

单词 与此
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alsatian〕Of or relating to Alsace or to its inhabitants or culture.阿尔萨斯的:阿尔萨斯的,阿尔萨斯居民的,阿尔萨斯文化的,或与此相关的美国传统〔Amish〕Of or relating to this sect or its members.安曼教派的,安曼教徒的:安曼教派的、安曼教徒的,或与此有关的美国传统〔CAREFUL〕The investigators worked meticulously through the evidence for several months, but found no real evidence to connect Murray with the crime. 那些调查员几个月来仔细研究了这些证据,但找不出实质性的证据能证明默里与此罪行有关联。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕Taylor has come in for a lot of criticism for his part in the affair. 泰勒因参与此事而成了众矢之的。朗文写作活用〔Finno-Ugric〕Of or relating to Finno-Ugric.芬兰-乌戈尔语系的或与此语系有关的美国传统〔Gaelic〕Of or relating to the Gaels or their culture or languages.盖尔人的、盖尔文化的、盖尔语的或与此有关的美国传统〔INNOCENT〕A jury cleared the company of all criminal charges in connection with the accident. 陪审团宣布对这家公司的一切与此次事故相关的罪行起诉均不能成立。朗文写作活用〔Kurdish〕Of or relating to the Kurds or their language or culture.库尔德人的:库尔德人的,库尔德语言或文化的,或与此有关的美国传统〔Pictish〕Of or relating to the Picts or their language or culture.皮克特的:皮克特人的、皮克特语的或皮克特文化的,或与此相关的美国传统〔READ〕I ploughed through all the documents related to the case. 我费力地看完了与此案有关的所有文件。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Schmidt's lawyer said that he would take no further part in the trial. 施密特的律师说他不会再参与此案的审理。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Leave the vegetables to simmer, and meanwhile bring a large pot of water to a boil. 让蔬菜慢慢煨着,与此同时烧一大锅开水。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Three helicopters scanned the area; the soldiers meanwhile were looking into back gardens, dustbins, and under hedgerows. 三架直升机在该地区进行搜索,与此同时士兵对后院、垃圾桶及灌木树篱进行搜查。朗文写作活用〔Victoriana〕Material or a collection of materials of, relating to, or characteristic of the Victorian era.维多利亚时代的文物:维多利亚时代的材料或一组材料,与此有关或具有此特点美国传统〔absorb〕Meanwhile their energies were absorbed by the task of finding a place to live.与此同时, 他们的精力消耗在寻找住处的任务中。外研社新世纪〔all〕I deny all connection with the scandal.我否认与此丑闻有任何牵连[关系]。文馨英汉〔amplexus〕The copulatory embrace of frogs and toads, during which the male fertilizes the eggs that are released by the female.抱合,拥抱:青蛙、蟾蜍交配时的拥抱,与此同时雄性使雌性排出的卵受精美国传统〔aphotic〕Of or relating to the region of a body of water that is not reached by sunlight and in which photosynthesis is unable to occur.无阳光的:阳光不能照射到的水体区域,在此区域无法进行光合作用的或与此区域有关的美国传统〔atonality〕The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality.无调性:缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;缺少音调美国传统〔bisect〕The highway bisects the road at this point.公路在此点与此路交叉。21世纪英汉〔bubble〕At the same time, the press bubbles with stories of the sale of Russian arms to Serbia.与此同时,报纸上登满了俄罗斯向塞尔维亚出售武器的报道。柯林斯高阶〔cantaloupe〕Any of several other related or similar melons.其它与此相关或相似的一种瓜美国传统〔claw back〕In the meantime his generals will want to claw back some of their old influence.与此同时,他的将军们还想东山再起。