

单词 一个整体
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bind〕Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.诸如学校、俱乐部等机构使社区成为一个整体。牛津高阶〔blend〕The poem blends the separate ingredients into a unity.这首诗把几个分开的组成部分联成一个整体。英汉大词典〔body politic〕The people of a politically organized nation or state considered as a group.国民:被视为一个整体的政治集团或国家的人民美国传统〔collective farm〕A farm or a group of farms organized as a unit and managed and worked cooperatively by a group of laborers under state supervision.集体农庄:一个或一组被一组劳动者在政府监督下组织成一个整体进行管理和协作生产的农庄美国传统〔collectivity〕The people as a whole.集体:作为一个整体的人群美国传统〔complement〕Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other.补数:组成一个整体的两部分中的一个或二者互相补充美国传统〔composition〕Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole.布局:对艺术品的加以布置以形成一个整体美国传统〔composition〕The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole.组成:将不同的部分和元素结合成为一个整体美国传统〔continuity〕Cape Cod forms a continuity with a line of islands stretching towards New York.科德角与延伸向纽约的一列岛屿形成了一个整体。外研社新世纪〔crystal〕Such objects considered as a group.水晶制品:被看作一个整体的该种制品美国传统〔departed〕Dead persons considered as a group; the dead.逝者:作为一个整体的已死去的人们;逝者美国传统〔drove〕A flock or herd being driven in a body.畜群:作为一个整体被驱赶的畜群美国传统〔drove〕A large mass of people moving or acting as a body.一大群:作为一个整体运动或行动的一大群人美国传统〔ecosystem〕An ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit.生态系统:生物群落及其环境形成的生态单位,它作为一个整体发挥作用美国传统〔embed〕To cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole.包埋:使…与周围变成一个整体美国传统〔fancy〕The enthusiasts or fans of a sport or pursuit considered as a group.运动迷:作为一个整体的爱好体育和运动者美国传统〔flat back four〕Playing with a flat back four involves pressing and defending as a unit. 采用四后卫平行站位的打法要求作为一个整体共同进退。剑桥高阶〔fleet〕A group of vessels or vehicles, such as taxicabs or fishing boats, owned or operated as a unit.车队;船队:如出租汽车或渔船等作为一个整体归属或行动的一队船只或车辆美国传统〔flying wedge〕A compact, wedge-shaped formation, as of police or guards, moving as a body and used especially for penetrating crowds.楔形推进队:一种尤用于穿过人群中的作为一个整体向前移动的紧密的楔形队列,例如警察或保镖美国传统〔foliage〕Plant leaves, especially tree leaves, considered as a group.叶子:植物的叶子,尤其是树的叶子,通常作为一个整体美国传统〔gentility〕Persons of high social standing considered as a group.上流社会:作为一个整体的上层社会的成员美国传统〔half〕He joined two halves together to make a whole.他把两半接在一起成为一个整体。文馨英汉〔half〕One of two equal parts that together constitute a whole.一半:一起组成一个整体的相等的两部分中的一个美国传统〔half〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。朗文当代〔half〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。牛津高阶〔incorporate〕Combined into one united body; merged.合并的,结合的:并入一个整体的;合并的美国传统〔jigsaw puzzle〕Ecologists no longer view different species as independent, but instead see them as pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle.生态学家不再将不同物种视为彼此独立,而认为它们密切关联,共同构成一个整体韦氏高阶〔leaf spring〕A composite spring, used especially in automotive suspensions, consisting of several layers of flexible metallic strips joined to act as a single unit.板弹簧:一种由多层柔韧的连接成一个整体的金属条组成的复合弹簧,主要用于汽车悬架美国传统〔manhood〕Adult males considered as a group; men.男子:作为一个整体的成年男子;男人们美国传统〔minority〕The smaller in number of two groups forming a whole.少数派:在组成一个整体的两群体中数量上较少的一派美国传统〔monism〕The view in metaphysics that reality is a unified whole and that all existing things can be ascribed to or described by a single concept or system.一元论:一种形而上学理论,认为现实世界是一个整体,所有存在的事物可以被归结或描述为一个单一的概念或系统美国传统〔organic〕Constituting an integral part of a whole; fundamental.基本的:组合成一个整体的内核的;基础的美国传统〔partita〕An instrumental piece composed of a series of variations, as a suite.一种组曲:由一系列变奏曲组成的乐曲篇章,作为一个整体美国传统〔privilege〕Freedom of speech is the privilege of the House as a whole and not the individual member in his own right.言论自由是下议院作为一个整体而享有的权利, 而不是某个议员个人的特权。外研社新世纪〔public〕The community or the people as a whole.公众:作为一个整体的社会或民众美国传统〔readership〕The readers of a publication considered as a group.读者群:被认作一个整体的某出版物的读者群美国传统〔sculpture〕Such works of art considered as a group.各类雕刻作品:被作为一个整体的这种艺术的作品美国传统〔set〕A group of books or periodicals published as a unit.作为一个整体的一套书或期刊美国传统〔suburbia〕Suburbanites considered as a group.郊区居民:作为一个整体而言的郊区居民美国传统〔synthesis〕The combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole.综合:把分别的元素或物质连接成连贯的一个整体美国传统〔system〕An organism as a whole, especially with regard to its vital processes or functions.有机体系统:作为一个整体的有机体,尤指当与它的重要变化过程或作用有关时美国传统〔totalize〕To make or combine into a total.总结,叠加:产生一个整体或组合成一个整体美国传统〔total〕A whole quantity; an entirety.全体数量;一个整体美国传统〔type〕Such pieces considered as a group.铅字群:被当作是一个整体的活字美国传统〔undifferentiated〕Colonial officials tended to see Indian society as an undifferentiated whole.殖民地官员往往把印度社会看成是与自己没有差别的一个整体。朗文当代〔unitary〕Of or relating to a unit.单一的:属于或有关一个整体的美国传统〔united〕Combined into a single entity.联合的:联合成一个整体的美国传统〔universe〕All matter and energy, including Earth, the galaxies and all therein, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.宇宙:一切物质和能量,包括被视为一个整体的地球,各星系及其所包容的星体,和星系间空间电的物质美国传统〔weld〕The union of two metal parts by welding.焊接:把两个金属部件焊接为一个整体美国传统〔whole〕Four quarters make a whole.四个四分之一构成一个整体。牛津高阶〔whole〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。剑桥高阶〔whole〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。朗文当代〔whole〕Two halves or four quarters make a whole.两个一半或四个四分之一构成一个整体。麦克米伦高阶〔wind〕Wind instruments or their players considered as a group.管乐器部:看作一个整体的管乐器或其演奏者美国传统Two halves make a whole (= a complete thing).两个一半构成一个整体。剑桥国际




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