

单词 丢下
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POOR〕The rest of her family all died in a smallpox epidemic, leaving her destitute. 她的家人全都死于天花疫症,丢下她一个人,一贫如洗。朗文写作活用〔appearance〕The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run.保安人员突然出现,他们丢下钱就跑了。牛津高阶〔baggage〕Never leave baggage unattended.别丢下行李不管。牛津高阶〔beneath〕What you drop will fall on the spot beneath.你丢下的东西会恰好落在正下方之处。文馨英汉〔betrothed〕She is here without her betrothed.她丢下未婚夫一个人来了。外研社新世纪〔betrothed〕She is here without her betrothed.她丢下未婚夫一个人来了。柯林斯高阶〔booty〕The escaping thieves dropped their booty.逃走的贼丢下了赃。牛津同义词〔bunk off〕Jack bunked off and left his wife with two children.杰克已离家出走,丢下妻子和两个孩子。21世纪英汉〔bunk off〕Millions of football fans are expected to bunk off work to watch the big match.预计数百万足球迷会丢下工作去看这场大赛。外研社新世纪〔cast down〕When I bade him yield he cast down his sword and made himself my slave.我命令他投降, 于是他丢下剑, 成为我的奴隶。外研社新世纪〔cut away〕The boy dropped the apples he had stolen and cut away across the orchard.那个男孩丢下偷来的苹果,飞快地穿过果园逃走了。21世纪英汉〔fate〕They had abandoned him and left him to his fate .他们把他丢下不管,让他听天由命。朗文当代〔fling〕How can you fling your wife away? 你怎能丢下妻子不顾呢? 英汉大词典〔gallivant off〕The mother has shown a poor sense of responsibility, often gallivanting off somewhere and leaving the children on their own.这位母亲表现得责任心不强,她经常只顾自己寻欢作乐,丢下孩子们不管。21世纪英汉〔heavy〕She left her children behind with a heavy heart.她十分难过地丢下了她的孩子们。牛津高阶〔himself〕Why did you leave your little brother by himself? 你为什么把你的弟弟丢下不管?剑桥高阶〔kick〕We were left kicking our heels for half the day.我们被丢下白等了半天。朗文当代〔our〕He walked off and left us on our own.他拂袖而去,丢下我们不管。剑桥高阶〔parting〕As her parting shot, she told me never to phone her again.临别时她丢下一句话,告诉我再也不要打电话给她。朗文当代〔progeny〕The parents, when they separated, left their progeny to fend for themselves.父母离异分居,丢下子女自己照顾自己。英汉大词典〔retrace〕He retraced his steps to the spot where he'd left the case.他折回到他丢下箱子的地方。柯林斯高阶〔rotten〕I feel rotten about leaving them behind.我丢下他们不管,感到很惭愧。牛津高阶〔rot〕Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole.许多政府丢下长期失业者不管, 就让他们靠着救济金得过且过。外研社新世纪〔run off〕You can't run off (home) now, just when I need you! 你不能现在丢下我(回家),我正需要你!剑桥高阶〔run〕Caroline set off at a run, leaving the rest of us to try and catch her up.卡罗琳跑了起来, 丢下我们一群人在后面使劲追她。外研社新世纪〔signal〕The signal was to be the dropping of a handkerchief.约定的暗号是丢下一块手帕。英汉大词典〔stump〕Stir your stumps, or we'll leave without you.快走,要不我们就丢下你自己走了。英汉大词典〔stun〕I was stunned to find that he'd left without us.我震惊地发现他已丢下我们走了。麦克米伦高阶〔throw〕He threw down some money and left.他丢下几个钱就走了。 英汉大词典〔tie〕The intruders tied Kurt up and left him.闯入者把库尔特捆绑起来,然后丢下他走了。朗文当代〔truss〕They trussed up their victim and left him for dead.他们把受害人捆绑起来,丢下他不管死活。朗文当代〔unattended〕Please do not leave your luggage unattended.请不要丢下您的行李无人照管。剑桥高阶〔undone〕He left his work undone.他将工作丢下不管。文馨英汉〔van〕A heap of luggage had been flung from the van.从货车上丢下了一堆行李。英汉大词典〔wounded〕The enemy abandoned their wounded.敌人丢下了伤员。英汉大词典〔wound〕They were told to carry their wounded and leave their dead.他们被命令抬走伤员,丢下死者。柯林斯高阶Sometimes I wish I could just pack it (all) in (= stop doing what I'm doing).有的时候我真想丢下所有的事情。剑桥国际The children had been shamefully neglected.这些孩子被丢下不管,这是可耻的事。剑桥国际The invading warplane dropped a bomb which destroyed the citadel of the frigate. 来袭的飞机丢下一颗炸弹,炸毁了军舰上的炮塔。译典通




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