柯林斯高阶〔complicit〕A mother who does not report the abuse is said to be complicit.据说一位没有举报这起虐待事件的母亲与此有牵连。柯林斯高阶〔computerized〕Of or relating to a computer or the use of a computer.计算机或计算机应用的或与此有关的美国传统〔contract in〕You have to contract in if you want to participate in the scheme.你想参与此计划的话得先遵守协议。外研社新世纪〔contradict〕Her version contradicted the Govern-ment's claim that they were shot after being challenged.政府声称他们是在受到盘问后被开枪射杀的,而她的说法却与此相矛盾。柯林斯高阶〔crouch〕Meantime, here I crouch over a cup of tea in my unheated study.与此同时,在没有暖气的书房里,我只能就着一杯茶取暖。柯林斯高阶〔debate〕Meanwhile, philosophers debate whether it's right to clone an individual.与此同时,哲学家们就克隆人是对是错进行辩论。朗文当代〔didn't have anything to do with〕He claims he wasn't involved, but I know he had something to do with it.他声称自己与此事没有瓜葛,但我知道有些关联。韦氏高阶〔die a/the death〕The play, like so many before it, died the death after a week.那出戏与此前的很多戏一样,在一周之后以失败告终。剑桥高阶〔direct〕This information has a direct bearing on(= it is closely connected with)the case.这一信息与此论据有直接关系。牛津高阶〔doubt〕No one directly involved with the case doubted him.与此案直接相关的人中没有人怀疑他。柯林斯高阶〔due〕With due respect, is that question relevant? 恕我直言,那个问题与此有关吗?麦克米伦高阶〔extraneous〕We shall ignore factors extraneous to the problem.我们应该撇开与此问题无直接联系的因素。牛津高阶〔extrinsic〕The question is extrinsic to the subject.该问题与此题目无关。文馨英汉〔fictive〕Of, relating to, or able to engage in imaginative invention.虚构的,想象的:用想象力进行创作的、与此有关的或能用想象力能进行创作的美国传统〔fiduciary〕Of, relating to, or being a trustee or trusteeship.受信托的:受信托人的或受信托状态的,与此有关的美国传统〔figurative〕Of or relating to artistic representation by means of animal or human figures.呈现的:用动物或人的形象表现艺术的,或与此有关的美国传统〔flagellar〕Of or relating to a flagellum.鞭毛的,鞭子的:鞭毛的、鞭子的或与此有关的美国传统〔fringe〕Something that resembles such a border or edging.穗状物:与此种边缘相似的东西美国传统〔fumatory〕Of or relating to smoke or fumigation.烟雾的:烟雾或烟熏的或与此有关的美国传统〔functional〕Of, relating to, or indicating a mathematical function or functions.函数的:一个或多个数学函数的、与此有关的或精于此的美国传统〔funeral〕Of, relating to, or resembling a funeral.葬礼的:葬礼的、与此有关的或似葬礼的美国传统〔funicular〕Of, relating to, or constituting a funiculus.脐带的:脐带的、与此有关的或构成脐带的美国传统〔galenical〕Of, relating to, or being a drug or agent made up chiefly of herbal or vegetable matter.草药的:主要由草本物质或植物物质制成的药剂的,与此有关的,作为这种药剂的美国传统〔halve〕Meanwhile, sales of vinyl records halved in 1992 to just 6.7m.与此同时,黑胶唱片的销售量在1992年下降了一半,只有670万张。柯林斯高阶〔homiletic〕Relating to or of the nature of a homily.布道的,说教的:说教性质的,或与此有关的美国传统〔hot〕The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.与此同时, 媒体对于这件事也摇摆不定。外研社新世纪〔ideomotor〕Of or relating to an unconscious or involuntary bodily movement made in response to a thought or an idea rather than to a sensory stimulus.观念运动的:一种由内心思想引起而不是受感官刺激而发生的、下意识或不自觉的身体运动;或与此有关的美国传统〔in the meantime〕She spent four years studying for her law degree. In the meantime, she continued to work at the bank.她花了四年时间攻读法律学位。与此同时,她继续在银行工作。