

单词 一球
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRAZY〕When Italy scored the winning goal the crowd went mad. 意大利队攻进致胜一球时,观众都疯狂了。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕The team rose to the challenge and fought back to produce another goal. 该球队全力应战,奋起反击并再次攻入一球。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Sergei Rebrov scored the goal that finally ended an enthralling match. 谢尔盖·雷布罗夫射入一球,终于结束了这场引人入胜的比赛。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Barnes scored the winning goal in the closing seconds of the game. 巴恩斯在终场前的最后几秒内攻进致胜一球。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕After scoring the winning goal he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit. 攻进致胜一球后,他带着满足而自负的神情几乎沿着马路跳舞。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕City got only one goal, and owed everything to the extraordinarily quick reflexes of their goalkeeper. 曼城队仅攻入一球,其胜利全靠他们的守门员那非凡的快速反应。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕England's only goal came midway through the second half. 英格兰队在下半场中段时才踢进一球。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Leeds fans howled in anguish as Arsenal scored another goal. 阿森纳队又踢进一球,利兹队的球迷痛苦地嚎叫了起来。朗文写作活用〔Their goose was cooked〕Their goose was cooked after that last goal.最后一球锁定了他们的败局。韦氏高阶〔UNCERTAIN〕Spurs are a goal up but there are ten minutes to go and the match could still go either way. 热刺队领先一球,但是比赛还有十分钟,输和赢都有可能。朗文写作活用〔adjudge〕Morton was adjudged to have carried the ball across the goal line, so a goal was awarded.莫顿被裁定持球越过了球门线, 所以判进一球。外研社新世纪〔all-important〕David Williams scored the all-important goal eight minutes before full-time.大卫•威廉斯在全场结束前八分钟进了关键一球。外研社新世纪〔all-important〕It was Johansson who scored the all-important goal shortly before half-time.正是约翰森在上半场结束前不久踢进了极其关键的一球。剑桥高阶〔answer〕The home team scored first but the visiting team answered quickly. [=the visiting team also scored soon after the home team scored] 主队率先进球得分,但客队很快也回敬一球。韦氏高阶〔apt〕It seemed apt that the winning goal was scored by the captain.可以说,致胜一球是队长射入的。麦克米伦高阶〔architect〕Jones was the architect of the team's first goal.琼斯是球队入第一球的发动者。牛津高阶〔back〕Liverpool were back level again two minutes later with a superb goal.两分钟以后,利物浦队精彩地进了一球,又扳平了比分。朗文当代〔bail〕Sutton bailed his team out with a goal in the last minute.萨顿在最后一分钟里踢进一球,拯救了他的球队。朗文当代〔beauty〕That last goal was a beauty! 最后进的一球真绝!牛津高阶〔blinding〕He scored a blinding goal.他踢进了令人难忘的一球。麦克米伦高阶〔breathless〕He scored the winning run off the last ball in front of 97,000 breathless fans at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.在墨尔本板球场内97,000名屏息以待的球迷面前, 他打入最后关键一球, 赢得了胜利。外研社新世纪〔center〕A point equidistant from all points on the circumference of a circle or on the surface of a sphere.圆心,球心:与一圆周上或一球面上所有点等距的一点美国传统〔charge〕Allen led the charge, but could they get a goal back? 艾伦领头发起进攻,但他们能扳回一球吗?牛津搭配〔classic〕His winning goal was classic.他制胜的一球堪称典范。韦氏高阶〔classic〕Roy scored a classic goal in the 90th minute.罗伊在第 90 分钟时踢进了漂亮的一球。朗文当代〔clutch〕She scored a clutch basket.她投进了关键的一球。韦氏高阶〔concede〕England conceded a goal immediately after half-time.英格兰队在下半场一开始就被攻入一球。牛津高阶〔decider〕McGrath scored the decider in Villa's 2-1 home win over Forest.