

单词 上院
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attire in〕The Lords were attired in their ceremonial robes for the opening of parliament.上院议员身着礼服参加议会的开幕式。21世纪英汉〔consistory〕Roman Catholic Church An assembly of cardinals presided over by the pope for the solemn promulgation of papal acts, such as the canonization of a saint.【罗马天主教】 教议会上院:正式颁布天主教法令并由教皇主持的红衣主教集会,如正式封某人为圣徒等美国传统〔negative〕The motion was negatived by the House.上院否决了该项议案。21世纪英汉〔peer〕He used to be in the House of Commons but he has been made a peer.他以前一直在下院,但现在已被封为贵族而成为上院议员了。英汉大词典〔senate〕Often Senate The upper house in the bicameral legislature of many states in the United States. 常作 Senate 参议院:美国的一些州的两院制立法机关中的上院美国传统〔senate〕Senate The upper house of the U.S. Congress, to which two members are elected from each state by popular vote for a six-year term. Senate 参议院:美国议会的上院,由每州通过公民投票选出两名任期六年的参议员组成美国传统〔senate〕Senate The upper legislative house in Canada, France, and some other countries. Senate 参议院:加拿大,法国,和其它一些国家中的立法议院的上院美国传统〔upper house〕The branch of a bicameral legislature, such as the U.S. Senate, that is smaller and less broadly representative of the population.上议院:两院制中的上院,如美国的参议院,人数较少并且民众的代表性较狭窄美国传统〔upper house〕The upper house of the US Congress is the Senate.美国议会的“上院”是参议院。剑桥高阶In Britain, the upper house is also called the House of Lords, and it does not have as much power as the House of Commons.在英国上院又称贵族院, 但它远没有下议院那么大的权力。剑桥国际Peers voted by 125 to 103 on Thursday to amend the Disability Allowances Bill.上院议员星期四以125对103票修改了残疾补贴法案。剑桥国际Peers were told yesterday that there are no plans to sell off Britain's 2000 miles of canal.上院议员昨天被告知没有计划要卖掉英国的2000英里运河。剑桥国际The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress. 参议院是议会的上院。译典通The upper house of the state parliaments of New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia is called the legislative council.新南威尔士、南澳大利亚、塔斯马尼亚、维多利亚和西澳大利亚州议会的上议院被称为上院。剑桥国际




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