韦氏高阶〔ingressive〕Linguistics Of, designating, or being a speech sound produced with an inhalation of breath.【语言学】 吸气音:通过吸气而发音的,与此有关的,本身如此的美国传统〔instantly〕In the same instant he flung open the car door.与此同时,他猛地推开了车门。柯林斯高阶〔interest〕I declare an interest in this matter, as I am the parliamentary adviser to the Association.我宣布与此事有关,因为我是该协会的议会顾问。麦克米伦高阶〔interest〕I must declare an interest in that both these books are published by my own publishers, Orion.我必须声明与此事有利害关系, 这些书都是由我自己的出版社——奥利安出版社出版的。外研社新世纪〔labial〕Of or relating to the lips or labia.唇的:嘴唇的或唇状物的,或与此有关的美国传统〔lily〕Any of various similar or related plants, such as the day lily or the water lily.百合科植物:一种类似百合科的或与此有关的植物,如黄花菜或水百合美国传统〔meantime〕They can't be vaccinated until they're a year old. Meantime they're protected by everyone else being vaccinated.他们到1岁才可以接种疫苗。与此同时, 他们会受到已经接种疫苗的人的保护。外研社新世纪〔meanwhile〕Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.把油涂在茄子上,加盐和胡椒烤至松软。与此同时,在厚锅中加热剩余的油。柯林斯高阶〔meanwhile〕She spent four years studying for her law degree. Meanwhile, she continued to work at the bank.她花了四年时间攻读法律学位。与此同时,她继续在银行工作。韦氏高阶〔meanwhile〕The incomes of male professionals went up by almost 80%. Meanwhile, part-time women workers saw their earnings fall.男性专业人员的收入几乎增加了 80%,而与此同时,兼职女性的收入却下降了。朗文当代〔merrily〕Meanwhile, the company is merrily pushing ahead with its plans.与此同时公司自顾自地实施着自己的计划。朗文当代〔mixed feelings〕I had mixed feelings about leaving home. I was excited but at the same time, I knew I would miss my family.对于离开家我的感情很矛盾。很兴奋,但与此同时,我知道我会想家。剑桥高阶〔off-track〕Of or relating to gambling on races that is conducted away from a racetrack.场外进行的:赛马场外进行赛马赌博的或与此有关的美国传统〔only〕The company is only too aware of the risks involved.公司太注意与此相关的种种风险了。麦克米伦高阶〔open market〕In the meantime, the stock will continue to trade on the open market.与此同时,股票将继续在公开市场上交易。剑桥高阶〔parallel〕The river paralleled the railroad track for some distance.这条河有一段与此处铁道平行。外研社新世纪〔phylogenetic〕Of or relating to phylogeny or phylogenetics.种系发生的,系统发育学的;或与此有关的美国传统〔primary〕Relating to the replacement of one of several atoms or radicals in a compound by another atom or radical.连上一个碳原子的:用另外一个原子或原子团来替代混合物中某一原子或原子团的过程的或与此有关的美国传统〔program〕A set of coded instructions for insertion into a machine, in accordance with which the machine performs a desired sequence of operations.指令:用来加入机器中的一套密码命令,机器进行与此命令相应的预期运行程序美国传统〔protandrous〕Of or relating to a flower in which the anthers release their pollen before the stigma of the same flower is receptive.雄蕊先熟的:花中花药在该花的柱头有接受能力以前就释放花粉的或与此有关的美国传统〔protogynous〕Of or relating to a flower in which the stigma is receptive before the pollen is shed from the anthers of the same flower.雌蕊先熟的:花中柱头在该花花药释放花粉以前就有接受能力的或与此有关的美国传统〔record〕The geographical spread of the industry in the 16th century is hard to ascertain, for much of it is poorly recorded.这个行业在 16 世纪的地域分布很难界定,因为与此有关的记录很不详细。