

单词 一中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cape Cod cottage〕A compact house of one or one-and-a-half stories with a gabled roof and a central chimney.科德角式小屋:一层或一层半高且结构紧凑的房屋,有一中央带烟囱的三角形屋顶美国传统〔accountability〕This process of centralization further reduces accountability.这一中央集权化过程进一步削弱了责任意识。牛津搭配〔bird's-eye〕A fabric woven with a pattern of small diamonds, each having a dot in the center.鸟眼花纹织物:织有小钻石图案并且每一中心有一圆点的织物美国传统〔buddy up〕He buddied up with a student from another high school.他与来自另一中学的一名学生交朋友。21世纪英汉〔caesura〕In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.暂停:在拉丁或希腊韵律学中,表示在一个音步中由于单词的收尾而引起的行间停顿,尤其是当这一中断与意义的划分相一致的时候美国传统〔centralize〕To draw into or toward a center; consolidate.使集中:拖入或引向一中心;集中起来美国传统〔centre〕Discussions were centred on developments in Eastern Europe.讨论围绕着东欧的发展这一中心议题进行。牛津高阶〔come/crawl out of the woodwork〕As soon as she won the lottery, people started coming out of the woodwork, asking for money.她刚一中彩票,大家就纷纷冒出来向她要钱。韦氏高阶〔dessertspoon〕Add a dessertspoon of sugar.加一中匙的糖。麦克米伦高阶〔dessertspoon〕Add a dessertspoonful of dry mustard.加一中匙的干芥末。朗文当代〔focus〕To cause (light rays, for example) to converge on or toward a central point; concentrate.使集中,使聚合:使(如光线)集中在一中心点或向中心点集中;集中美国传统〔horn〕Any of various noisemakers operated by blowing or by squeezing a hollow rubber ball.喇叭:任何通过吹或挤压一中空的橡皮球而发出噪音的物体美国传统〔mandarin〕A member of any of the nine ranks of high public officials in the Chinese Empire.九品中的官员:任一中国古代帝国高级官员的九品官阶中的成员美国传统〔mediate〕Acting through, involving, or dependent on an intervening agency.间接的:通过一中间媒介进行活动的,牵涉到中间媒介的,依赖于中间媒介的美国传统〔mediation〕Law An attempt to bring about a peaceful settlement or compromise between disputants through the objective intervention of a neutral party.【法律】 调停:通过一中立方的客观公正的调停以期为冲突各方带来和平的解决争端的方式或使之相互妥协美国传统〔mesarch〕Originating in a moderately moist habitat. Used of a sere.中生演替的:在一中等潮湿的环境里发生的。用于指生态演替美国传统〔percolator〕A coffeepot in which boiling water is forced repeatedly up through a central tube to filter back down through a basket of ground coffee beans.咖啡渗滤壶:一种咖啡壶,使开水反复通过一中心管,再返回滤过的磨好的咖啡豆美国传统〔spiral〕Circling around a center at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance.螺旋的:绕一中心作逐渐靠近或远离的旋绕的美国传统〔wheel〕To cause to turn around or as if around a central axis; revolve or rotate.旋转:使盘旋,使仿佛绕着一中心轴旋转;旋转,回旋美国传统〔wheel〕To turn around or as if around a central axis; revolve or rotate.旋转:围绕或仿佛围绕一中心轴而转动;盘旋,旋转美国传统Add one dessertspoonful of sugar.加一中匙的糖。剑桥国际




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