

单词 上部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕An airplane wing is curved on top and flat on the bottom. 飞机的机翼上部呈曲线形,底部是平的。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕She has had few offers of work since her last movie bombed so spectacularly. 自从她上部影片的票房一败涂地,她就极少得到片约了。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕The French generals had positioned thousands of troops along the border. 法国的将军已在边境上部署了数千名士兵。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕In the morning the minister received a deputation from the National Union of Farmers protesting about the government's plans to cut agricultural subsidies. 早上部长接待了全国农民协会的一个代表团,他们抗议政府削减农业津贴的计划。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof. 墙的上部加了大梁以加固这个中世纪的雕花穹顶。朗文写作活用〔airglow〕A low- or middle-latitude, more or less steady, faint photochemical luminescence in the upper atmosphere.气辉:大气层上部位于低纬或中纬的相对稳定的微弱光化冷光美国传统〔anglerfish〕A marine fish of the order Lophiiformes or Pediculati, having a long dorsal fin ray that is suspended over the mouth and that serves as a lure to attract prey.琵琶鱼,鮟鱇:一种鮟鱇目或足鳍目海洋鱼,有很长的背鳍线悬在嘴的上部,用作诱饵来捕食食物美国传统〔bib〕The part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest.围裙上部,工装裤上部:围裙的一部分或工装裤胸前的部分美国传统〔blade〕The flat upper surface of the tongue just behind the tip.舌面:舌尖后平的上部表面美国传统〔bodice〕The fitted part of a dress that extends from the waist to the shoulder.女上衣的上部:女连衣裙的上身,从腰部延伸到肩部美国传统〔brace〕A device that holds or fastens two or more parts together or in place; a clamp.铁钳,夹子:将两个或两个以上部分夹在或扣在一起的装置;钳子美国传统〔brush cut〕A short haircut in which the hair stands up on top, resembling a brush.头发上部直立、像刷子一样的短发美国传统〔bucktooth〕A prominent, projecting upper front tooth.龅牙,獠牙:一个突出的,位于前方上部的牙齿美国传统〔bulk〕After bulking up for his last film role, he's now down to a slim 11 stone.在为饰演上部电影的角色增肥后,他现在已经减至很瘦的11英石。麦克米伦高阶〔cap〕The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom.菌盖:蘑菇的上部或菌盖美国传统〔case〕Many plants produce a pair of buds on opposite sides of the stem, in which case prune just above them.很多植物会在花梗对侧长出一对花苞, 在这种情况下要把花苞以上部分剪掉。外研社新世纪〔cauline〕Of, having, or growing on a stem. Used especially of leaves arising from the upper part of a stem.茎的:属于茎的、有茎的或长在茎上的。特指茎上部生出的叶子美国传统〔clerestory〕The upper part of the nave, transepts, and choir of a church, containing windows.纵向天窗,顶楼:教堂正厅、袖廊及唱诗班席位的上部,包括窗户美国传统〔clinandrium〕A hollow containing the anther in the upper part of the column of an orchid flower.药窝,花粉囊:兰花柱端上部含花药的凹坑美国传统〔cobbler〕A deep-dish fruit pie with a thick top crust.厚皮水果馅饼:一大盘上部皮厚的水果馅饼美国传统〔cooktop〕A flat cooking surface making up the top of a stove or built into a countertop, usually having electric heating elements covered by a sheet of glass.嵌入式四眼电炉:组成炉子上部或建在厨房操作台的烹调的平台,通常有覆盖一层玻璃的电热电池美国传统〔coronet〕The upper margin of a horse's hoof.蹄冠:马蹄的上部边缘美国传统〔crown〕The top or upper part of a hat.帽顶:帽子的顶部或上部美国传统〔cyma recta〕A cyma in which the upper section is concave and the lower section convex.