

单词 不正经
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RISK〕In 1972, NBC took a gamble and created a show featuring Redd Foxx, a black comic whose stage routines were somewhat off-color. 1972年美国全国广播公司冒了个险,制作了一档以台风有点不正经的黑人喜剧演员雷德·福克斯为主角的节目。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕They were reading an American novel that seemed to have had all the naughty bits cut out. 他们在看一本美国的小说,小说里凡是不正经的地方好像都被删去了。朗文写作活用〔bad〕Gossip had it that she was a bad girl.有流言说她是个不正经的姑娘。英汉大词典〔dignity〕How could you wear something so indecent? Have you no dignity? 你怎么能穿这种不正经的东西呢?你还有没有一点自尊?剑桥高阶〔floozy〕I'm not some kind of floozy - I don't go out with any man who asks me.我可不是那种不正经的女人——我不会随便跟邀请我的男人出去。外研社新世纪〔obscene〕Try to deal with obscene telephone calls by putting the phone down.接到不正经的电话时就挂掉它。外研社新世纪〔obscenity〕Indecency, lewdness, or offensiveness in behavior, expression, or appearance.猥亵,淫猥:不正经、好色或是在行为、表情或外貌上具有的冒犯性美国传统〔obscenity〕Something, such as a word, an act, or an expression, that is indecent or lewd.猥亵的话:不正经或淫猥的事物,如话语、行动或表情美国传统Her mother told her she wasn't allowed to go out wearing a tight skirt and lots of make-up because it made her look cheap.她母亲告诉她不许她穿着紧身裙、化很浓的妆出去,因为这样会使她看上去不正经。剑桥国际I didn't like the look of those seedy characters who were hanging around outside the bar.我不喜欢那些不正经人物的样子,他们总在酒吧外游荡。剑桥国际She was very glamorous when she was younger, but now she wears too much make-up and is starting to look sluttish.她年轻时很有魅力,但现在她涂了太多的化妆品,看上去有些不正经。剑桥国际




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