

单词 三十年
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PAST〕Thirty years ago, there used to be a market in the town. 三十年前,镇上有个市场。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Congress Party in India lost its legislative majority in the late 1970s after nearly thirty years in power. 20世纪70年代后期,印度国大党掌权近三十年后失去了议会多数席位。朗文写作活用〔Tilly〕Flemish field marshal during the Thirty Years' War.蒂利:三十年战争中佛兰芒人的陆军元帅美国传统〔athletic〕His athletic career spanned three decades.他的运动生涯长达三十年。韦氏高阶〔consummation〕The concert was to be one of his final as director of the orchestra: a glorious consummation of 30 years' collaboration.这场音乐会是他作为乐队总监的最后几次表演之一, 是三十年合作的辉煌巅峰。外研社新世纪〔curtain〕The decision brought down the curtain on a 30-year career.这一决定为三十年的职业生涯画上了句号。朗文当代〔dust〕In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust.在过去三十年间, 很多备受珍视的价值观已经被完全抛弃。外研社新世纪〔generation〕A generation ago, home computers were virtually unknown.二三十年以前,家用电脑还几乎不为世人所知。剑桥高阶〔generation〕He has held that position for a generation.他在那个职位上干了二三十年了。韦氏高阶〔generation〕No one dreamed that such things would be possible a generation ago.二三十年前没人会料到这样的事会成为可能。韦氏高阶〔gird〕With audiences in the US falling for the first time in a generation, Hollywood is girding itself for recession.随着美国的电影观众人数在二三十年里首次下跌,好莱坞正在为萧条期做好准备。柯林斯高阶〔ironic〕It's ironic that her husband smoked for thirty years, and yet she's the one who died of lung cancer.具有讽刺意味的是,她丈夫吸烟三十年,而死于肺癌的却是她。朗文当代〔jubilant〕Players are jubilant about having broken a record that stood for 30 years.选手们为打破一项保持了三十年的记录而欢欣鼓舞。文馨英汉〔latitude〕In the middle to high latitudes rainfall has risen steadily over the last 20-30 years.中纬度和高纬度地区的降雨量在过去二三十年间持续增多。外研社新世纪〔latitude〕In the middle to high latitudes rainfall has risen steadily over the last 20-30 years.在过去二三十年里,中高纬度地区的降雨量持续增加。柯林斯高阶〔loyally〕For thirty years she had served him loyally.三十年来她忠心耿耿地服侍他。文馨英汉〔lump〕Everything over thirty years old is lumped into one big category: ancient history.所有三十年以前的事物都被归入一大类:古代史。外研社新世纪〔mores〕The last thirty years have seen great changes in social mores.过去三十年中,社会中习俗有了很大的变化。文馨英汉〔occupied〕This challenge will occupy Europe for a generation or more.这将是欧洲在未来二三十年或者更长的时间里所要面临的挑战。柯林斯高阶〔occupy〕This challenge will occupy Europe for a generation or more.这将是欧洲在未来二三十年或者更长的时间里所要面临的挑战。外研社新世纪〔part〕They were hardly ever parted in thirty years of marriage.在三十年的婚姻生活中,他们几乎从没有分开过。朗文当代〔pendulum〕The pendulum has swung back and the American car companies have made dramatic advances in safety.三十年河东, 三十年河西, 美国汽车公司在安全方面已经取得了巨大进步。外研社新世纪〔pendulum〕The pendulum has swung back and the American car companies have made dramatic advances in safety.三十年河东,三十年河西,美国汽车公司在安全方面已经取得了巨大进步。柯林斯高阶〔span〕His career as a singer spanned three decades.他当了三十年的职业歌手。韦氏高阶〔the〕In the thirties unemployment was widespread.三十年代失业现象很普遍。朗文当代〔thirty〕In the thirties, air travel really began to take off.在三十年代,乘飞机旅行迅速流行了起来。朗文当代〔thirty〕The family sold the house in the early thirties.三十年代初期,这家人把房子卖了。朗文当代After living in a metropolis for thirty years, he decided to rusticate in his old age. 在大都市住了三十年之后,他决定老了要去农村生活。译典通After thirty years as a judge, her reflections on/about life and justice were well worth listening to.她做了三十年的法官,她对生活和司法的认识是很值得好好倾听的。剑桥国际After thirty years of marriage, they suddenly decided to call it quits. 在经历了三十年的婚姻后,他们突然决定终止婚姻关系。译典通Ann and Mary maintained their friendship for the next thirty years. 安妮和玛丽在此后的三十年中一直保持著她们之间的友谊。译典通Big band music was very popular during the 1930s and 40s.大乐队音乐在二十世纪三十年代和四十年代特别流行。剑桥国际Employment was hard to find in the recession-smitten thirties.三十年代经济萧条时期,找工作是件很难的事。剑桥国际For thirty years she has grown strawberries and raspberries on her five-acre smallholding.三十年来,她一直在五英亩的小片耕地上种草莓和木莓。剑桥国际He has practiced law in Taipei for 30 years. 他在台北做律师已有三十年。译典通He labored in the mines for 30 years. 他在矿场里辛勤工作了三十年。译典通He lived in Canada in the thirties. 三十年代他住在加拿大。译典通He reached the apex of power in the early 1930s. 他在三十年代初达到了权力的顶峰。译典通He was in the RAF for thirty years.他在皇家空军供职三十年。剑桥国际His career was a series of spectacular peaks and dismal troughs that spanned thirty years.他的事业是由跨过了三十年的一系列引人注目的高峰和凄凉的低谷组成的。剑桥国际I love the big brassy sound (= having lots of brass instruments) of the 1930s bands.我喜欢二十世纪三十年代铜管乐队那嘹亮的铜管乐器的声音。剑桥国际It was the most destructive storm in 30 years. 那是三十年来毁灭性最大的风暴。译典通Mr. Oliver worked for 30 years in the movies. 奥利佛在电影界工作三十年。译典通My grandmother charred for the same family for thirty years.我的祖母给同一家庭做杂务活长达三十年。剑桥国际Our boss stepped down after thirty years with the company. 我们的老板在这家公司工作了三十年后退休了。译典通She was educated in England in the 1930s. 她三十年代在英国受教育。译典通The 1930's was a time of high unemployment and economic hardship in much of the United Kingdom.三十年代的英国,许多地方面临着高失业和困难的经济状况。剑桥国际The manager of the hotel started at the bottom (=in one of the least important jobs) 30 years ago, as a porter.这个旅馆的经理三十年前从最低层,一个搬运工人开始干起。剑桥国际The recent economic recession is unparalleled since the 1930s. 最近的经济不景气是自三十年代以来最严重的一次。译典通There was a serious slump in the 1930s. 二十世纪三十年代发生过严重的经济衰退。译典通Thirty years after the fire he is still haunted by images of death and destruction.火灾之后的三十年,他依然被死亡和毁灭的景像所困扰。剑桥国际




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