

单词 一版
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bump sth up〕The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released.该软件的下一版本发行时,经销商很可能要提价。剑桥高阶〔date〕They needed to bring the first edition of the textbook up to date.他们需要更新这部教材的第一版。韦氏高阶〔disgust〕Dear Sir, I was disgusted to see the picture on page one of Sunday's feature section.亲爱的先生: 看到周日报纸上专题第一版里的照片,我感到很气愤。朗文当代〔distribution〕I attach a copy of the distribution list so you can see who got the last edition.我附了一份销售清单,这样你就可以知道谁有最后一版。牛津搭配〔each〕He handed each of them a page of photos.他给他们每个人一版照片。柯林斯高阶〔extra〕A special edition of a newspaper.号外:报纸中特殊的一版美国传统〔first edition〕The first published copies of a literary work printed from the same type and distributed at the same time.第一版:首次出版的文学作品的复印品,由同一套活字印制并同时发行美国传统〔first edition〕There were many errors in the book's first edition.这本书的第一版有许多差错。韦氏高阶〔front-page〕To place or report on the front page of a newspaper.把…刊登在头版:放在报纸第一版或在第一版报道美国传统〔hold〕They intend to hold the article over for the next edition.他们计划把这篇文章推迟到下一版刊发。麦克米伦高阶〔is patterned after〕The new program is patterned after an earlier one.新的程序是模仿其前一版本设计的。韦氏高阶〔item〕There's an interesting item on the back page.最后一版上有一条有趣的新闻。剑桥高阶〔later〕The late edition of this paper appears at 3 p.m.; there is a later one at 5 p.m.本报的晚报在下午三时出版,下午五时还有更晚的一版。文馨英汉〔launch〕We have launched the first edition of the work.我们已出了那部著作的第一版。英汉大词典〔material〕In my version of the script, I added some new material.在我这一版的剧本中, 我添加了一些新的素材。外研社新世纪〔obtain〕First editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain.这些书的第一版现在已几乎弄不到了。剑桥高阶〔outtake〕A complete version, as of a recording, that is dropped in favor of another version.遗弃的版本:出于对另一版本的偏受而被遗弃的(如录制节目的)完整的版本美国传统〔out〕The first edition of the book sold out within 24 hours.这本书的第一版在24小时内就销售一空。麦克米伦高阶〔pencil〕A previous owner had pencilled ‘First Edition’ inside the book's cover.这本书过去的主人在书的封面内页上用铅笔写了“第一版”。牛津高阶〔prefer〕I greatly prefer this version.我更喜欢这一版本。牛津搭配〔pristine〕I found a pristine copy of the novel's first edition.我找到一本未污损的该小说的第一版。文馨英汉〔project〕The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March.本书的下一版计划于三月发行。牛津高阶〔publish〕The first edition was published in 1765.第一版于 1765 年出版。朗文当代〔publish〕The first edition was published in 2007.第一版于 2007 年发行。牛津高阶〔read〕For “one thousand” another version reads “ten thousand”.“一千”这个数目在另一版本中作“一万”。英汉大词典〔reissue〕A reprinting of postage stamps from unchanged plates.重印邮票:同一版本的邮票的重印美国传统〔reprint〕The first edition sold out so we are reprinting it/it is reprinting.第一版销售一空,所以我们正在重印/这本书正在重印。剑桥高阶〔run〕The newspaper ran the story on page one.报纸把这篇报道刊登在第一版。英汉大词典〔sheet〕A large block of stamps printed by a single impression of a plate before the individual stamps have been separated.整版邮票:将邮票单个被分离前由单一版印制的一大版邮票美国传统〔splash〕The city's daily papers splashed the news of his arrival across their front pages.全市的日报在第一版以显著地位报道他的到达。英汉大词典〔there〕We had hoped to fill the back page with extra news; we're not quite there yet.我们本来希望补充一些新闻把最后一版填满,可是现在差得还很远。柯林斯高阶〔version〕This new design is better than the first version.这款新设计比第一版好。韦氏高阶Each section of the newspaper has an index with short squibs describing stories which appear in the section.报纸的每一版都有一个本版内容的简介目录。剑桥国际First editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain.这些书的第一版现在已几乎不可能得到了。剑桥国际The company is featured in the current edition of the magazine.最近这一版的杂志介绍了这家公司。牛津商务The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released.当下一版本软件发行时,批发商很可能抬高其价格。剑桥国际The first edition sold out so we are reprinting it[T]/it is reprinting.第一版卖光了,因此我们正在重印。剑桥国际They've updated a lot of the entries in the most recent edition of the encyclopaedia.他们在最近一版的百科全书中更新了许多条目。剑桥国际




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