

单词 一生中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕The years my parents spent in Kenya were undoubtedly the happiest of their lives. 我父母在肯尼亚度过的那几年无疑是他们一生中最快乐的一段时光。朗文写作活用〔EMBARRASSED/EMBARRASSING〕The ambassador opened the gift in front of all his guests - and the box was empty! It was the most excruciating moment of my life. 大使当着所有的宾客打开了礼物—可礼盒竟是空的!这是我一生中最窘迫的时刻。朗文写作活用〔EVER〕He knew that this was one of the saddest things he'd ever have to do in his life. 他知道,这是他一生中所做过的最伤心的事之一。朗文写作活用〔Everest〕Every man has to face his Everest some time during his life.每人在一生中都免不了面临最困难的时刻。英汉大词典〔FATHER〕Fatherhood has been the greatest challenge of my life. 做父亲是我一生中遇到的最大挑战。朗文写作活用〔GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND〕The survey found that only about one of every four men had had ten or more sexual partners over their lifetime. 这次调查发现,只有1/4的男人一生中有过十个或十个以上的性伴侣。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕My years at college were the happiest time of my life. 我上大学的那几年是我一生中最快乐的时光。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Getting my first part in a movie was a major landmark in my life. 第一次在一部电影中获得角色是我一生中的一个重要的里程碑。朗文写作活用〔Li Po〕Chinese poet who spent much of his time wandering and composing romantic, wine-inspired verse.李白:中国诗人,一生中大多数时间在旅行,创作一些因酒后得灵感而产生的浪漫主义诗篇美国传统〔Might I just say〕This has been, if I might say so, one of the happiest days of my life.如果我可以这样说的话,这是我一生中最开心的日子之一。韦氏高阶〔SAD〕The day her son left home was one of the saddest days of her life. 儿子离家那天是她一生中最伤心的时候之一。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Every jazz-lover at some time of his life has dreamed of assembling a band of his own favourite musicians. 每个爵士乐爱好者在一生中的某个时候,都梦想过把自己最喜欢的乐手聚集起来组建一个乐队。朗文写作活用〔alone〕Never in her life had she felt so alone, so abandoned.她一生中从来没有感到如此孤独, 如此无助。外研社新世纪〔bad〕It was the worst experience of her life.那是她一生中最糟糕的经历。牛津高阶〔be wearing the armband〕He said wearing the armband for England was one of the "greatest achievements" of his life.他说,带上英格兰队的队长袖标是他一生中“最伟大的成绩”。剑桥高阶〔behind bars〕He's spent most of his life behind bars.他一生中大部分时间是在监狱里度过的。剑桥高阶〔biographical〕Containing, consisting of, or relating to the facts or events in a person's life.传记的:容纳、包含或有关于一个人一生中的事实或事件的美国传统〔broke〕Balton went broke twice in his career.巴尔顿一生中经历了两次破产。柯林斯高阶〔certain〕I've never been more certain of anything in my entire life.这是我一生中最有把握的事。麦克米伦高阶〔chasten〕She has been chastened by all kinds of experiences in life.她一生中经历了各种各样的磨难。21世纪英汉〔cliché〕My wedding day - and I know it's a cliché - was just the happiest day of my life.我结婚那天——我知道这是老生常谈——是我一生中最幸福的一天。剑桥高阶〔conjure up〕When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up almost every event of his life.当他闭上眼睛, 他几乎能想起一生中发生的每件事情。外研社新世纪〔consequence〕I'd never done anything of consequence in my life.我一生中从未干过什么大事。牛津搭配〔countervailing〕There were two central and countervailing forces in the life of Nikola Tesla.在尼古拉•特斯拉的一生中, 有两股重要而且相互制衡的力量。外研社新世纪〔course〕He's seen many changes in the course of his long life.他在漫长的一生中目睹了许许多多的变化。牛津高阶〔cradle〕From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.在美国人的一生中,每一个重要阶段都有汽车的影子。朗文当代〔date〕May 7, 2005 was a very significant date in my life.2005 年 5 月 7 日是我一生中一个非常重要的日子。牛津搭配〔day〕It's been one of the worst days of my life.那是我一生中最糟糕的日子之一。牛津搭配〔doldrums〕I was in the doldrums of the worst depression of my life.我当时处于一生中最消沉的抑郁之中。英汉大词典〔drug〕I don't do drugs and I've never done drugs in my life.我不吸毒, 我的一生中也从未沾染毒品。