

单词 中加
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕Add milk to the mixture before heating it. 在混合料中加入牛奶再加热。朗文写作活用〔ADD〕John added some water to the paint to make it thinner. 约翰在颜料中加了些水使它变稀。朗文写作活用〔AMOUNT〕She added a spoonful of olive oil to the boiling water, then threw in the pasta. 她在沸水中加入一匙橄榄油,然后把面食放进去。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕Refuelling a plane in mid-air is a tricky business. 给飞机空中加油是件难度很高的事。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕Add four tablespoons of dried milk to a pint of cold water, and stir until dissolved. 在一品脱冷水中加入四汤匙奶粉,搅至溶解。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕We have incorporated a users’ guide with the software. 我们已在该软件中加了使用指南。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Add the chocolate to the butter and eggs, stirring the mixture until it is thick and creamy. 在黄油和鸡蛋中加入巧克力,把混和物搅拌至浓稠软滑。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Mix the flour in just enough milk to make a smooth paste. 面粉中加入适量的牛奶调成均匀的糊状。朗文写作活用〔ROUGH/NOT SMOOTH〕To relieve tight or scaly skin, add a teaspoon of fine oil to your bathwater. 要舒缓紧绷或干涩粗糙的皮肤,在洗澡水中加一茶匙精制油。朗文写作活用〔STICK〕Add flour to the mixture to prevent it from becoming sticky. 在混合物中加面粉,防止它变黏。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕His grandfather fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War. 他祖父在西班牙内战中加入共和派军队作战。朗文写作活用〔add〕Add £2.20 to the cost for postage.成本中加上 2.20 英镑的邮费。朗文当代〔black-flag〕To signal (the driver of a racing car) to proceed immediately to the pits.示意黑旗:示意(赛车司机)立即前行至途中加油站美国传统〔boom〕A long hollow tube attached to a tanker aircraft, through which fuel flows to another aircraft being refueled in flight.空中加油导管:连结在飞机油箱上长的套空管,油料通过它流向空中被加油的飞机美国传统〔braise〕To cook (meat or vegetables) by browning in fat, then simmering in a small quantity of liquid in a covered container.炖,蒸:煮(肉或菜),先用油炒黄,然后在一个有盖容器中加少量水煨美国传统〔break〕Bacteria are added to help break down the sewage.下水道中加入细菌帮助分解污物。朗文当代〔bubble bath〕A bath to which such a preparation has been added.泡沫浴:沐浴于浴水中加入泡沫剂或泡沫粉美国传统〔buddy stores〕Aircraft fuel tanks designed to transfer fuel from the host plane to another plane, such as a fighter, during flight.空中加油飞机:在飞行中为了从主飞机传送燃料到另一个飞机,如战斗机,而设计的加油飞机美国传统〔bump up〕Add pasta to your salads to bump up your fibre intake.在色拉中加入意大利面条,增加你的纤维摄入量。柯林斯高阶〔buttermilk〕A cultured sour milk made by adding certain microorganisms to sweet milk.酸奶:在甜牛奶中加入某种微生物制得的发酵的酸味牛奶美国传统〔chorus〕A refrain in which an audience joins a soloist in a song.合唱句,重叠句:由一名观众在独唱歌手的一支歌中加入的副歌美国传统〔course〕Treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacterium.治疗中加了一个疗程的抗生素进行杀菌。外研社新世纪〔cover charge〕A fixed amount added to the bill at a nightclub or restaurant for entertainment or services.服务费:在夜总会或餐馆中加在娱乐或服务帐单以外的固定金额美国传统〔cream〕She creamed the coffee and handed it to him.她往咖啡中加了奶油, 然后递给他。外研社新世纪〔cut into〕The extra time I was spending at work was cutting into my time with my family.我工作中加班的时间多了,和家人在一起的时间就少了。韦氏高阶〔disinfectant〕Effluent from the sedimentation tank is dosed with disinfectant to kill any harmful organisms.沉降池中的废水中加入了消毒剂,以消灭所有有害微生物。柯林斯高阶〔disinfectant〕Effluent from the sedimentation tank is dosed with disinfectant to kill any harmful organisms.沉降池的废水中加入了消毒剂, 以消灭所有有害微生物。外研社新世纪〔disinfect〕Chemicals were added to disinfect the water.水中加入了用来消毒的化学品。