆在纽约不走。英汉大词典〔stop〕I couldn't stop him from going.我无法拦住他不走。21世纪英汉〔straight〕All her efforts to keep him on the straight and narrow have been rewarded.她为了让他不走歪路所付出的所有努力都得到了回报。外研社新世纪〔string out〕You're just stringing this out to avoid having to leave.你就是在拖延这事,好赖着不走。韦氏高阶〔take〕I had to take a different route home.我不得不走另一条路回家。外研社新世纪〔tough〕You didn't get the job? Oh, tough luck! 你没有得到那份工作? 噢,真不走运!朗文当代〔travel〕He has had to travel the country in search of work.他不得不走遍全国寻找工作。柯林斯高阶〔unlucky〕Thierry Henry was desperately unlucky not to score when his shot hit the post.蒂里‧亨利太不走运了,射门的时候球打在了门柱上没有进。朗文当代〔unlucky〕We were unlucky with the weather this weekend. It rained constantly.我们真不走运,这个周末天公不作美,不停地下雨。朗文当代〔unsure〕I was unsure whether to leave.我拿不准是走还是不走。麦克米伦高阶〔up〕We had to take a different route because Bristol Road was up.因为布里斯托尔路正在施工中,我们不得不走另一条路。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕We had to go a long way before we found a place to eat.我们不得不走很长一段路才找到吃饭的地方。牛津搭配〔way〕We'll have to go all the way back to get the list.我们将不得不走老远的路回去取清单。麦克米伦高阶〔whatsoever〕He's had no luck whatsoever.他一点儿也不走运。朗文当代〔what〕Are we going now or what? 我们现在走还是不走?牛津高阶〔wintry〕It looks like this wintry weather is here to stay.好像这种寒冷的天气停在这里不走了。剑桥高阶〔wont〕I won't go without you.你不走,我也不走。剑桥高阶〔wrest〕The chance had come and no one should wrest it from him now.机会来了,现在谁也抢不走他的这一机会了。英汉大词典I had to go all/right round (= everywhere in) the town to find a hotel that was open.我不得不走遍城镇,寻找一家开着的旅馆。剑桥国际I would willingly (= be ready and enthusiastic to) help you if I weren't going away tomorrow.如果我明天不走的话,我会很乐意帮助你的。剑桥国际I've forgotten my front-door key, so we'll have to use the tradesmen's entrance.我忘了带前门的钥匙,所以我们不得不走边门。剑桥国际I've tried every trick in the book (= every possible way) to seduce him and still no luck! 我已经试过了所有可行的方法来引诱他,但仍然不走运!剑桥国际It was hard luck you weren't picked for the team.真是不走运你没被队里挑中。剑桥国际It's a crying shame that she didn't have a better chance in life.她很不走运,一辈子也没碰到个好机会。剑桥国际Oh, hard lines! You almost got the top score.哦,真是不走运!你差一点就得最高分了。剑桥国际You'll have to use the Chiswick flyover.你将不得不走克里斯威克高架。剑桥国际You're not going to palm me off with that excuse.你那个借口骗不走我的。剑桥国际




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