外研社新世纪〔embarrassed〕I've never felt so embarrassed in my life! 我一生中从未感到如此难堪过!牛津高阶〔epoch〕His college years were a happy epoch in his life.他上大学的那几年是他一生中快乐而有意义的时期。英汉大词典〔event〕Leaving home was a major event in his life.离家是他一生中的大事。朗文当代〔expert〕He devoted much of his life to experting at bridge.他把一生中的许多时间花在精通桥牌上。英汉大词典〔eye〕I've never set eyes on him in my life.我一生中从未见到过他。 英汉大词典〔happy〕School days are said to be the happiest days of your life.学生时代据说是一生中最快乐的时光。剑桥高阶〔happy〕Those were the happiest days of my life.那是我一生中最幸福的一段时光。牛津高阶〔have a good run for your money〕I've achieved a lot in my life and I feel I've had a good run for my money.我在一生中取得了很多成就,所以觉得没有虚度时光。剑桥高阶〔his〕The past 10 years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of his life.过去10年是他一生中最快乐、最充实的时期。柯林斯高阶〔hit out〕I had never punched anybody in my life but I hit out and gave him a black eye.我一生中从未打过人,但我却动手打青了他的一只眼睛。柯林斯高阶〔hit〕He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life .他承认自己跌到了一生中的最低谷。柯林斯高阶〔important〕Deciding to become a parent is one of the most important decisions you will make during your lifetime.为人父母是你一生中将要作出的最重大的决定之一。外研社新世纪〔inerasable〕The moment was to be inerasable all his life.这个时刻在他一生中将永远磨灭不掉。英汉大词典〔influence〕His first music teacher was a major influence in his life.他的第一位音乐老师是他一生中对他影响非常大的人。牛津高阶〔insult〕I have never been so insulted in my life! 我一生中从未被如此侮辱过!牛津高阶〔lifetime〕During my lifetime I haven't got around to much travelling.我一生中没怎么去旅行过。柯林斯高阶〔lifetime〕During my lifetime most of the problems the world has faced have come from mainland Europe.在我的一生中, 世界所面临的大多数问题都来自于欧洲大陆。外研社新世纪〔lifework〕The chief or entire work of a person's lifetime.主要工作:一个人毕生从事的工作,一生中最主要的工作美国传统〔life〕He has never been so tongue-tied in his life.在他一生中还从未如此张口结舌过。英汉大词典〔life〕He spent the last fourteen years of his life in retirement.他一生中最后的14年是在退休中度过的。柯林斯高阶〔life〕I have never been so scared in all my life.我一生中从来没有这么害怕过。柯林斯高阶〔life〕It was one of the best days of my life .那是我一生中最快乐的时光之一。朗文当代〔life〕She got married late in life.一生中较晚的时候麦克米伦高阶〔life〕There has only been one woman in his life.他一生中只有一个女人。牛津搭配〔low point〕The low point in my life was when I was hit by a drunk driver.我这一生中最倒霉的时刻是被一个醉酒驾车的司机撞了。朗文当代〔make〕It's important to try and make something of(= achieve sth in)your life.在一生中有所成就是很重要的。牛津高阶〔marry〕The day I married Sarah was the happiest day of my life.我娶萨拉那天是我一生中最快乐的一天。麦克米伦高阶〔milestone〕He felt that moving out of his parents' home was a real milestone in his life.他感到搬出父母家是他一生中一个真正的转折点。剑桥高阶〔monogamy〕The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime.一次结婚制:一生中只结一次婚的习俗美国传统〔old chestnut〕I wondered whether there might, after all, be some truth in the old chestnut that one's school days are the happiest of one's life.老话说学生时代是人一生中最幸福的时光,我在想这话是否有些道理。剑桥高阶〔permit〕Only once in his life had Douglas permitted himself to lose control of his emotions.道格拉斯一生中只有一次情绪失控。柯林斯高阶〔point〕There comes a point in most people's lives when they want to settle down.大多数人在一生中的某个阶段都会想安定下来。牛津搭配〔point〕This is definitely a critical point in my life right now.现在绝对是我一生中决定性的时刻。牛津搭配〔probability〕Men have a 45% probability of developing cancer during their lifetime.人一生中有45%的概率得癌症。外研社新世纪〔question〕It was, without question, the worst day of my life.那无疑是我一生中最糟糕的一天。牛津搭配〔recurring〕Francis suffered all his life from a recurring nightmare that he was trapped in a falling house.弗朗西斯一生中老是做同样一个恶梦:被困在一所正在倒塌的房子里。剑桥高阶〔retrospect〕It was, in retrospect, one of the worst mistakes I ever made.回想起来,这是我一生中所犯的最严重的错误之一。