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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTRODUCE〕Powell wrote in the introduction that all the armed forces must work together as a team. 鲍威尔在序言中写道,所有武装部队必须要作为一个团队协同行动。朗文写作活用〔bible〕In the Bible it says that Adam and Eve were the first human beings.《圣经》中写道,亚当和夏娃是人类的祖先。剑桥高阶〔dedication〕The dedication at the front of the book read "For my Father".书前面的献词中写道:“献给我的父亲”。剑桥高阶〔famously〕As Wren's epitaph famously declares, the cathedral itself is his monument.众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。柯林斯高阶〔memoirs〕In his memoirs, De Gaulle wrote that he had come to London determined to save the French nation.戴高乐在他的回忆录中写道,他怀着拯救法兰西民族的坚定信念来到了伦敦。柯林斯高阶〔memoirs〕In his memoirs, De Gaulle wrote that he had come to London determined to save the French nation.戴高乐在自传中写道, 他带着拯救法兰西民族的决心来到伦敦。外研社新世纪〔promise〕His English teacher had written on his report that he showed great promise.英语老师在他的成绩报告单中写道他将大有前途。剑桥高阶〔sic〕In the letter to parents it said: ‘The school is proud of it's [sic] record of excellence’.在致家长的信中写道:“ The school is proud of it's (原文如此) record of excellence ”。牛津高阶〔write〕In the article, he writes that the problems in the refugee camps are getting worse.他在文章中写道,难民营问题正在恶化。剑桥高阶His English teacher had written on his report that he showed great promise.他的英语老师在学生手册中写道他很有前途。剑桥国际In her book, she wrote that all women were capable of achieving orgasmic fulfilment.她在书中写道,所有的女人都能够达到性高潮。剑桥国际




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