

单词 一个样
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕He and his brother are just the same -- lazy. 他和他弟弟一个样——都懒。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕Soldiers are much the same throughout the world. 全世界的军人都一个样。朗文写作活用〔class〕He's got the same style off the pitch as he has on it – sheer class.他场上场下都是一个样——极具风度。外研社新世纪〔class〕He's got the same style off the pitch as he has on it — sheer class.他场上场下都是一个样——极具风度。柯林斯高阶〔conform〕The seamstress made the dress conform to the pattern.女裁缝把这衣服做成和纸样一个样。英汉大词典〔confused〕All the roads looked the same and he felt thoroughly confused.所有的道路看上去都一个样,他感到完全被弄糊涂了。朗文当代〔day〕Day in, day out, the food was the same.食物天天都是一个样。英汉大词典〔give sth away〕The shop is giving away a sample to every customer.商店赠送给每一位顾客一个样品礼包。剑桥高阶〔hypothesis〕I have no patience with the hypothesis that babies are born pretty much alike.我最受不了那种认为初生婴儿长得大都一个样的胡乱猜测。外研社新世纪〔kid〕Maybe tomorrow will be better. Who am I kidding? Tomorrow will be more of the same.或许明天会好点。我想骗谁啊?明天还是一个样。外研社新世纪〔kind〕They're two of a kind—both workaholics! 他们俩一个样,都是工作狂!牛津高阶〔model〕The developer plans to build a model community on the site.开发商想在这个地方建一个样板镇。剑桥高阶〔next〕Nothing really changes around here. One day is pretty much like the next.这里并没有什么实质性的变化,天天差不多都是一个样儿。剑桥高阶〔no〕No two days are the same.一天一个样。牛津高阶〔pattern〕This student is a pattern of what a good student should be.这个学生是好学生的一个样板。英汉大词典〔resemble〕Terrier dogs closely resemble each other.㹴长得差不多都一个样。韦氏高阶〔running〕She changes her look so often that she never seems the same woman two days running.她经常改变形象,一天一个样。柯林斯高阶〔spout〕If you only take a sample then all the statistics are up the spout.如果你只采集了一个样本,那么所有的数据就有问题了。柯林斯高阶〔spurt〕We weren't consistent – we played in spurts.我们不总是一个样,有时会疯玩一阵。朗文当代〔template〕A pattern or gauge, such as a thin metal plate with a cut pattern, used as a guide in making something accurately, as in woodworking.样板:一个样板或标准规格,如在木工中用作在制造某物时的样板的一个刻有图案的薄金属板美国传统Kitchen cleansers are all more or less the same.厨房清洁剂差不多都一个样子。剑桥国际Men are all the same (= all have the same weaknesses).男人全都一个样。剑桥国际Nothing really changes around here. One day is pretty much like the next.这里没有什么实质上的变化,今天跟明天一个样。剑桥国际The council plans to build a model town on the site (= a town which is so good that it will be copied by others).市政会计划在这一旧址上建造一个样板镇。剑桥国际The shop is giving away a sample pack to every customer.商店送给每位顾客一个样品包。剑桥国际




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