韦氏高阶〔economic〕For practical and economic reasons the painter adds gel medium to his colours.从经济实用的角度出发, 画家通常在颜料中加入凝胶调色剂。外研社新世纪〔enthrone〕The Queen was enthroned in the city's most ancient church.女王在城中最古老的教堂中加冕。英汉大词典〔ferment〕Yeast is added to the milk to make it ferment.在牛奶中加入酵母使其发酵。外研社新世纪〔fortify〕All sherry is made from wine fortified with brandy.所有的雪利酒都是在葡萄酒中加入白兰地勾兑成的。柯林斯高阶〔fuel〕The airplanes were fueled in midair.飞机在空中加了油。韦氏高阶〔grinding〕A car will come to a grinding halt if you put water in the petrol tank.如果你在油箱中加水的话, 汽车会突然停下来。外研社新世纪〔highball〕A cocktail served in a tall glass and consisting of liquor, such as whiskey, mixed with water or a carbonated beverage.高杯酒:一种置于高玻璃杯中的鸡尾酒,在烈性酒(如威士忌)中加入水或碳酸饮料美国传统〔illustrate with〕His new book is illustrated with a lot of pictures.他的新书中加了好多插图。21世纪英汉〔incorporate〕The committee recommended that we incorporate several new rules into the bylaws.委员会建议我们在章程中加入几条新规则。韦氏高阶〔incorporate〕We can incorporate this information into our report.我们可以在报告中加入这条信息。牛津搭配〔incorporate〕We've incorporated many environmentallyfriendly features into the design of the building.我们在这座建筑的设计中加进了许多环保元素。朗文当代〔insert〕Try inserting a couple of jokes into your speech to keep your audience's attention.你可以试着在演讲中加进几个笑话以保持听众的注意力。韦氏高阶〔intercalary〕Inserted in the calendar to make the calendar year correspond to the solar year. Used of a day or month.闰的(闰日、闰年的):在日历中加入一天或一月而使历年与太阳年相吻合的美国传统〔lace〕He laced the film with humour.他在影片中加进幽默内容使之更具吸引力。英汉大词典〔lace〕He laces his narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information.他在叙述中加了很多不相关的内容。朗文当代〔lace〕She laced her coffee with brandy.她在咖啡中加了点白兰地。外研社新世纪〔lard〕He larded his lecture with many jokes.他在讲座中加进了许多笑话。21世纪英汉〔leaf〕Add a few leaves of fresh basil to the salad.在色拉中加入一些新鲜的罗勒叶片。朗文当代〔leaven〕To add a rising agent to.向…中加发酵剂美国传统〔lighten sth up〕I thought I'd slip in a few jokes to lighten up the talk.我本想在讲话中加几个笑话来调剂一下气氛。剑桥高阶〔little〕Add a little milk to the mixture.往混合物中加少许牛奶。外研社新世纪〔loop〕To add or substitute (words) in a film by altering the sound track.换字幕:通过改变音轨在影片中加入或替换(语句)美国传统〔matériel〕Refuelling cargo planes in mid-air saves valuable time in shipping matériel to the front.通过给货机空中加油可以在将军需物品送往前线时节省宝贵的时间。剑桥高阶〔meanwhile〕Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.把油涂在茄子上,加盐和胡椒烤至松软。与此同时,在厚锅中加热剩余的油。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕When violet is added to the medium blue a particularly striking, warm coloration is created.在中蓝色中加入蓝紫色就形成了一种格外鲜艳夺目的暖色。柯林斯高阶〔methylate〕To mix or combine with methyl alcohol.在…中加甲醇:使与甲醇混合美国传统〔mint〕In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes.1965年,铸币厂停止向10分硬币中加入银的成分。柯林斯高阶〔performance〕The pilot rated the airplane's performance in high winds.飞行员在强风中加大了飞机的功率美国传统〔pint〕Add two pints of water to the mixture.在混合物中加入两品脱的水。朗文当代〔prophylactic〕Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.有些牙医坚信在水中加氟化物不是有效的预防措施。剑桥高阶〔provision〕We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.我们在条约中加入了一些条款以保护外籍员工。剑桥高阶〔reduce〕The soup will reduce by adding some cooking starch.汤中加些淀粉将变稠。21世纪英汉〔reduce〕To add hydrogen to (a compound).加氢:在(化合物)中加氢美国传统〔refuel〕The bomber can be refuel(l)ed in the air.这种轰炸机能在空中加油。英汉大词典〔revivify〕They've revivified rhythm and blues singing by giving it dance beats.他们为节奏布鲁斯的歌曲中加入了舞曲的节奏,使之变得更加活跃。柯林斯高阶〔salt〕To separate (a dissolved substance) by adding salt to the solution.