

单词 不论
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DON'T CARE〕when you do not care because you will be happy whatever happens 你不介意,因为不论发生什么你都会开心朗文写作活用〔circumstance〕help and support for the single mother, whatever her circumstances. 不论单身母亲的经济状况如何均为其提供的帮助与扶持柯林斯高阶〔earthly〕no earthly meaning whatever. 不论怎样都毫无意义美国传统〔k〕whither , from Old English hwider , whither, from Germanic adverb *hwithrē ; whither , 源自 古英语 hwider , 不论何处, 源自 日耳曼语 副词 *hwithrē ; 美国传统〔matter〕no matter who you are or where you're from不论你是谁或是从哪里来外研社新世纪〔reference〕all persons, without reference to sex or age 不论男女老少的所有人英汉大词典〔regardless of〕freedom for all, regardless of race or creed. 不论民族或信仰的全体的自由美国传统〔repetition〕a theme which no amount of repetition makes stale 不论重复多少次也不会使人生厌的一个主题 英汉大词典〔soever〕any place soever 不论什么地方英汉大词典〔soever〕persist no matter how long soever the task may take 不论完成任务需要多久仍然坚持英汉大词典〔status〕a payment made to every individual irrespective of employment status 不论其就业状况发放给每个人的款项牛津搭配〔straight〕apples at fifty cents straight (不论购入或出售多少) 5 角钱一只的苹果英汉大词典〔whether〕whether for good or for evil 不论是好是坏,好歹文馨英汉〔whether〕whether you go or not不论你去不去外研社新世纪〔without〕whether within or without the law 不论在法律规定之内还是在法律规定之外英汉大词典




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