麦格拉斯射进了制胜一球, 使维拉队以2比1主场击败了森林队。外研社新世纪〔deciding〕Glennon scored the deciding goal in the final minute of the match.格伦农在比赛的最后一分钟攻入了具有决定性的一球。剑桥高阶〔defence〕Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal.韦尔福特突破防守射进了制胜的一球。牛津高阶〔die〕United scored an equaliser in the dying minutes of the game.联队在最后时刻射入一球,将比分扳平。朗文当代〔drive〕He hit a hard/long drive down the left-field line.他用力猛击一球,球往左外野滚去。韦氏高阶〔dunk〕He threw down a dunk for a 64-52 lead.他扣入一球, 使得比分以64比52领先。外研社新世纪〔extra time〕Beckham scored in extra time.贝克汉姆在加时赛中射入一球。朗文当代〔extra time〕They won by a single goal after extra time.他们在加时赛中仅踢进一球即获胜。牛津高阶〔first string〕A group of players that play regularly or start games for a sports team.主力队员:为一球队而定期比赛或开始比赛的一群选手美国传统〔game〕She scored a goal to tie the game.她进了一球,平了这场比赛。韦氏高阶〔gem〕He pitched a gem of a game.他投出了比赛中最漂亮的一球。韦氏高阶〔give up〕The pitcher didn't give up a hit till the ninth inning.投手到第九局才失掉了一球。韦氏高阶〔goal〕She scored the winning goal in the game's final minute.比赛临近结束时,她射进了制胜的一球。韦氏高阶〔goal〕The equalizing goal came from Cole.将比分扳平的一球是科尔攻入的。牛津搭配〔goal〕The scorer of the winning goal.打进制胜一球的得分手柯林斯高阶〔goal〕Visconti scored one goal himself and made two for Lupo.维斯孔蒂自己打入一球并为卢波助攻两球。牛津搭配〔good〕The first serve was wide, but the second was good.第一球发得太远了,第二球发得刚刚好美国传统〔hit〕He made the winning hit.他击出了致胜的一球。牛津高阶〔home run〕A hit that allows the batter to make a complete circuit of the diamond and score a run.本垒打:击球员可打出绕球场一周然后回到本垒得分的一球美国传统〔in the process〕He scored the goal but was injured in the process.他进了一球,但在这个过程中也受了伤。韦氏高阶〔lapse〕A defensive lapse by Keown allowed Tottenham to score.基翁的防守失误让托特纳姆队踢入了一球。朗文当代〔lead with〕The Chinese team led with a strong attack and scored a goal in 10 minutes.中国队一开场就进行猛攻,并在10分钟内进了一球。21世纪英汉〔lucky〕He scored a goal on a lucky shot.他幸运地射入一球。韦氏高阶〔maestro〕The winning goal was scored by the maestro himself.致胜的一球是大师自己拿下的。牛津高阶〔mark〕A strike or spare in bowling.保龄球中的一球击倒或二击全倒美国传统〔midway〕The goal was scored midway through the first half.上半场中段时攻进一球。牛津高阶〔muff〕I muffed a catch.我漏接了一球。文馨英汉〔nap〕The German team were caught napping and Beckham scored the winning goal.趁德国队一不留神,贝克汉姆踢入了致胜的一球。朗文当代〔net〕He secured a dramatic victory for England by netting the ball half a minute before the end of the game.他在比赛结束前半分钟攻进一球,使英格兰队赢得了戏剧性的胜利。剑桥高阶〔nick〕City nicked a goal in the dying seconds of the game.城队在比赛行将结束之时踢进了一球。外研社新世纪〔nip〕Flynn nipped in to score the winning goal.弗林冲上前攻进了致胜的一球。麦克米伦高阶〔oblige〕The fans were looking for another goal and Owen duly obliged (= he scored).正当球迷们期待再入一球时,欧文不负众望射门得分。牛津搭配〔opportunist〕Eric Cantona made the game safe with a brilliant opportunist goal.埃里克·坎通纳抓住机会踢进绝妙的一球,锁定了比赛的胜局。柯林斯高阶〔penalty〕Townsend kicked a penalty (=in a rugby game) in the last minute.最后一分钟,汤森罚进了一球。朗文当代〔play〕The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.新投手向一垒投出了精彩的一球。剑桥高阶〔pocket〕Games To hit (a ball) into a pocket of a pool or billiard table.【游戏】 击球落袋:将(一球)击入落袋台球桌或桌球桌的袋内美国传统〔pop〕Baseball To hit (a ball) high in the air but not far.【棒球】 击小腾空球:在空中击出高且近的(一球)美国传统〔pull〕They pulled back a goal just before half-time.在上半场临结束时,他们扳回一球。牛津高阶〔raise the roof〕The crowd raised the roof when the winning goal was scored.