

单词 丹尼斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-titled〕Her husband was also honoured with his title 'Sir Denis'.她丈夫也被封为“丹尼斯爵士”。柯林斯高阶〔CRAZY〕I must have been mad to let myself become involved with someone like Dennis. 和丹尼斯那样的人扯在一起,我肯定是疯了。朗文写作活用〔Denis〕Patron saint of France. Sent to minister to the Gauls as the first bishop of Paris, he suffered martyrdom by decapitation.丹尼斯:法兰西主保圣人,作为巴黎的第一个主教,他被派往高卢传教,后来被斩首而殉难美国传统〔INTERESTING〕It was easy to understand why Denise found Chris so fascinating. 不难理解为何丹尼斯会觉得克丽丝如此迷人。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Millie's brother Dennis, and his wife Joan, decided to emigrate the following year. 米莉的哥哥丹尼斯,以及他的妻子琼,决定第二年移居国外。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Dennis sat on his bed reading a naughty magazine. 丹尼斯坐在床上看一本不太正经的杂志。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Anna realised she had been mistaken about Dennis. 安娜意识到她误解丹尼斯了。朗文写作活用〔cannonball〕The door crashed open and Dennis cannonballed into the hallway.门砰地打开, 丹尼斯飞奔到过道里。外研社新世纪〔career〕Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera.丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。柯林斯高阶〔chance〕Dennis was not a man to take chances.丹尼斯不是个敢冒风险的人。柯林斯高阶〔chance〕Dennis was not a man to take chances.丹尼斯不是那种会去冒险的人。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.丹尼斯最近开始在欧洲担任歌剧指挥, 事业发展得很成功。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.丹尼斯最近开始在欧洲担任歌剧指挥,事业发展得很成功。柯林斯高阶〔crack〕Dennis rubbed his hands together and cracked his knuckles .丹尼斯搓搓双手,把指关节弄得格格响。朗文当代〔creepy〕Was she still married to that creepy guy, Dennis?她还没和那个可恶的家伙丹尼斯离婚吗?外研社新世纪〔escort〕Denise was escorted by her uncle.丹尼斯由她的叔叔陪同出席。麦克米伦高阶〔forgettable〕Dennis White scored the only goal in an otherwise forgettable game.丹尼斯‧怀特射进了原本平淡无奇的比赛中的唯一一粒进球。剑桥高阶〔friend〕Dennis made friends easily.丹尼斯很容易就能交到朋友。外研社新世纪〔friend〕Dennis made friends easily.丹尼斯很容易就能交到朋友。柯林斯高阶〔gasp〕Denise almost gasped aloud in astonishment.丹尼斯惊得差点儿大叫起来。牛津搭配〔handbag〕Dennis looked like he threw a punch, but it was just handbags.丹尼斯看似挥了一拳,其实只是装个样子。朗文当代〔hear〕I said we should go back, but Dennis wouldn't hear of it.我说我们应该回去了,但丹尼斯不听。朗文当代〔irritation〕Dennis knew better than to show his irritation.丹尼斯很有头脑, 不至于把怒气表露出来。外研社新世纪〔jape〕Dennis replied that he japes about all religions.丹尼斯回答说他拿所有的宗教开玩笑。外研社新世纪〔junior〕She now lives with actor Denis Lawson, 10 years her junior.她现在与比她小10岁的演员丹尼斯·劳森同居。柯林斯高阶〔kill〕Seeing his chance, Dennis moved in for the kill.看到机会来了, 丹尼斯果断出手。外研社新世纪〔kill〕Seeing his chance, Dennis moved in for the kill.看到机会来了,丹尼斯开始采取行动。柯林斯高阶〔literal〕Dennis is a very literal person.丹尼斯是个听话不听音的人柯林斯高阶〔literal〕Dennis is a very literal person.丹尼斯是个极乏味的人。外研社新世纪〔meeting〕In January, 37 years after our first meeting, I was back in the studio with Denis.那是1月,在我们初次相遇37年之后,我和丹尼斯一同回到了工作室。