

单词 一出
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔OTT〕an OTT comedy cabaret revue一出夸张的卡巴莱歌舞滑稽剧外研社新世纪〔act〕a play in three acts = a three-act play 一出三幕剧韦氏高阶〔air〕a television musical to be aired on NBC 将在NBC播出的一出电视歌舞剧英汉大词典〔audacious〕an audacious comedy about love 一出写爱情的大胆创新的喜剧英汉大词典〔aural〕a musical with plenty of visual and aural appeal 一出颇娱人耳目的音乐喜剧英汉大词典〔bankroll〕to bankroll a new play赞助一出新剧21世纪英汉〔build〕a show built around a star 为一位明星专门编写的一出戏英汉大词典〔button〕a new satirical comedy show that pushes all the right buttons 一出新的极尽搞笑之能事的讽刺喜剧牛津高阶〔choreograph〕choreograph a ballet. 为一出芭蕾舞剧设计舞蹈动作美国传统〔civilize〕a comedy about a man who tries to civilise a woman—but she ends up civilising him. 一出有关一个男人试图教化一个女人,结果反而被那个女人教化的喜剧柯林斯高阶〔comedy〕a comedy ended by a marriage 以有情人终成眷属结束的一出喜剧英汉大词典〔costume〕costume a play 为一出戏设计服装英汉大词典〔dull〕a dull play. 一出乏味的戏美国传统〔feverish〕a feverish fantasy-drama 一出狂乱的幻想剧英汉大词典〔heavy〕a heavy play 一出严肃的戏 英汉大词典〔hiss〕hiss a new play 对一出新戏报以嘘声英汉大词典〔interview〕interviewed with a publishing company. 与一出版公司面谈美国传统〔laundry list〕a laundry list of reasons why shareholders should reject the bid. 股东们应该拒绝这一出价的一长串理由柯林斯高阶〔loathe〕a play universally loathed by the critics受到批评家们普遍厌恶的一出戏剧外研社新世纪〔mash〕a mash of stale jokes, bad acting, and dull drama 一出笑话陈旧、演技拙劣、剧情无味的蹩脚戏英汉大词典〔miserable〕the miserable performance of a play 一出戏的拙劣演出英汉大词典〔offer〕offer a new play 上演一出新戏英汉大词典〔piece〕a dramatic piece 一出戏英汉大词典〔play〕a play by Shakespeare 一出莎士比亚的戏剧牛津高阶〔present〕present a play. 上演一出戏美国传统〔project〕project an air of authenticity to a play 使一出戏笼罩一层真实可靠的气氛英汉大词典〔rail〕rail at a play 苛评一出戏 英汉大词典〔ripsnorting〕a ripsnorting, red-blooded show 一出生气勃勃不同凡响的戏英汉大词典〔running〕a long-running play 一出长期连续演出的戏英汉大词典〔savage〕a play savaged by the critics 受到评论家苛评的一出戏英汉大词典〔school〕a play put on by the local school children 由当地的学童上演的一出戏朗文当代〔shameless〕a shameless play 一出伤风败俗的戏英汉大词典〔show〕show a satirical play 上演一出讽刺剧英汉大词典〔slate〕to slate a book/play/writer 批评一部书╱一出戏╱一位作家牛津高阶〔smash〕a smash comedy 一出非常轰动的喜剧英汉大词典〔speaking〕a speaking part in a play 一出戏里有台词的角色英汉大词典〔spectacle〕a Broadway spectacle 百老汇的一出杰作韦氏高阶〔stable〕a stable of publications 同一出版社出的书英汉大词典〔tryout〕give the play a tryout 预演一出戏英汉大词典〔uplifted〕people whose presence left you feeling uplifted, happy and full of energy. 那些一出现就让你感到兴奋、开心和活力十足的人柯林斯高阶




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