

单词 一个程
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bootstrap〕Computer Science To establish (a program) with a bootstrap.【计算机科学】 引导:运用辅助路径建(一个程序)美国传统〔boot〕Computer Science To enter (a program) into a computer using a few initial instructions.【计算机科学】 引导:使用一些初始命令进入计算机(的一个程序)美国传统〔escape〕Computer Science A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.【计算机科学】 换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行:键盘的一个按键,中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次美国传统〔generator〕Computer Science A program that produces specific programs from the definition of an operation.【计算机科学】 生成程序,发生器,生成器:从运算定义中产生规定程序的一个程序美国传统〔hack〕A programmer had managed to hack into some top-secret government data.一个程序员设法用黑客手段窃取了一些绝密的政府资料。剑桥高阶〔jump〕Computer Science To move from one set of instructions in a program to another out of sequence.【计算机科学】 转移,跳转:不成顺序地从一个程序的一套指令转移到另一套指令上美国传统〔loading〕Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program.几个处理器可共同分担处理一个程序数据的负荷。柯林斯高阶〔log〕To enter into a computer the command to end a session.退出,注销:往计算机内输入结束一个程序的信息美国传统〔log〕To enter into a computer the information required to begin a session.进入,注册,登录:往计算机内输入开始一个程序的信息美国传统〔on the fly〕He had written a program that could translate from Japanese on the fly.他写了一个程序,可即时翻译日语。剑桥高阶〔partition〕Computer Science A location in memory assigned to a program.【计算机科学】 分区:分配给一个程序的存储器空间美国传统〔patch〕I downloaded a patch from their website.我从他们的网站上下载了一个程序补丁。剑桥高阶〔program〕She's written a program to find words that frequently occur together.她设计了一个程序以便找到经常一起出现的词语。剑桥高阶〔scan〕A program is supplied which scans for viruses and removes them.有人提供了一个程序用来扫描并消除病毒。麦克米伦高阶〔subprogram〕A program contained within another program that operates semi-independently of the encasing program.子程序,辅程序:包含于另一程序中的一个程序,能够在其包含程序中半独立运行的美国传统A programmer had managed to hack into some top-secret government data.一个程序员设法侵入了一些绝密的政府资料。剑桥国际




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