英汉大词典〔shunt〕He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.他一生中的大部分时间都在他母亲、父亲及各种各样的寄养家庭之间辗转度过。柯林斯高阶〔spring〕His anger sprang from his suffering at the loss of the most important love he had ever known in his life.失去一生中的至爱让他悲痛不已,愤怒涌上他的心头。柯林斯高阶〔struggle〕They struggled through two years of the worst time.他们度过了他们一生中最贫寒的两年。21世纪英汉〔surrogate〕John Brown was the latest in a series of surrogate father figures in Victoria's life.在一系列曾在女王维多利亚的一生中扮演过代理父亲角色的人物中,约翰·布朗是最近的一位。柯林斯高阶〔swan song〕The beautiful legendary song sung only once by a swan in its lifetime, as it is dying.天鹅之歌:传说天鹅一生中所唱唯一的、也是临死前唱的美妙歌曲美国传统〔teenage〕For many the teenage years can be the happiest time of their life.对于很多人来说, 青少年时期可能是一生中最快乐的时光。外研社新世纪〔the〕It was the best day of my life.这是我一生中最美好的一天。牛津高阶〔throughout〕This dream recurred throughout her life.这个梦在她的一生中总是不断出现。外研社新世纪〔topsy-turvy〕The world has turned topsy-turvy in my lifetime.在我的一生中世界已经变得一团糟。柯林斯高阶〔wherein〕There was a period in her life wherein she took no active part in politics.在她的一生中,她有一段时期没有积极参政。韦氏高阶〔working life〕I lived abroad for most of my working life.我一生中大部分工作时间都在国外度过。麦克米伦高阶〔worst〕This has got to be the worst day of my life.这是我一生中最倒霉的一天。韦氏高阶〔wrenching〕It was the most wrenching decision of the president’s life.这是总统一生中作出的最痛苦的决定。剑桥高阶Being named the best athlete of the year was an important episode in his life. 他被命名为当年的最佳运动员是他一生中的重要事件。译典通For the first time in my life, I feel really fulfilled (=I am happy with my life).我一生中头一次感到真正的满足。剑桥国际He was something of an adventurer, living most of his life abroad.他有点像冒险家,一生中大部分时间生活在国外。剑桥国际Her time at university was the most eventful (= full of important or interesting events) period of her life.她的大学时期是她一生中发生事情最多的阶段。剑桥国际His audience with the president was an epoch in his life. 他谒见总统是他一生中值得纪念的一件事。译典通I pride myself (that) I've never had a day's illness in my life. [+ obj + (that) clause] 我为自己一生中从未生过一天病而感到自豪。剑桥国际I've never heard anything like this before in my life.我一生中从来没听说过这种事。剑桥国际I've only had one or two (= a few) cigarettes in my whole life.在我的整个一生中我只抽过一两支烟。剑桥国际In his lifetime he was frequently accused of moral corruption of the young and innocent.他一生中经常被指控对纯洁的年轻人进行道德腐蚀。剑桥国际Many people suffer from some form of mental illness during their lives.许多人在他们的一生中患有这样或那样的心理疾病。剑桥国际My parents say your schooldays are the best days of your life, but I'm not so sure.我父母说你的学生时代是你一生中最好的时光,但我对此并不太深信。剑桥国际Never in her life had she felt so happy.她一生中从未如此高兴过。剑桥国际Our trip to Australia is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.我们的澳大利亚之行将会是我们一生中少有的一次经历。剑桥国际Parenting is the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I will do this side of the grave (= in life).为人父母是我这一生中所要做的最难,但也是最值得的事。剑桥国际School days are said to be the happiest days of your life.学生时代据说是一生中最快乐的时候。剑桥国际Socially they're a great company to work for--I've never been to so many parties in my life.从社交方面而言,他们是一群值得为他们做事的人----我一生中从未去过这么多的聚会。剑桥国际The dancer confounded the critics who said she was finished by giving the best performance of her life.批评家说她的艺术生命已经结束,然而这位舞蹈家作了她一生中最好的表演,令他们大感意外。剑桥国际The opportunity to act in a film with her really is the chance of a lifetime.能在电影里与她一起演出确实是一生中难得的机遇。剑桥国际There will not be an opportunity to see the comet again, even in the lifetime of the youngest of us.哪怕是对我们中最年轻的来讲,一生中也将不会有机会能再看到这颗慧星了。剑桥国际Up to a third of one's life could be spent in retirement.人的一生中可能有多达三分之一的时间过退休生活。牛津商务




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