盐析:通过向溶液中加盐而分离出(溶解的物质)美国传统〔smoothly〕Lead is added to fuel to make car engines run more smoothly.燃油中加入了铅,以使汽车引擎更流畅地运转。剑桥高阶〔special effect〕A visual or sound effect added to a movie or a taped television show during processing. Often used in the plural.特技效果:在电影或电视录像节目制作过程中加入的视象或音响效果。常用复数形式美国传统〔spike〕She spiked the sauce with vinegar.她往酱汁中加了醋。韦氏高阶〔spike〕Someone spiked the punch at the party.有人在晚会用的潘趣酒中加了烈性酒。韦氏高阶〔spike〕The brownies were spiked with marijuana.巧克力蛋糕中加了大麻。韦氏高阶〔spike〕They spiked the punch with tequila.他们在潘趣酒中加了龙舌兰酒。韦氏高阶〔stir in〕You can stir a small amount of thinner in the paint.你可以往油漆中加一点稀料,把他们调匀。21世纪英汉〔sugar〕He sat down and sugared and stirred his coffee.他坐下来, 在咖啡中加糖并搅拌了一下。外研社新世纪〔sugar〕He sat down and sugared and stirred his coffee.他坐下来,在咖啡中加糖并搅拌。柯林斯高阶〔supplement〕The farmer adds a supplement to the horse's feed.农场主在马的饲料中加了一份补充物。牛津搭配〔sweetener〕She used an artificial sweetener in the pie instead of sugar.她没有在馅饼中加糖,而是加了一种甜味剂。韦氏高阶〔tamale〕A Mexican dish made of fried chopped meat and crushed peppers, highly seasoned, rolled in cornmeal dough, wrapped in cornhusks, and steamed.玉米粉蒸肉:用油炸过的肉块和研碎的胡椒做成的一道墨西哥菜,肉块和胡椒中加有许多佐料并卷在玉米面中,外面用玉米壳包裹后进行蒸煮美国传统〔taste〕Salt the stew to taste.依照口味在炖汤中加盐。韦氏高阶〔tournedos〕A fillet of beef cut from the tenderloin, often bound in bacon or suet for cooking.里脊肉:从嫩腰肉上割下的牛里脊肉,通常包在咸肉或板油中加以烹调美国传统〔track〕Students who do well in their 8th grade classes will qualify for the honors track in high school.在八年级成绩比较好的学生可以在高中加入荣誉学位班。剑桥高阶〔variation〕This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite.这种汤是在一种受欢迎的传统汤羹中加了香料。牛津高阶〔vein〕The writer tapped into a rich vein of sentiment in the play.作者在剧中加入了大量的情感元素。牛津搭配〔warm〕The rolls are warming in the oven.面包正在烤箱中加温美国传统〔work into〕You should work more fresh fruit into your diet.你应该在饮食中加入更多的新鲜水果。韦氏高阶A slice of lime in a drink makes a refreshing change from lemon.在饮料中加一片酸橙有一种不同于柠檬的清新味道。剑桥国际Add 100g of desiccated (= dried and cut into small pieces) coconut to the cake mixture.往蛋糕粉中加入100克干椰丝。剑桥国际Add a pint of chicken stock to the recipe and stir.在菜中加入一品脱原汁鸡汤后再搅拌。剑桥国际Add the diced potatoes to the pan.往平底锅中加入马铃薯丁。剑桥国际Adding aerobic exercise to your life will speed up weight loss, and tone up muscle to improve body shape.在生活中加入有氧健身操锻炼可加速瘦身,协调肌肉,以改善体形。剑桥国际He added spice to the stew.他在煨的食物中加了些调味品。剑桥国际I like to use cinnamon to flavour (=give a particular taste to) coffee.我喜欢在咖啡中加肉桂皮调味。剑桥国际Lead is added to fuel to make car engines run more smoothly.燃料中加入了铅,以使汽车引擎能更流畅地运行。剑桥国际Only a soupcon of milk in my tea, please.请在我的茶中加一点点牛奶。剑桥国际Please punctuate (= put punctuation in ) your writing otherwise it is very difficult to understand.请在你的文章中加标点,否则很难让人理解。剑桥国际Processed foods tend to be heavily seasoned with salt.加工过的食物往往要在其中加很多盐。剑桥国际Put 120 ml of detergent into the washing machine.往洗衣机中加入120毫升洗涤剂。剑桥国际Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.有些牙医坚信在水中加氟化物不是有效的预防措施。剑桥国际The range of the military jets can be extended by in-flight refuelling.军用喷气机的航程在空中加油之后能延长。剑桥国际We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.我们在条约中加入了一些条款以保护外国工人。剑桥国际We increased the use of computers for information management.我们在信息管理中加强电脑的使用。牛津商务You can add what you like to this mixture--brandy, whisky or nothing at all--as the whim takes you.你可以在这种混合饮料中加入你喜欢的任何东西----白兰地,威士忌或者根本什么都不加----任你随心所欲。剑桥国际




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