反S形线脚,上凹:一种反曲线装饰板条,其上部是凹的,而下部是凸的美国传统〔cyma reversa〕A cyma in which the upper section is convex and the lower section concave.波浪曲线装饰板:一种反曲线装饰板条,其上部是凸的,而下部是凹的美国传统〔deckhouse〕A superstructure on the upper deck of a ship.甲板室:船的上层甲板的上部建筑美国传统〔dialogue〕Music A composition or passage for two or more parts, suggestive of conversational interplay.【音乐】 对话乐曲:起联想到对话作用的两个或两个以上部分的作曲或乐曲段落美国传统〔ear〕A small box in the upper corner of the page in a newspaper or periodical that contains a printed notice, such as promotional material or weather information.报头角小栏,小专栏:在报刊或期刊上部角落一个小栏目,印有通知,如广告材料或天气预报等美国传统〔entablature〕The upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze, and cornice.柱顶盘,上横梁:一座古典的建筑的上部,置于柱体之上,由柱式过梁、雕带和挑檐三部分组成美国传统〔epinasty〕A downward bending of leaves or other plant parts, resulting from excessive growth of the upper side.偏上性:由于上部的过度生长而导致的叶片或植物其他部分的向下弯曲美国传统〔fatback〕The strip of fat from the upper part of a side of pork, usually dried and salt-cured.腌用猪板油:猪肉背面上部的条状猪油,通常晒干并用盐腌美国传统〔fetlock〕A projection on the lower part of the leg of a horse or related animal, above and behind the hoof.球节:马或相关动物腿下部蹄后上部的突起部分美国传统〔fillet〕Heraldry A narrow horizontal band placed in the lower fourth area of the chief.【纹章学】 筋鞘:刻在纹章底子上部四分之一处的狭窄水平带美国传统〔flèche〕A slender spire, especially one on a church above the intersection of the nave and transepts.尖塔:一种纤细的尖顶,尤指教堂的中殿与十字形耳堂相交处的上部的塔尖美国传统〔foreside〕The front or upper side or part.前部,上部:在某侧或某部分的前部或上部美国传统〔foretopmast〕The mast that is above the foretop.前桅的中段:前桅平台上部的桅美国传统〔fork〕A bifurcation or separation into two or more branches or parts.分岔,分支:分成两个或两个以上部分美国传统〔frieze〕A decorative horizontal band, as along the upper part of a wall in a room.壁缘:沿尾内墙壁的上部装饰的水平饰带美国传统〔frontal bone〕A cranial bone consisting of a vertical portion corresponding to the forehead and a horizontal portion that forms the roofs of the orbital and nasal cavities.额骨:包括和前额相对的垂直部分与形成眼眶与鼻腔上部的水平部分的头部骨头美国传统〔galea〕A helmet-shaped part, such as the upper petal of certain plants or part of the maxilla of an insect.盔瓣:盔状部分,例如特定植物的上部花瓣或者昆虫下颚部分美国传统〔gape〕The chicks have deep red mouths with orange upper parts and the gape flanges are white.幼雏嘴呈深红色, 上部橙色, 嘴边凸缘白色。外研社新世纪〔glabella〕The smooth area between the eyebrows just above the nose.眉间,印堂:鼻子上部和眉毛之间的光滑部分美国传统〔gunwale〕The upper edge of the side of a vessel.舷缘:船只侧面的上部边缘美国传统〔hallway〕Security guards are posted in the hallway outside the president's office.总统办公室外的过道上部署了安全保卫人员。麦克米伦高阶〔hank〕Nautical A ring on a stay attached to the head of a jib or staysail.【航海】 帆眼圈:附着于船首三角帆或三角帆上部绳索上的一种圈美国传统〔haunch〕The hip, buttock, and upper thigh in human beings and animals.腿臀部:人或动物的髋部、臀部及大腿上部美国传统〔hock〕A small cut of meat, especially ham, from the front or hind leg directly above the foot.腿肉:尤指一小块取于前后腿向上部分的腿肉美国传统〔humpback〕A humped upper back.驼背:弓起的背上部美国传统〔hump〕A deformity of the back in human beings caused by an abnormal convex curvature of the upper spine.