柯林斯高阶〔name〕A man named Dennis answered the door.一个名叫丹尼斯的男子来开了门。剑桥高阶〔nonchalance〕Denis tried to look nonchalant and uninterested.丹尼斯竭力表现出漠不关心、不感兴趣的样子。柯林斯高阶〔nonchalant〕Denis tried to look nonchalant and uninterested.丹尼斯竭力表现出漠不关心、不感兴趣的样子。外研社新世纪〔or〕It took a lot longer than either Elaine or Dennis had envisaged.花费的时间比伊莱恩或丹尼斯设想的要长得多。外研社新世纪〔or〕The bathroom has taken a lot longer to get right than either Elaine or Dennis had envisaged.装修浴室花的时间远比伊莱恩和丹尼斯预想的要长。柯林斯高阶〔other〕He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.他预计将在会上获得包括丹尼斯·斯金纳和托尼·本在内的很多人的支持。柯林斯高阶〔parking〕Denise isn't very good at parking yet.丹尼斯停车还不是太好。麦克米伦高阶〔pave〕His work paved the way for Denis Burkitt's theories.他的工作是丹尼斯•伯基特理论的奠基石。外研社新世纪〔perfection〕Dennis always seeks perfection in his girlfriends.丹尼斯总是要求他的女朋友十全十美。麦克米伦高阶〔pleasure〕It's a great pleasure to introduce tonight's guest speaker, Mr Dennis Taylor.我非常荣幸地向大家介绍今天晚上的演讲嘉宾,丹尼斯·泰勒先生。麦克米伦高阶〔point sth out〕He was planning to book a rock-climbing holiday, till I pointed out that Denis is afraid of heights.在我告诉他丹尼斯恐高之前,他一直打算着预约假日去攀岩。剑桥高阶〔producer〕Mike Morley, the producer of Central Television's Dennis Nilsen documentary.迈克·摩利,中央电视台播出的丹尼斯·尼尔森纪录片的制片人柯林斯高阶〔producer〕Mike Morley, the producer of Central Television's Dennis Nilsen documentary迈克•摩利, 中央电视台播出的丹尼斯•尼尔森纪录片的制片人外研社新世纪〔pulsating〕Rue St. Denis is the pulsating heart of French street life in Montreal.圣丹尼斯街是蒙特利尔法裔市井生活的热闹中心。剑桥高阶〔request〕Mr Dennis said he had requested access to a telephone.丹尼斯先生说他已经请求使用电话。柯林斯高阶〔send〕Sir Denis took one look and sent it back.丹尼斯爵士看了一眼就把它送了回去。柯林斯高阶〔unhappy〕Dennis is unhappy about having to work on a Saturday.丹尼斯对星期六必须上班感到不满。朗文当代〔vacate〕Denis vacates his job at the end of the week.丹尼斯本周末离职。剑桥高阶〔young〕Denise looks really young for her age, doesn't she? 丹尼斯看起来比她的实际年龄年轻许多,不是吗?麦克米伦高阶A woman of firm views, trenchantly expressed, Denys could be sharply critical.丹尼斯是一个有着坚定的观念的女人,尖锐地说,她的批评会锋芒逼人。剑桥国际Denis vacates his post/job at the end of the week.丹尼斯在本周末离开职位/工作岗位。剑桥国际Dennis Bass was appointed to fill the vacant seat on the Board.丹尼斯·巴斯被任命替补董事会中的空缺。剑桥国际Dennis White scored the only goal in an otherwise forgettable match.丹尼斯·怀特打入了唯一的一个进球,否则那场比赛将不值得记忆。剑桥国际Dennis always gets the job done, but he's a real plodder (= someone who works slowly and continuously, without showing any imagination or enthusiasm).丹尼斯总能完成任务,但他只是一个埋头苦干的人。剑桥国际Dennis is becoming hardened to failure. 丹尼斯对失败变得麻木了。译典通Dennis likes trumpeting his own praises. 丹尼斯喜欢自吹自擂。译典通Mr Thatcher was created a baronet in 1990 and is now called Sir Denis Thatcher.撒切尔先生1990年被封为从男爵,现在被称作丹尼斯·撒切尔爵士。剑桥国际We are privileged in having with us in tonight's show one of the world's greatest comedians, Mr. Les Dennis.我们很荣幸地在今晚的表演中邀请了世界上最著名的喜剧演员之一,莱斯·丹尼斯先生和我们在一起。剑桥国际




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