牛津搭配〔release〕The police will not release the names of the teenagers involved in the robbery.警方将不会公布那些参与此次劫案的青少年的名字。韦氏高阶〔resurface〕Meanwhile the race is on to resurface the road before next Wednesday.与此同时正赶着在下周三之前把路面重新铺好。柯林斯高阶〔savin〕Any of several related plants.与此有关的植物美国传统〔scheme〕Schools in the scheme will receive an annual grant.参与此计划的学校每年将获得一笔拨款。牛津搭配〔skulk〕You, meanwhile, will be skulking in the safety of the car.与此同时,你会安全地藏在汽车里。柯林斯高阶〔sleeve〕I'd been doing some quiet investigating in the meantime and had an ace up my sleeve.与此同时, 我不动声色地展开调查, 掌握了一张王牌。外研社新世纪〔sleeve〕I'd been doing some quiet investigating in the meantime and had an ace up my sleeve.与此同时,我不动声色地展开了调查,掌握了一张王牌。柯林斯高阶〔spoken〕In the meantime, every minute of her time was spoken for.与此同时, 她的每一分钟都早已被预订出去了。外研社新世纪〔stylar〕Botany Zoology Of or relating to a style.【植物学】 【动物学】 与此有关的美国传统〔submission〕All parties will have the opportunity to make submissions relating to this case.各方均有机会提交与此案有关的陈述。牛津高阶〔substantial〕The party has just lost office and with it a substantial number of seats.该党刚刚竞选失利, 与此同时还失去了许多席位。外研社新世纪〔swear〕I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this.我以身家性命担保, 我与此事没有任何关系。外研社新世纪〔therewith〕With that, this, or it.与此:与那、这或它美国传统〔time〕She just kept on talking and all the time I was thinking I wanted to leave.她一直说个没完,与此同时,我正想着要离开。麦克米伦高阶〔uterus〕A corresponding part in other animals.其他动物体内与此相应的部分美国传统〔viatic〕Of or relating to traveling, a road, or a way.旅行的,道路的:旅行的、道路的或路途的,与此相关的美国传统〔vibronic〕Of or relating to changes in molecular energy states associated with the vibrational energy of atoms.电子振动的:分子能量状态改变的或与此有关的,与原子的振动能量相关美国传统〔virginal〕And Julie married Alec, dressed appropriately in virginal white.朱莉穿着一件与此场合相称的纯白婚纱嫁给了亚历克。柯林斯高阶〔volar〕Of or relating to the sole of the foot or the palm of the hand.掌(侧)的,跖(侧)的:脚底的或手掌的或与此有关的美国传统〔wildcat〕Of, relating to, or being an oil or natural-gas well drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive.野猫井的,初探井的:在不知是否产出的地区投机钻探的油井或汽井的,与此相关的或作为此的美国传统〔withal〕Archaic Therewith.【古语】 与此,与之美国传统Everyone who was concerned in the affair regrets it very much. 参与此事的人对此都深感遗憾。译典通I was making a cake anyway so I thought while I was doing that I might as well make some biscuits.既然我在做蛋糕了,因此我想与此同时我可以再做些饼干。剑桥国际Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.与此同时关于欧洲政治和货币同盟的辩论仍在继续。剑桥国际The Prime Minister has cryptically hinted at CIA involvement in the affair.首相暗示中央情报局与此事有关。剑桥国际The majority of officers in the South African police force are now dark-skinned--about 49 000 blacks, 8 500 coloureds and 3 500 Indians, compared to 47 000 whites.在今天的南非,警官中的大部分人都是有色人种----包括大约49 000名黑人,8 500名混血种人和3 500名印度人,与此相比只有47 000名白人。剑桥国际The uprising was followed by massive retaliation from the authorities, who arrested and imprisoned anyone suspected of being involved in it.起义之后当局进行大规模报复,逮捕并关押了任何被怀疑与此事有关的人。剑桥国际




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