

单词 中产
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Middle class blacks in the US have not yet achieved parity with whites in graduate school entries. 美国中产阶级黑人在研究生院入学方面还未取得与白人同等的机会。朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕Many think the lunatic fringe has really harmed the public image of gays among the middle class. 许多人认为极端分子大大损害了中产阶级中同性恋者的公众形象。朗文写作活用〔FAMILY〕Most of his friends were from similar middle-class backgrounds. 他的大多数朋友都来自相似的中产阶级家庭。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕It is not just gang members who get into trouble - it's middle-class and upper-class kids as well. 惹事的不仅仅是帮派成员—还有中产阶级和上层阶级的年轻人。朗文写作活用〔Jacuzzi〕A trademark used for a whirlpool bath or a device that swirls water in a bath.佳骨肌泡沫浴装置:一种用于涡流式沐浴或用于在浴池中产生漩涡的装置的商标美国传统〔Middle America〕People in the United States want the president to pay attention to Middle America.美国民众希望总统关注美国的中产阶级。外研社新世纪〔Middle America〕People in the United States want the president to pay attention to Middle America.美国民众希望总统关注美国的中产阶级。柯林斯高阶〔Middle America〕That part of the U.S. middle class thought of as being average in income and education and moderately conservative in values and attitudes.美国中产阶级:美国中等阶级的一部分,被认为收入和教育水平一般,价值观点和态度较为保守美国传统〔Middle England〕They knew that the policy would not be popular with Middle England.他们知道这项政策不会受英格兰中产的欢迎。剑桥高阶〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕The heroine of her latest novel is a middle-class English woman. 她新小说中的女主人公是一位中产阶级的英国女性。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕It's not just gang members that cause trouble, it's middle- and upper-class kids too. 制造麻烦的不仅有帮派成员,还有中产阶级和上流社会的孩子。朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients. 诊所提供的大多数信息都是不完整的,而且偏向优待受过教育的中产阶级客户。朗文写作活用〔adult〕The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed.这种鱼长成以后回到河中产卵。牛津高阶〔affluence〕He used to live in upper-middle-class affluence.他曾过着中产阶级上层的富裕生活。英汉大词典〔anoint〕His message about moderation and the middle class captured the attention of the press, which anointed him front-runner.他关于中庸和中产阶级的观点引起媒体的注意,使他成为获胜的热门人选。柯林斯高阶〔archetype〕His father was the archetype of the middle class.他父亲是典型的中产阶级。英汉大词典〔biased〕The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle class.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自中产阶级家庭的孩子。外研社新世纪〔biased〕The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自好地段的中产阶级小家庭的孩子。柯林斯高阶〔bourgeoisie〕The middle class.中产阶级美国传统〔bourgeois〕He was a bourgeois, not a nobleman.他是个中产阶级,不是贵族。韦氏高阶〔bourgeois〕He's accusing them of having a bourgeois and limited vision.他指责他们像中产阶级一样目光狭隘。柯林斯高阶〔bourgeois〕Of, relating to, or typical of the middle class.中产阶级的:中产阶级的、与之相关的或以之为特点的美国传统〔break free〕She wanted to break free from the constraints of her middle-class life.她想摆脱她的中产阶级生活的束缚。韦氏高阶〔burgher〕A comfortable or complacent member of the middle class.城镇或自治市、镇的市民:很舒服的或满足的中产阶级成员美国传统〔burgher〕Goodness knows what the good burghers of Bradford, Norwich, and Stoke will make of this play.天知道布拉德福德、诺里奇和斯托克的中产阶级良民怎样看待这部戏剧。外研社新世纪〔cater to〕That store caters to middle-class taste.那家商店迎合中产阶级的品味。韦氏高阶〔concern〕Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites.女权主义解决的问题不能仅仅局限于中产阶级白人妇女所关心的问题。柯林斯高阶〔concern〕Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites.女权运动必须解决中产阶级白人所关注范围以外的问题。外研社新世纪〔coordinated universal time〕Universal time, taking into account the addition or omission of leap seconds by atomic clocks each year to compensate for changes in the rotation of the earth.世界协调时:普遍的时间。把原子钟每年润秒的增加或遗漏考虑进去,来补偿地球自转中产生的改变美国传统〔disproportionate〕The area contains a disproportionate number of young middle-class families.此地年轻的中产阶级家庭特别多。牛津高阶〔entrench〕The middle class was demanding for a Bill of Rights to entrench personal liberty.中产阶级正要求有一个能保证个人自由的 《权利法案》。