

单词 一个细节
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MISTAKE〕He slipped up on just one detail. 他只在一个细节上疏忽了。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Each butterfly had been photographed in close-up so that you could see every detail. 每只蝴蝶拍的都是特写,可以看到每一个细节部分。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕I can still recollect every detail of that meeting. 我仍能回忆起那次会议的每一个细节。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Alice took her time telling the story, making sure to include every detail. 艾丽丝从容不迫地讲着故事,她想把每一个细节都讲出来。朗文写作活用〔breathlessly〕He breathlessly reported every detail of the accident.他气喘吁吁地汇报了事故的每一个细节。韦氏高阶〔childlike〕She took a childlike glee in describing every detail.她带着天真烂漫的喜悦描述每一个细节。韦氏高阶〔detail〕I don't need to know the precise details of your quarrel.我不需要知道你们吵架的每一个细节。牛津搭配〔detail〕I recall every detail of the party.我回想起聚会的每一个细节。柯林斯高阶〔detail〕She remembered every last detail of what I'd told her the month before.她记得我上一个月告诉她的那些话的每一个细节。牛津搭配〔fix〕He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind.他留意着每一个细节以便牢记这一幕。牛津高阶〔go〕We've planned every detail and are ready to go.我们已经计划好每一个细节,就等着开始行动。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕He knew the last detail of Ronnie's romance.罗尼恋爱史中的每一个细节他都一清二楚。英汉大词典〔letter-perfect〕Correct to the last detail, especially being in or following the exact words.字字正确的;毫无讹误的:正确到最后一个细节的,尤指完全按字面意义的美国传统〔little〕He memorized every little detail of the scene.他记住了那场景的每一个细节。韦氏高阶〔loose end〕A minor unresolved problem or difficulty, especially a final detail preceding the completion of something. Often used in the plural.遗留问题:未能解决的小问题或小困难,尤指完成某一事物之前的最后一个细节。常用于复数美国传统〔methodical〕He always checked every detail in a methodical way.他总是有条不紊地检查每一个细节。朗文当代〔particular〕His news report was wrong in almost every particular.他的新闻报道几乎每一个细节都有差错。麦克米伦高阶〔particular〕This work must be correct in every particular.这项工作的每一个细节都必须正确无误。英汉大词典〔quick〕He's a quick study and easily grasps all the details of a discussion.他学东西很快,轻松地掌握住了讨论的每一个细节。剑桥高阶〔virtue〕The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail.由于一个细节,这篇文章在我脑海里印象深刻。柯林斯高阶She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital.她定要告诉我他们在医院对她所做的每一个细节。剑桥国际The boy drank in every detail of the story. 男孩全神贯注倾听故事的每一个细节。译典通The model of the village is accurate (down) to the last detail (= including every detail).村庄的模型精确到每一个细节。剑桥国际




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