驼背:人类背部的变形,由脊柱上部不正常的弯曲凸起造成美国传统〔lavabo〕A washbowl that is attached to a wall and filled from a water tank fastened above.洗手盆:固定在墙上,并由上部的水箱供水的洗手盆美国传统〔leaf gap〕A break in the vascular tissue of a stem above the point of attachment of a leaf trace.叶隙:茎的维管组织中的一条裂缝,位于叶迹连接点的上部美国传统〔lubber's hole〕A hole through the platform surrounding the upper part of a ship's mast, through which one may climb to go aloft.桅斗入孔口,桅楼升降口:船的桅杆上部,穿过周围平台的孔,供住更高处去的人通过美国传统〔lupus erythematosus〕A chronic disease of unknown origin characterized by the appearance of red, scaly lesions or patches on the face and upper portion of the trunk.红斑狼疮:一种起因不明的慢性病,症状是在脸上和人体上部出现呈红色鳞状的损伤或斑点美国传统〔maneuver〕A strategic or tactical military or naval movement.调遣,换防:陆上部队或海上部队所作的战略或战术移动美国传统〔maneuver〕To carry out a military or naval maneuver.调动,进行演习:陆上部队或海上部队进行调动或演习美国传统〔mansard roof〕A four-sided roof having a double slope on all sides, with the lower slope much steeper than the upper.双斜坡式屋顶,复折式屋顶:都有双重斜坡的四边屋顶,斜坡的下部比上部陡峭美国传统〔nasopharynx〕The part of the pharynx above the soft palate that is continuous with the nasal passages.鼻咽:软腭上部的咽和鼻道相连的部分美国传统〔névé〕The upper part of a glacier where the snow turns into ice.冰川的上部,雪转化为冰的地方美国传统〔overdraft〕A series of flues in a brick kiln designed to force air down from the top.气流烟道:为强使气流从上部流到下方而设计的装在砖窑里的一系列烟道美国传统〔overhead〕Located, functioning, or originating from above.上面的,高架的:位于上部的,在上方运转的或来源于上部的美国传统〔peak〕The upper after corner of a fore-and-aft sail.帆顶:纵帆角的后上部美国传统〔pommel〕The upper front part of a saddle; a saddlebow.前鞍桥:马鞍前面的上部分;前鞍桥美国传统〔poop deck〕An exposed, partial deck on the stern superstructure of a ship.艉楼甲板:位于船尾上部结构的,通常为露天的一部分甲板美国传统〔put〕The government has promised to put more police officers on the street.政府已经答应在街上部署更多警察。麦克米伦高阶〔quarter〕The upper portion of the after side of a ship, usually between the aftermost mast and the stern.船侧后半部:一艘船船尾的上部,通常指在最靠船尾的桅杆与船舷之间的部分美国传统〔quirk〕Architecture A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.【建筑学】 深槽:在装饰线条的上部凸起部分与下部之间的一条纵向槽美国传统〔rack〕The neck and upper spine of mutton, pork, or veal.颈椎:羊肉、猪肉或牛肉的颈部的脊柱上部美国传统〔railing〕The upper rail of such a structure.扶手:这种架子上部的横档美国传统〔rider〕Something, such as the top rail of a fence, that rests on or is supported by something else.扶手:依靠或被别的物体支撑的物体,如篱笆上部的横梁美国传统〔shin〕The front part of the leg below the knee and above the ankle.胫:腿膝盖以下, 脚 以上部份的前方部份美国传统〔shoe〕The base for the supports of the superstructure of a bridge.垫座:用来支撑桥梁上部结构的底基美国传统〔shoulder patch〕A cloth patch bearing identifying markings, worn on the upper portion of the sleeve of a uniform.臂章:戴在制服袖子上部且上面带有鉴别标志的一个臂章美国传统〔shoulder〕The part of the human body between the neck and upper arm.肩膀:位于脖子与手臂膀上部之间的人体部位美国传统〔sinciput〕The upper half of the cranium, especially the anterior portion above and including the forehead.前顶:头颅的上半部份,尤指额头的前上部,包括额头美国传统〔splenius〕Either of two muscles of the back of the neck, extending from the upper vertebrae to the base of the skull, that rotate and extend the head and neck.