英汉大词典〔exemplify〕Teachers exemplify the virtues of the middle class.教师是中产阶级美德的典范。外研社新世纪〔flatus〕Gas generated in or expelled from the digestive tract, especially the stomach or intestines.屁:从胃或小肠等消化道中产生或排出的气体美国传统〔form〕A plan began to form in her mind.一个计划开始在她头脑中产生。麦克米伦高阶〔generalize〕We can generalize and say that most of our students are middle-class.我们可以笼统地说大部分学生是中产阶级。麦克米伦高阶〔generator〕Computer Science A program that produces specific programs from the definition of an operation.【计算机科学】 生成程序,发生器,生成器:从运算定义中产生规定程序的一个程序美国传统〔gentrification〕The restoration and upgrading of deteriorated urban property by the middle classes, often resulting in displacement of lower-income people.中产阶级造成恶果:由中产阶级造成的恶化的城市所有权的兴起和升级,其结果是低收入人民的流离失所美国传统〔get〕Production has got behind in the last few months.在过去几个月中产量下降了。英汉大词典〔impact〕She's an excellent athlete who is already making a real impact in world competition.她是位优秀的运动员,已经开始在世界大赛中产生实实在在的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔informant〕His informants were middle-class professional women.他的合作者是中产阶级职业妇女。牛津高阶〔jot〕I do not care a jot if my doctor is working-class or middle-class, but I do care if he has a shaky knowledge of medicine.我的医生是工人阶级还是中产阶级, 我一点都不在乎, 但他的医学知识是否可靠, 我可是在乎的。外研社新世纪〔lead〕The educated middle class led the move towards democracy.受过教育的中产阶级领导着争取民主的潮流。英汉大词典〔liberal〕Reform is popular with middle-class liberals.改革受到了中产阶级支持变革者的普遍欢迎。牛津高阶〔lower class〕The middle class must reach out with more empathy and concern to the lower class.中产阶级必须对下层阶级给予更多的同情和关注。外研社新世纪〔lure〕The suburbs are luring middle-class families away from the city.郊区吸引着中产阶级家庭搬离市区。韦氏高阶〔main street〕Main Street won't be happy with this new program.中产阶级不会对这个新计划感到高兴的。牛津高阶〔middle class〕He is rapidly losing the support of blue-collar voters and of middle-class conservatives.他正在迅速失去蓝领选民与中产阶级保守派的支持。柯林斯高阶〔middle class〕Home ownership was once a privilege of the middle classes.拥有房屋曾经是中产阶层的特权。朗文当代〔middle class〕She considers herself to be a member of the upper middle class.她认为自己属于上层中产阶级。麦克米伦高阶〔middle class〕The President may have secured some support from the middle classes.总统可能已经得到了一些中产阶级的支持。柯林斯高阶〔middle class〕The members of society occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower working classes and the wealthy.中产阶级:社会经济地位介于下层工人阶级和富有者之间的社会成员美国传统〔middle class〕The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors, or accountants.社会地位较高的中产阶级往往会进入商业圈或成为专业人士,如律师、医生或会计。剑桥高阶〔middle-class〕She had a very middle-class upbringing.她所受的教养完全是中产阶级那一套。外研社新世纪〔middlebrow〕One who is somewhat cultured; one who is neither highbrow nor lowbrow.教育程度中等的人;中产阶级趣味的人:受过某种程度教育的人;既非上层又非下层的人美国传统〔middling〕The woman sounded middling young and lower middle class.听起来这位女士还算比较年轻, 属中产阶级下层。外研社新世纪〔pedigree〕Members with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.成员中中产阶级下层出身的很多。英汉大词典〔pitch for〕It was middle-class votes they were pitching for.他们极力想要争取的是中产阶级的选票。外研社新世纪〔pledge〕The President pledged himself to increase taxes for the rich but not the middle classes.总统保证增加对富人而非中产阶级的税收。柯林斯高阶〔pole〕Somewhere between the poles of wealth and poverty is the average middle class.界乎贫富两极之间的是一般的中产阶层。麦克米伦高阶〔popular〕These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters.这些政策不大可能博得中产阶级选民的欢心。牛津高阶〔preserve〕The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.政府部门的工作成了受过良好教育的中产阶级人士的专属工作。朗文当代〔prevail〕This attitude still prevails among the middle classes.这种观点在中产阶级中仍然很普遍。剑桥高阶〔pumice〕Pumice is produced in volcanic eruptions.浮石是在火山爆发中产生的。剑桥高阶〔release〕Intense heat is released in the reaction.反应过程中产生高热。牛津高阶〔resonance〕This is an anniversary that has great resonance for survivors of the train crash.火车事故周年纪念在幸存者中产生了很大的反响。麦克米伦高阶〔resonate〕This issue has resonated with voters more than any other.这个问题在选民中产生的反响比其他问题都强烈。麦克米伦高阶〔reverberate〕The events of 9 / 11 will reverberate through history.