

单词 三叉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔forficate〕Deeply forked or notched, as the tails of certain birds.分叉很深的:三叉形的和锯齿状的,如某些鸟的尾巴美国传统〔trident〕A long, three-pronged fork or weapon, especially a three-pronged spear used for fishing.三叉戟:一种长的,有三尖头的叉子或武器,尤指用来捕鱼的三尖头的鱼叉美国传统〔trident〕Greek Mythology Roman Mythology The three-pronged spear carried by Neptune or Poseidon.【希腊神话】 【罗马神话】 三叉戟:海神尼普顿或波塞冬手持的有三尖头的矛杖美国传统〔trident〕Neptune's trident 海神尼普顿的三叉戟剑桥高阶〔trident〕The navy plans to move its Tridents.海军计划调动其三叉戟潜艇。剑桥高阶〔trifacial〕Trigeminal.三叉神经的美国传统〔trigeminal neuralgia〕Trigeminal neuralgia most commonly affects the right side of the face.影响右边脸的三叉神经痛最为常见。剑桥高阶〔trigeminal〕Of or relating to the trigeminal nerves; trifacial.三叉神经的:属于或关于三叉神经的美国传统〔wallop〕Each Trident sub is said to pack more wallop than the combined fleets of all navies in World War II.据说,每艘三叉戟潜艇配备的打击力比第二次世界大战中所有海军舰队的打击力总和还大。英汉大词典




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