

单词 中心人物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Carmen Maura plays the passionate, beautiful Pepa, the central character of director Pedro Almodovar's movie. 卡门·毛拉饰演由佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦执导的影片的中心人物—多情漂亮的皮帕。朗文写作活用〔at the center of things〕He always likes to be at the center of things.他总喜欢成为中心人物。韦氏高阶〔belong〕She belongs in the centre of that circle.她是那个圈子的中心人物。英汉大词典〔centre〕He always seems to be at the centre of things.他好像总是中心人物。朗文当代〔centre〕In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy.伽利略在自己的一生中成了当时人们激烈争论的中心人物。英汉大词典〔centre〕The prime minister is at the centre of a political row over leaked Cabinet documents.首相成了内阁文件泄秘政治风波的中心人物。牛津高阶〔flaky〕The central character of the play is a flaky neurotic.该剧的中心人物是一个疯疯癫癫的神经质的人。剑桥高阶〔focal point〕He quickly became the focal point for those who disagreed with government policy.他迅速成为不同意政府政策者的中心人物。牛津高阶〔focal〕The focal figure of the movie is Annette Corley, a dancer who has boyfriend troubles.这部影片的中心人物是安妮特‧科利,一个在男朋友问题上有点麻烦儿的舞蹈演员。剑桥高阶〔pivot〕A person or thing on which something depends or turns; the central or crucial factor.中心人物,中心点:某人或物,其它东西依靠它或绕它转动;中心,要点美国传统〔pivot〕The mother is often the pivot of family life.母亲常是家庭生活的中心人物。英汉大词典〔soul〕After he's had a few drinks, he's the life and soul of the party.几杯酒下肚,他便会成为宴会中最活跃的中心人物。英汉大词典〔the first person〕The nameless first-person narrator is the focus of the story.这个故事的中心人物是这个没有名字的第一人称叙事者。剑桥高阶She was at the centre of a public scandal last year.她是去年一场社会丑闻的中心人物。剑桥国际The author characterizes the central figure as a weakling. 作者把书中的中心人物描绘成一个懦弱的人。译典通The central character of the novel is a sort of underworld figure.这部小说的中心人物是一个黑社会人物。剑桥国际The central character of the play is a flaky neurotic (=a person whose behaviour is unusual).这个剧的中心人物是一个古怪的神经病患者。剑桥国际The focal figure of the film is Annette Corley, a dancer who has boyfriend troubles.电影的中心人物是一位名叫安妮特·考莱的舞蹈演员,她在男朋友问题上有些麻烦。剑桥国际




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