“9.11”事件将在历史过程中产生持续影响。朗文当代〔reverb〕A reverberative effect produced in recorded music by electronic means.混响装置:通过电子手段在录制的音乐中产生的反射混响效果美国传统〔rhythm〕The pattern of development produced in a literary or dramatic work by repetition of elements such as words, phrases, incidents, themes, images, and symbols.文学作品的节奏:通过例如单词、短语、插曲、主题曲、形象及象征等成分的重复在文学或戏剧作品中产生的展开的形式美国传统〔sea trout〕Any of several trouts or similar fishes that live in the sea but migrate to fresh water to spawn.类似海鳟鱼:任一种生长在海里却游到淡水中产卵的几种鳟鱼或类似的鱼美国传统〔size〕The relative size of the middle class has been steadily shrinking.中产阶级的相对规模正逐步缩小。牛津搭配〔snoot〕The aristocracy snubs the middle class as the middle class snoots the workers.贵族瞧不起中产阶级,就像中产阶级瞧不起工人一样。英汉大词典〔sound〕The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such vibrations in the air or other medium.听力:受空气或其他传媒中这种振动的刺激,而在听觉器官中产生的感觉美国传统〔spermagonium〕A cup-shaped cavity or receptacle in which the spermatia of certain lichens and fungi are produced.(锈菌)性孢子器:某些地衣或真菌的性孢子在其中产生杯状的空腔或容器美国传统〔suburbia〕He has written a book about middle-class suburbia.他写了一本有关郊区中产阶级生活的书。剑桥高阶〔time-poor〕Increasingly, both men and women in the professional middle classes are work-rich and time-poor.中产阶段的职业男女,都感到工作日益增加,而时间却越发不够。剑桥高阶〔transudate〕A product of the process of transuding.渗出物:在渗漏过程中产生的东西美国传统〔value〕They hold very middle-class values.他们秉持典型的中产阶级价值观。牛津搭配〔verticillaster〕A cymose inflorescence resembling a whorl but actually arising in the axils of opposite bracts, as in most mints.轮状聚伞花序:类似涡旋状的聚伞花序,但实际上是从相对花苞的枝腋中产生的,如同大部分的薄荷属植物美国传统〔villa〕Chiefly British A house in a middle-class suburb.【多用于英国】 中产阶级的市郊住宅美国传统〔voice〕The government needs to listen to the voice of middle-class Americans.政府应该听取美国中产阶级的呼声。朗文当代〔well〕Anger welled up in me.愤怒在我心中产生美国传统〔wide〕The movement developed a wide following among the middle classes.这场运动在中产阶级中发展了一大批追随者。英汉大词典〔working substance〕A substance, such as a fluid, used to effect a thermodynamic or other change in a system.资用物质:一种物质,比如像流体,用于在一个系统中产生热力变化或其它的变化美国传统〔work〕Her dazzling performance worked its magic on the audience(=had a good effect on them).她那令人眼花缭乱的表演在观众中产生了良好的反响。麦克米伦高阶Aircraft flying at supersonic speeds produce shock waves in the air around the aircraft.以超音速速度飞行的飞机会在周围的空气中产生冲击波。剑桥国际Deepening disillusionment bordering on open (= not secret) mutiny is stirring in the militia.民兵组织中产生了越来越深的失望,几乎要公开叛乱。剑桥国际Female wasps lay their eggs in the pupae of various flies.雌黄蜂在苍蝇的蛹中产卵。剑桥国际He belongs to the lower middle class. 他来自中产阶级下层。译典通He described the film as middle-class bourgeois horseshit.他将这电影描述为中产阶级的胡说八道。剑桥国际He made a bid for middle class support. 他努力试图得到中产阶级的支持。译典通He made a study of the position of the middle class in Britain. 他研究过英国中产阶级的状况。译典通He told me quite sadly that most of the area in which he had grown up had now been modernized and gentrified, and had lost all its old character.他很悲哀地告诉我,在他长大的地方,大部分地区现在都被现代化了,中产阶级也移居到此,这里已完全失去了它昔日的特色。剑桥国际Her latest novel shows her usual acute observation of the English middle classes.她的最新小说显示出她对英国中产阶级一向敏锐的洞察力。剑桥国际Middle-class students take up a large share of university places.来自中产阶级家庭的学生在大学里占了很大比例。剑桥国际The new bourgeoisie, which was created by the Industrial Revolution, had money to spend and wanted to travel.由工业革命产生的新的中产阶级有钱花,想旅行。剑桥国际The turnout in precincts with many middle-class voters is expected to be high.有很多中产阶级投票人的选举区估计票数会很高。剑桥国际There is a widening gulf between the middle classes and the poorest sections of society.中产阶级和社会的贫困阶级的差距在增大。剑桥国际They expressed worry about the district's current budget crisis and its vanishing middle-class work force.对于该地区目前的预算危机和逐渐减少的中产阶级劳动力,他们表示担忧。剑桥国际They hope to win mass support among the middle class. 他们希望能赢得中产阶级的广泛支持。译典通




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