当一球锁定胜局后,人群沸腾了。韦氏高阶〔ram〕McNeill rammed home the winning goal in the second half.麦克尼尔在下半场比赛中一脚劲射踢入致胜一球。麦克米伦高阶〔reply〕Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game.摩洛哥队在一球未失的情况下连入四球,赢得了这场比赛。牛津高阶〔save〕He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.球打到了他的头上, 他救了这一球。外研社新世纪〔score〕Tennant scored (a goal) in the last minute of the game.坦南特在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。剑桥高阶〔side〕The home side scored in the opening ten minutes.主队开场 10 分钟便进了一球。牛津搭配〔signal〕The umpire signaled a strike.裁判用手势示意这一球为好球。韦氏高阶〔spectacular〕He scored a spectacular goal in the second half.他在下半场攻进了漂亮的一球。剑桥高阶〔spell〕Viera ended his barren spell with a goal against Parma.维埃拉一球洞穿帕尔玛队大门,终于结束了他的进球荒。牛津搭配〔stonker〕Stephen Carr scored a stonker of a goal.斯蒂芬‧卡尔进了漂亮的一球。朗文当代〔stretch〕With a goal in the second half, Spurs stretched their lead to 3-0.下半场进了一球后,热刺队把领先的优势扩大到三比零。朗文当代〔strike〕Henry struck the winning goal seconds before the end of the match.在比赛结束前的数秒钟内亨利攻进了致胜一球。麦克米伦高阶〔stun〕Redfern stunned the crowd with a last-minute goal.雷德芬在最后一分钟进了一球,使观众大吃一惊。朗文当代〔stun〕The impact of the ball had stunned her.那一球把她打昏了过去。朗文当代〔take〕The pitcher gave him a curve and that took him out.投手给他一个刁球,这一球使他出局了。英汉大词典〔time〕His goal in the third minute of time added on sealed the match.他在比赛伤停补时阶段的第三分钟射进一球,决定了比赛的胜利。剑桥高阶〔time〕Murray's perfectly timed pass set Snell up for a well-taken goal.默里适时的传球帮助斯内尔射进了精彩的一球。麦克米伦高阶〔up〕United were a goal up at half time.半场时联队领先一球。朗文当代〔vicarious〕He got a vicarious thrill out of watching his son score the winning goal.他看着儿子射入获胜的一球,也同样感到欣喜若狂。牛津高阶〔victory〕A goal in the final seconds of the game sealed their victory.他们在比赛还剩最后几秒时进了一球,锁定了胜局。牛津搭配〔when〕The best moment was when he scored the winning goal.最精彩的一刻是他射入致胜一球的时候。朗文当代〔whiff〕The golfer nearly whiffed on the shot.这名高尔夫球手差点没击中这一球。韦氏高阶〔whistle〕He scored the winning goal just seconds before the final whistle.他就在终场哨声前的几秒钟内打进了制胜的一球。牛津高阶〔winner〕Moran scored the winner with only two minutes left.比赛只剩两分钟时,莫兰射入了致胜的一球。朗文当代〔winner〕Rooney scored the winner after 20 minutes 鲁尼在 20 分钟后射入了致胜的一球。牛津高阶〔winning〕Beckham scored the winning goal.贝克汉姆射入了制胜的一球。朗文当代〔winning〕Donovan scored the winning goal.多诺万攻入制胜的一球。外研社新世纪Brilliantly avoiding a series of tackles he reached the box and scored a goal.巧妙地躲过一连串阻截后,他跑到罚球区并踢进一球。剑桥国际By half time Argentina had whittled the gap down to one goal.到半场结束时,阿根廷队已将差距缩小到了一球。剑桥国际He secured a dramatic victory for England by netting (= kicking into the net) the ball half a minute before the end of the game.在比赛结束前半分钟他踢进一球,使英国队赢得了戏剧性的胜利。剑桥国际Scotland spoiled England's party by scoring an equalizing goal in the last minute of the match.苏格兰在比赛的最后一刻射入一球,扳平了比分,令英格兰队大为扫兴。剑桥国际The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.保龄球的目标是一球或两球击倒所有的瓶型滚柱。剑桥国际The stadium shook with a roar as the winning goal was scored.随着决胜一球的踢入,整个体育场欢声雷动。剑桥国际Their team defended dourly (= determinedly but uninterestingly) for most of the game, but lost by letting in a last-minute goal.比赛的大多数时间里,他们队执拗地防守,但还是在最后一分钟输了一球。剑桥国际They scored the winning goal in injury time.他们在伤停补时中踢进了致胜的一球。剑桥国际




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