

单词 一决胜负
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔airwaves〕The election campaign has been fought not in street rallies but on the airwaves.此次竞选大战不是以街头集会的方式进行,而是通过电视和广播一决胜负。柯林斯高阶〔battler〕In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。柯林斯高阶〔battle〕Contestants battled it out on a desert island.参赛者们在荒岛上一决胜负。外研社新世纪〔hustings〕With only days to go before elections in Pakistan, candidates are battling it out at the hustings.离巴基斯坦大选只有几天的时间了,各候选人正在竞选活动上一决胜负。柯林斯高阶〔play-off〕The Lakers will meet the Bulls in the playoffs.湖人队将和公牛队在季后赛中一决胜负。朗文当代〔slug〕The army slugged it out with the rebels.该部队与叛军展开激战, 一决胜负。外研社新世纪〔slug〕Unable to negotiate, they began to slug it out in the media.谈判不成,他们开始通过舆论工具来一决胜负。英汉大词典If a couple can't settle these matters between them they tend to slug it out in the courts.如果夫妻之间不能自己解决这些问题,他们会在法庭上一决胜负。剑桥国际The two armies converged on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war. 两军聚集在敌方首都,准备一决胜负。译典通




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