

单词 不毛之地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRY〕The region is an arid wasteland. 这一地区是干旱的不毛之地。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Intense heat had created a completely barren landscape, almost like the moon. 酷热造成了一片不毛之地,几乎就像月球上一样。朗文写作活用〔Great Sandy Desert〕A vast arid area of northwest Australia north of the Gibson Desert.大沙沙漠:澳大利亚西北,吉布森沙漠以北广大的不毛之地美国传统〔Great Victoria Desert〕An arid region of south-central Australia sloping to the Nullarbor Plain on the south.维多利亚大沙漠:澳大利亚中南部的不毛之地,一直延伸南至纳勒博平原美国传统〔barren〕A tract of unproductive land, often with a scrubby growth of trees. Often used in the plural.贫瘠地,不毛之地:一块贫瘠的土地,通常树木低矮。常用复数美国传统〔barren〕We drove through a barren, rocky landscape.我们开车经过一个到处是岩石的不毛之地。剑桥高阶〔desert〕Archaic A wild, uncultivated, and uninhabited region.【古语】 不毛之地:荒凉的,未经开垦的,无人居住的区域美国传统〔fertile〕He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility.他能将大片的不毛之地重新变为沃土。柯林斯高阶〔fertility〕He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility.他能将大片不毛之地重新变成沃土。外研社新世纪〔oasis〕A fertile or green spot in a desert or wasteland, made so by the presence of water.绿洲:沙漠或不毛之地中因为有水而产生的肥沃土地或绿地美国传统〔off〕Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.就在你下方,不过是在50英里开外的,是一片你能想象到的最荒凉的不毛之地。柯林斯高阶〔pioneer〕Ecology An animal or plant species that establishes itself in a previously barren environment.【生态学】 先驱生物:能在不毛之地生存的某种动物或植物种类美国传统〔rock〕The hills above the valley are bare rock.山谷上面的小山都是光秃秃的不毛之地。外研社新世纪〔wasteland〕The pollution has already turned vast areas into a wasteland.污染已经使大片地区沦为不毛之地。柯林斯高阶〔waste〕No crops will grow on these stony wastes.在这些多石的不毛之地上长不出庄稼。英汉大词典Harvests are poor in this infertile area.在这个不毛之地,收成很差。剑桥国际Nomads travel these arid regions with their camel herds.游牧民带着他们的骆驼群在不毛之地漫游。剑桥国际




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