

单词 中办
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agreeable〕Can mediators produce a compromise that is agreeable to both sides? 调解员能提出一个双方都能接受的折中办法吗?麦克米伦高阶〔compromise〕It is best to try to seek a compromise rather than a perfect solution.最好是尽量寻求一种折中办法,而不是完美的解决方案。牛津搭配〔compromise〕It was a fair compromise between the two sides.这是对双方都公平的折中办法。牛津搭配〔half〕We need resolute action, not timid half-measures.我们需要的是果断的行动,而不是懦弱的折中办法。韦氏高阶〔happy medium〕The car's designers have found/struck a happy medium between affordability and luxury.汽车设计师在车辆价格承受能力和豪华之间找到了一个很好的折中办法。韦氏高阶〔happy medium〕They are looking for a happy medium: a house that is not too big but that has lots of storage space.他们正在寻找一种折中办法:房子不要太大,但要有许多储物空间。韦氏高阶〔happy〕I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.我一直想找个满意的折中办法,使家里既不会像被炸过那样乱,也不会像有洁癖似的过分齐整。朗文当代〔medium〕It's always best to try and find the happy medium.努力找到折中办法总是最好的。外研社新世纪〔medium〕It's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody.找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。外研社新世纪〔medium〕It's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody.找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。柯林斯高阶〔midway〕A middle course of action or thought.折中办法,中间道路:行动或思想的折中办法美国传统Somewhere between the two extremes is a happy medium.在两个极端,总有一个折中办法。剑桥国际The company operates out of modern offices and expensive hotel suites to create an air of respectability.这家公司在现代化办公室和豪华饭店套间中办公,以营造出一种体面的氛围。剑桥国际These so-called reforms are just cosmetic half-measures which do nothing to resolve the problem.这些所谓的改革只不过是粉饰的折中办法,对解决问题根本没用。剑桥国际




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