

单词 一生中
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔May〕the May of one's years 一生中的青春时期英汉大词典〔ambitious〕be ambitious to succeed in life 有雄心壮志要在一生中有所成就英汉大词典〔barren〕a barren period in a writer's life 作家一生中不出作品的阶段英汉大词典〔betrayal〕the many disappointments and betrayals in his life 他一生中遭受的诸多失望与背叛牛津高阶〔big〕the big moment of one's life 一生中的重大时刻英汉大词典〔born〕in all one's born days 一生中英汉大词典〔break〕finally got the big break in life. 一生中最后走了好运美国传统〔chance〕the chance of a lifetime 一生中难得一遇的机会英汉大词典〔chapter〕begin a new chapter in one's life 开始自己一生中新的一页英汉大词典〔chief〕the chief of one's life 一生中的黄金时代英汉大词典〔contemptible〕the one contemptible action of sb.'s life 某人一生中唯一的可鄙行为英汉大词典〔destined〕sb.'s destined role in life 某人一生中注定要扮演的角色英汉大词典〔event〕the most traumatic event of my life 我一生中最痛苦的事件麦克米伦高阶〔fortune〕fortunes The turns of luck in the course of one's life. fortunes 时运,命运:人一生中运气的转变美国传统〔heyday〕the heyday of life 一生中的黄金时代(或青春时期) 英汉大词典〔high〕the emotional highs and lows of an actor's life 演员一生中感情上的起伏跌宕牛津搭配〔in〕the hardest decision I ever made in my life 我一生中作出的最困难的决定朗文当代〔lifetime〕wisdom gained in the course of a long lifetime 在漫长的一生中获得的智慧牛津搭配〔limit〕a lifetime limit of five years for welfare support 一生中享受福利救济不超过 5 年的限制牛津搭配〔lonely〕a period of loneliness in his life 他一生中孤苦伶仃的一段时间牛津高阶〔low〕the highs and lows of an actor's life 演员一生中的起起落落朗文当代〔monumentally〕the most monumentally hideous night of my life我一生中最可怕的一夜外研社新世纪〔page〕a colourful page in one's life 一生中绚丽多彩的一页英汉大词典〔phase〕a phase of your life.一生中的某个阶段。牛津同义词〔phase〕the main Catholic rituals that mark important phases in a person's life 标志着一个人一生中各重要阶段的主要天主教仪式牛津搭配〔start〕make a good start in life 实现一生中的良好开端 英汉大词典〔stressful〕a stressful period in my life.在我一生中的一段紧张的时期。牛津同义词〔twilight〕in the twilight of his life. 他一生中的衰落时期美国传统




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