夹肌:后颈部从脊椎上部扩展到脑壳底部的四块肌肉中的任一块,使头和颈伸张自如转动灵活美国传统〔spoiler〕A long, narrow hinged plate on the upper surface of an airplane wing that reduces lift and increases drag when raised.扰流器:一种位于飞机翅膀上部的长形狭窄的槽体,在飞机上升时用来减轻上升增加下拉美国传统〔superstructure〕A physical or conceptual structure extended or developed from a basic form.上部结构:从一基本结构延伸出来或发展而来的实际的或概念上的结构美国传统〔superstructure〕Nautical The parts of a ship's structure above the main deck.【航海】 甲板上部结构:位于主甲板之上的舰船结构部分美国传统〔superstructure〕The foundations are finished and work has now begun on building the superstructure of the new library.新图书馆的地基已经打好,现在已经开始修建上部结构了。剑桥高阶〔superstructure〕The rails, sleepers, and other parts of a railway.铁路上部结构:铁路之铁轨、枕木及其他部分美国传统〔tergum〕The upper or dorsal surface, especially of a body segment of an insect or other arthropod.背板:上部或背部表面,尤指昆虫或其它节肢动物的身体的一部分美国传统〔thrush〕Any of numerous migratory songbirds of the family Turdidae, usually having brownish upper plumage and a spotted breast and noted for a clear melodious song.鸫:鸫种的多种迁徒鸣禽之一,身体上部羽毛通常为褐色,胸部有斑点,叫声清脆且有韵律美国传统〔thunderhead〕The swollen upper portion of a thundercloud, usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm.雷雨云砧,雷暴云砧:雷云上部通常与雷暴的发展有关系的膨胀部分美国传统〔toenail〕The thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a toe.趾甲:一个覆盖一个脚趾末端的上部表面透明的角质薄片美国传统〔top boot〕A high boot usually having its upper part made of a different material or with leather of a contrasting color or texture.“下翻”式高统靴:一种上部通常由不同材料或不同颜色或质地的皮革制成的高统靴美国传统〔topside〕Nautical On or to the upper parts of a ship; on deck.【航海】 在甲板上:在船上部;向船前部的方向美国传统〔top〕A forward spin on a ball resulting from such a stroke.上旋:上部击球形成的向前向上旋转美国传统〔top〕A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, as in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin.上部击球:击于球中心以上的抽球,使球向前旋转,例如在高尔夫或网球中美国传统〔torchère〕A usually tall floor lamp with a bowl-shaped part that diffuses the light or directs it upward.地灯:一种通常很高的地灯,其碗状部分能散射光线或将光线导向上部美国传统〔tread〕The upper horizontal part of a step in a staircase.踏步板:楼梯中一个台阶上的水平的上部美国传统〔upper〕The part of a shoe or boot above the sole.鞋帮:鞋或靴的鞋底上部美国传统〔upper〕The upper two-thirds of the wall has been painted.墙上部的三分之二已经粉刷过。韦氏高阶〔upside〕The upper side or portion.上侧或上部美国传统〔upstairs〕She doesn't use the upstairs at all any more.她再也用不着房子的楼上部分了。麦克米伦高阶〔vamp〕The upper part of a boot or shoe covering the instep and sometimes extending over the toe.鞋(靴)面:覆盖在足背上并且有时延伸到脚趾的鞋或靴的上部美国传统〔vena cava〕Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart.腔静脉:把血从身体的上部和下部抽光然后流入心脏的右心房的两支大静脉之一美国传统〔wainscot〕The lower part of an interior wall when finished in a material different from that of the upper part.下壁板:用与上部不同材料装修的墙壁的下段美国传统The iron rod supporting the valances was bent in an arc. 挂窗帘上部短幔的铁棍弯成了个弓形。译典通Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn't fall out.把垃圾袋上部扎紧以防垃圾洒出来。剑桥国际Write your full name and address at the top of the page.在纸的上部写下你的全名和地址。剑桥国际




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